Drinking on the weekends



  • DonnaCarmody
    DonnaCarmody Posts: 19 Member
    I start out with Michelob ultra and after a few switch to Miller 64. Can not get a buzz on 64's alone. And I have the problem also of no willpower after drinking and always eat crap afterwards. Just have to exercise more. I use to just run the 5 weekdays, now I run 7 days or at least do some physical activity on the 7th day
  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm a drinker so I let myself induldge on the weekends. I love beer, booze, and wine. I cut my drinking intake down to just weekends, and when I drink it's usually at home where I don't feel tempted to eat bad food and drink. But I also realize it's gonna happen. And when it does I chalk it up to the game and keep it moving. This is a lifestyle change and in order to stay committed to it you have to understand you're not perfect and you are gonna mess up. I also have a pretty regimented training plan and I work out 6 days a week. I'm usually way under my calorie total for the week by the time the weekends come so that takes some of the guilt out when my treat day comes around. Life is too short. As long as you're drinking responsibly I say CHEERS!
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    I never going to be able to quit drinking but I have at least limited it to just on the weekends.

    During the week I am great with healthy foods and exercise and then the weekend comes around and all I want to do is get drunk and eat bad food. Guess it’s the social side of it too, going out with my friends on Saturday night don’t want to sit in front of a salad drinking water, life is short mentality.

    Anyone overcome this problem and can offer any advice?

    I don't think it's a problem. I am ALL for drinking on the weekends..if you were my mfp friend you'd see that fridays are sort of reserved for that, every weekend lol but then I'm always sure to add in a good burn on saturday and sunday. I think limiting yourself to weekends is good to do. You can't just quit altogether, but maybe you can make different choices? For example, I used to love mike's hard lemonades back in the college days (100+ calories) but now switch straight to whiskey shots (70-ish calories) lol
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    Guilty as well!! I love my wine and frozen margaritas!! And I always blow my diet on the weekends with drinking and eating... :-(
    That's probably the reason I see-sawing within the same 20lbs the last 6 months.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member

    Finally, a useful source.
  • zombieyoshi
    Vodka with soda water and lime/lemon wedges. Or my personal favorite, straight liquor, and if you need a chaser drink water. Oh, I also like to drink an emergen-c packet to avoid hangovers.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    Drinking on the weekends is a part of my lifestyle right now and I would probably drink on the weekdays too if it wouldn't make me insanely fat!

    I like to day drink so I can easily consume 1000+ alcohol calories in a day and I usually stick to Carona Light (100 cals per bottle) or Vodka/Fireball (100ish) calories per shot... All my mixers are zero calorie as well... flavored seltzer water, diet soda etc.

    I usually only eat one meal on the weekends... partially from being busy and partially from wanting to save my calories for alcohol... I haven't been that good about staying under my calories and not alchy-snacking but I am trying to be better... I figure by the time I'm 100 I'll have the the calorie counting-drinking game down. :)

  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I never going to be able to quit drinking but I have at least limited it to just on the weekends.

    During the week I am great with healthy foods and exercise and then the weekend comes around and all I want to do is get drunk and eat bad food. Guess it’s the social side of it too, going out with my friends on Saturday night don’t want to sit in front of a salad drinking water, life is short mentality.

    Anyone overcome this problem and can offer any advice?

    It is not a problem to overcome but rather adapting your diet to your lifestyle. I save up my exercise calories to drink and eat on the weekend. Just log everything and make knowledgeable decisions.
  • ChelseaM8726
    I have the same problem! I drink way too much on the weekends. Vodka and sprite zero are a great combo, and low on calories as well! Or gin and tonic, which is my FAV!
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    I know it's hard when everyone is getting their drunk food, but that's the biggest killer. Once I stopped doing that, I was still able to have a few drinks with friends. Don't limit your eating because you want to drink though!! That's just going to make you sick, and in my case insanely bloated.
  • ChelseaM8726
    Vodka with soda water and lime/lemon wedges. Or my personal favorite, straight liquor, and if you need a chaser drink water. Oh, I also like to drink an emergen-c packet to avoid hangovers.

    Great tips! Thanks! :)
  • alibabs65
    I was having trouble overeating on the weekends as well so I tried the 5:2 diet when you stick to 500 calories on 2 days of the week and the rest of the time you eat normally. I do the 500 calorie days on a Monday to recover from the weekend and then on a Thursday to prepare for the next weekend. I am finding it great!
  • ChelseaM8726

    Finally, a useful source.

    I JUST read about this website on a Yahoo article the other day!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    It is not a problem to overcome but rather adapting your diet to your lifestyle. I save up my exercise calories to drink and eat on the weekend. Just log everything and make knowledgeable decisions.

    I like that idea!!!

    I am the same way - it keeps me sane or maybe it's the polish/hispanic in me jk

    I add it in to my diary and still watch my count - I have to make sure not to eat all that horrible drunk food such as taco bell but guilt has won that battle!
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    I drink red wine on weekends. I try to be healthy and eat less carbs. But I didn't drink first 7 months of my diet, just recently.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Alcohol is pretty high in calories, but I stay away from sweet wines or mixers as those add a bunch of sugar calories as well. Shots and dry wines have pretty much all of their calories form the alcohol, or you do mixers, use diet soda as previously suggested.

    If you know you are going to party on the weekend, doing a weekly average (the mobile app makes this easy) and banking some extra calories for higher days on the weekends is a reasonable strategy IMHO as long as you don't go overboard. E.G. leaving 100 calories a day during the week so you'll have 500 extra calories to play with on the weekend and eating nutritiously the rest of the time so you are getting good amounts of protein and nutrients.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Long island ice tea made with real lemon juice instead of bar mix is good.
    fruit flavored vodka with soda water is good
    if no fruit flavored vodka try it with a squirt of that crystal lite stuff or whatever is on hand
    Always the lite beer of course
    Tequilla maybe...hehe

    Wine for me is a killer too I just make spritzers to cut down the calories as I like chardonney etc.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    OP: you could make it a rule that if you want to go out drinking on a Saturday night you have to do a big workout earlier in the day to mitigate the effects in advance.

    Other than that, stick to the lower calorie options and limit the drunk/hung over foods.

    I plan on doing both of these this weekend - well Friday and Saturday that is! Great tips!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member

    Finally, a useful source.

    agreed - Thank you!!!!

    I look forward to Bloody Mary Sunday!!! I make the best - usually I just drink vodka and flavored water (yum) and I am a fan of the sweet wines... I dont think there is a problem with indulging on the weekend.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    I can't give up drinking as well as eating well, it's kinds of my reward for behaving myself! I stick to vodka and slimline tonic to keep the calories down and make sure I have healthy foods ready to eat for when I get in so I don't get a takeaway on the way home!