starting over

ok I am back on it

I have been away fro diets for about 1month
so now I am eating
breakfast fruit
lunch egg and pitta bread
dinner meat and salad or meat and veg

snacks biscuits ( I need a treat to keep me going) ( lactose free)

exercise cleaning and dance work outs at home

where can I improve I only want to get from a size 14 to a size 12 I am 5ft7 weigh 153lbs is this healthy?

any advice would be great please I cant get lactose I am finding it hard to find things to eat


  • KittyKitty1991
    KittyKitty1991 Posts: 14 Member
    5'7 and 153 lbs is healthy
    I'm 5'7 and 145lbs, started at 165 aiming for 120 lbs eventually and im an Australian size 10

    I can't really comment on your food as there are much more knowledgeable people than me here but just make sure you're eating at the very minimum 1200