Overweight whole life

I'm that person who's always been the fat one in the family. And I've been trying to lose the extra 25 pounds I always seem to have with no success. And after being made fun of my athletic brother for my weight I know I need to lose it. But I'm just stick I don't want to take dieting pills due to the side effects. Does anyone have any adobe or fitness programs that will help me.


  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    The best option is to adopt healthy habits that fit into your lifestyle. Make an effort to be more active, whatever that may be. (For me, that means taking the stairs at work every opportunity I get; that's just an example, but I have a desk job and probably manage 15 trips a day). Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, stick to lean proteins prepared without additional fat/sauces. Of those foods that you are tempted to overeat, either eliminate them or find a way to manage your portions. It's all about calories in/calories out in the long run.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    There is no magic formula. You simply make better food choices, limit portions and exercise.

    For me, I was lazy and unmotivated, so I sprung for a personal trainer to hold me accountable. I also really started looking at my food and what would help my blood sugar not spike (which had been a problem in the past). It worked. Ten weeks later, I've lost a lot of inches and 30 pounds.

    I don't feel deprived. It's weird, it's almost like as soon as I let go of that old life, food had no power over me.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hey man...don't take diet pills, or fad diets, or fasting or any BS like that. I was always "stocky",,,until I turned 40, and realized I was sick of being big...I wasn't stocky...i was fat. There was no medical reason for it...I was lazy and I ate garbage. I drank beer, ate Mcdonalds 5/6/7/8 times a week, or more, and did no exercise. I was too lazy to exercise, and too lazy to make myself breakfast, or lunch, so I would eat crap from fast food joints.
    Once you decide you want to change, all you have to do is be patient, and stick with it. On those days you fail, don't give up.
    Don't do anything extreme, don't cut your calories drastically, and dont start exercising like a beast..make tiny, almost un-noticeable healthier substitutions in your diet.
    You don't have to kill yourself on the treadmill at the gym, either. Commit to walking an hour a day 2/3/4 times a week, or however long you can, for as many days as you can, try to work up to walking 4x a week for an hour, and be patient. Once you meet your initial goals, kick them up a little.
    You know what you need to do, you just need to decide you really want it. Do you?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You have the best fitness tool right here. Use MFP...all of it. Log your food, log your exercise...you don't need a "program", you just need to decide to make some changes....and then do it.