New Clothes



  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I've been at my jeans and some vest tops with my sewing machine - just to get more wear out of stuff before replacing it. Doesn't do for everything of course, but a couple of pairs of jeans have a few more months in them since I stitched the legs and waist bands. And I don't feel like like a tramp in rags!
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Once my pants started falling off without unbuttoning it was time for some new clothes. That was a 2 size difference. My top size has gone from XL to M and that also is just too much of a difference, especially for more fitted shirts (too-big Tshirts I can still wear to the gym or for PJs).

    At first it was kind of funny to wear loose clothes and it was a reinforcement that yes, this weight loss thing is actually making a difference, but now that I have bought some clothes that actually fit I feel 100x better and more put together. I don't expect to lose a lot more up top (I've only lost back fat), so I was OK with buying some new shirts. I bought a couple of pairs of new pants (1 capri/1 slacks). For the rest, I've been hitting up thrift stores and consignment sales.
  • beckywilliams1967
    beckywilliams1967 Posts: 58 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss you are amazing!!
    If you don't buy anything else please go and get fitted for at least two new bras. They really help with posture and how you feel about yourself and also back and shoulder problems. I have gone from 36G to 34FF and have only lost 38 lbs so imagine how the size difference you will have. Each bra, in spite of branding needs to be fitted properly. M&S and Debenhams have great selections and ladies more than willing to help.
    I buy and sell clothes on ebay so once things get too big for me I sell them on and then buy new ones in smaller sizes. There are some bargains to be had. Its a good way to get new clothes on a budget and also make bit of cash too!!

    Good luck

  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    The best thing I've found to avoid spending a mint while you're still losing weight is to hit your local Goodwill for interim clothes. They have lower prices and higher quality than Salvation Army, at least in my area. Recently I bought a fabulous black suede trench coat, gorgeous, looks as though it hung in a closet and was never worn--it certainly has no wear signs whatsoever-- for $ 5.49, and a hooded cardigan, forest green tape yarn ( ribbon yarn) with openwork crochet cuffs and hem, still with the original store tag on it, it had been $ 210.00 new (!!) and I paid $ 5.49. I get leather jackets and coats, and belts ( 99 cents for belts) there to recycle the leather.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    First I would like to say, CONGRATULATIONS!!! 80 pounds gone forever is an amazing job :drinker:

    Now comes a question.... how in the world do you keep your pants up?? Seriously, I buy a few new pieces here and there with every 20-25 pounds. But I only shop on clearance racks and at thrift stores. About 2 years ago I spent $45 and got almost a complete new winter wardrobe from a thrift store, and the clothes were amazing. Most of them even still had tags on them.... Go crazy, take a $50 bill and go to your local thrift store or goodwill, and you will be amazed.

    Good luck and keep up the great work.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I believe in quality clothes, so Ive always bought Levis, Michael Kors, Gap (all insanely on sale, of course!) because my mother raised to understand that a $30 t-shirt that last 100x longer than a $5 shirt is value.

    HOWEVER, after losing 60lbs, and needed to keep my wardrobe updated for work, I was so thankful for cheapy clothes!
    Ross, Marshalls, H&M, TJ Maxx... I buy cheap shirts and pants.

    The biggest savior? DRESSES! As you lose weight, you can belt them and they still look good. Wrap dresses in particular are a blessing.

    Also, congrats on the MAJOR MAJOR WEIGHTLOSS. Thats amazing
  • ParrosFan
    ParrosFan Posts: 77 Member
    Wow congrats on your loss, that's amazing. Now go buy some new clothes! You will be amazed at how much better you look wearing clothes that actually fit. I know when I finally bought pants that fit, people thought suddenly I lost weight, when actually I was just wearing a pair of pants that fit. I buy cheap right now because I'm not done losing weight either. Ross and Target have been a staple for me. I but 3-4 pants and quite a few tops to mix and match. Had to just buy new workout clothes because I couldnt' since up the drawstring pants anymore and they were looking quite baggy.

