Fruit & Sugar content

Hi all,
Sorry if i'm repeating a previous thread or asking an obvious question! (I'm new to all this) I've been watching my weight since April and just started using MyFitnessPal this week to help me keep a better track.
I always thought I was lucky because I adore fruit, but using the analysis on here I'm over my Sugar limit everyday from fruit consumtion alone- thus my question is this- Should I restrict my fruit?
I'm always within my daily calorie limit and eat on a 'typical' day: a banana with my breakfast, an apple for a mid morning snack and a kiwi with my lunch...
Thanks in advance for your help!


  • If your sugars are coming all from fruit I wouldn't worry too much about it. Refined sugar is the real problem. As long as you keep your calorie intake under your designated amount you will be fine. I wouldn't even bother tacking sugar unless you insist on consuming a large amount of refined crap.
  • I'm always over my sugar limit from fruit and i haven't gained any weight. If the sugar was coming from cookies/soda etc., that would be a problem.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    sugar = carb

    If you are tracking total carbs, then don't worry about.