Am feeling very down....

fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Today - I had a very bad weekend where I ate and drank far too much. I also slipped into some old habits that I though I had left far behind so all in all am feeling like a bit of a failure. And horribly the feeling of failing makes me want to just go and eat chocolate cake. Am barely holding on today trying to stay positive - this is the first time i have felt like this since I started using MFP but glad I can turn here instead of cupboard!


  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    We all have those days. Hang in there, and start anew tomorrow. Don't let one (or several) bad days get in the way of your progress! Try focusing on becoming healthy, and taking small steps to achieve that. :happy:
  • Falling down is OK as long as you continue to get back up. When you wake up in the morning, don't look back. Look at the prize. Hang in there.
  • I did the same thing. I hadn't spent any time with my boyfriend (even though we live together), I had been super craving all sorts of dirty foods, and I just wasn't going to be satisfied until I gave in. So yesterday I had pizza. And cupcakes. And cookies. And Cherry Coke. And we watched movies. And it rained. And it was perfect. And this morning I got up, weighed myself and I had still managed to lose a pound for the week and 3 inches from two weeks ago. Falling off the wagon once in a while isn't going to kill us, but we've gotta stay on the majority of the time. And after weigh-in? I walked four miles in an hour.

    It's all okay. Just balance it out. Don't feel bad about it. Enjoy it for what it is and move on, because tomorrow is a new day!

    You've lost TEN POUNDS! You know what's going on. You've got this. So just keep doing it!
  • hamster62482
    hamster62482 Posts: 4 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. Treat it like that. I have issues with that too sometimes, but the biggest mistake you can make would be to let it get to you. It's now in the past. Get up, brush it off, and keep going. The guilt you feel is your worst enemy, it can make you eat a whole pie without thinking twice. Tomorrow is what matters.
  • Had a bad day myself today but just gotta shake it off and begin tomorrow with a new attitude. Good luck!! We are all in the same boat here....
  • hp25
    hp25 Posts: 27
    Tomorrow is a new day! I know this feeling very well...this weekend especially. I'm so thankful to have MFP to help me push forward. I'm going to say a prayer for both of us to get back on track and feel better. Have a wonderful week! :smile:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Thank you guys so much - you are my chocolate cake right now :)
    you know all this stuff right - like that you have to keep pushing and its your next action that counts but sometimes you need reminding! xx
  • newnarelle
    newnarelle Posts: 40 Member
    You know what, you did this for one weekend. Perhaps in the past these were habits you had on a daily basis. You need to remember all the good and hard work you have done, and brush it off and get back into the swing of things! Be proud this was a once off as opposed to a daily thing! Keep going, you can do it!
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