    Keep it up
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
    My advice is find a good cheap tailor. maybe someone that does it out of their home and get them to take in the good stuff (high quality suits and such). Other than that until you reach your goal weight (or close to) I would say a few key pieces from a second hand shop can go a long way and the clearance racks at TJ Maxx and Ross. Just be careful not to pick up "irregular" pieces and they can sometimes fit weird.
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    First I would like to say, CONGRATULATIONS!!! 80 pounds gone forever is an amazing job :drinker:

    Now comes a question.... how in the world do you keep your pants up?? Seriously, I buy a few new pieces here and there with every 20-25 pounds. But I only shop on clearance racks and at thrift stores. About 2 years ago I spent $45 and got almost a complete new winter wardrobe from a thrift store, and the clothes were amazing. Most of them even still had tags on them.... Go crazy, take a $50 bill and go to your local thrift store or goodwill, and you will be amazed.

    Good luck and keep up the great work.

    I think I "get away" with hold my pants up by having an office job. I don't move around too much because my eyes are glued to two computer monitors all day and my butt is glued to the chair, except for when I get up to stretch and walk up and down 13 flights of stairs. But when I'm up and really walking, I have to constantly pull them up. :/ I will have to go ahead and put some money aside to actually spend on clothes! lol I'm not much of a shopper but with the weight loss, I HAVE to put money aside for that. And thanks for the congratulations! :) I feel better!
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    My advice is find a good cheap tailor. maybe someone that does it out of their home and get them to take in the good stuff (high quality suits and such). Other than that until you reach your goal weight (or close to) I would say a few key pieces from a second hand shop can go a long way and the clearance racks at TJ Maxx and Ross. Just be careful not to pick up "irregular" pieces and they can sometimes fit weird.

    I hadn't gotten that answer before. Never even thought to look for a tailor. That's a good idea. I'm a terrible shopper as well so even the process of saving money for clothes, going out to certain stores, and then figuring out what TYPES of dress, shirts, and pants fit well on my body can be a headache for me. lol But, I'll get the hang of it I'm sure. Thanks for the advice!
  • Slulik
    Slulik Posts: 79 Member
    I am in your boat....lost 67 pounds and nothing really fits anymore. I have found to be wearing a lot of 'yoga' style pants, but even they have been getting big on me. Hit up loblaws, walmart, thrift stores. They have nice clothes for cheap. My mom has even offered a few things out of her closet for me.....she has nicer clothes then me!

    But don't go on a crazy shopping spree since you are still losing. Buy enough to get you by, and don't spend an arm and a leg. I have away 3 bags of clothes that didn't fit anymore most of them brand new. I have gotten many clothes for big box stores for nice and racks....oh and belts will be your best friend!

    But isn't it rewarding to see your clothes start to get bigger and bigger on you :)
  • red869
    red869 Posts: 59
    Well done on your weight loss.. you must feel great! I definitely would go out and buy some new clothes. Even though you have more weight to lose, you really ought to get some that fit you properly now.

    I am just starting out; I have over 50 lbs to lose and I recently purchased a whole load of new clothes. I probably shouldn't have got so many though! I'm hoping that I'll soon be too slim for them, but I want to have clothes that fit right now whilst I'm losing weight, otherwise I wouldn't want to go out anywhere.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    I probably am not the norm. I typically hate buying clothes anyway. When I started I bought new clothes (XXXL) from Under Armour because I knew comfortable clothes would make exercise easier. After ~30 pounds I bought some XL and XXL clothes, and am currently in L-XXL clothes. Most of my Under Armour shirts are XXL and are a bit too big (I also fit in L and XL fine), but until I get to where I want to be I won't be buying more shirts as I don't know what size I'll end up at (so one XL and one L will do for now). I should probably buy some medium jogging bottoms (sweat pants) and hoodie because I think these large ones are either getting too loose or I'm between sizes right now.

    I have spent a lot on clothes and trainers since November (probably what I would previously have spent over a decade or longer) but ill fitting clothes and exercise generally cause me pain so I probably wouldn't be as close to my goal as I am if I skipped sizes (the only size I skipped was XXL jogging bottoms and hoodie). The suit I bought in June for my brother's wedding (also had to get it altered to fit me properly) will need alterations again if I wear it soon, so about 20 pounds of loss means my waist, chest and shoulders would need altering (and that probably would cost more than my typical Under Armour order, and in total I would have spent more on alterations than on the suit).

    I think it comes down to what you wear and how long you can get away with wearing the same things. Fitness clothes you can probably go a bit longer than business clothes. I would imagine skirts cost less to alter than trousers (purely guessing) so not sure if that would be a way of cutting some of the costs, and IIRC trousers cost less to alter than shirts/jackets. So depending on what you wear it might be more cost effective to have some things altered, continue to wear some things you can get away with, and buy some things that fit.
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