Who is losing with the help of Phen?

Is anyone using Phen to help lose weight? I have been since August 23rd and I could use some help. Phen is a different type of diet and there are rules. lol What I would like to know is What are the GOLDEN rules when using Phen?


  • JoyJulRay
    JoyJulRay Posts: 99 Member
    Short term fix..I took them years ago..they worked for about 4 months after that all the weight cames back..doing it on my own this time. Plus I know a lady at work that took them and it really messed her up..she is on BP meds now. Your best bet is to get off them and do it the right way.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    I'm not but when I did a google search for phen diet lots of info came up including a site that has a forum specifically for ones going that route for their weightloss.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i don't use them and i think they are a bad idea. good luck to you.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Ok... I am guessing Phen is a Diet pill or substitute?? I have used plenty of those "quick fixes" before and all thats ever happened is Ive Lost weight... then gained it all back with interest.... this has happened so many times.... each time I end up even bigger than i started!!!!

    I love quick fixes... they make me feel great!!! until the weight sneaks back... then i feel all crappy again... this time I am going to do it the right way... diet and exercise.... With the MFP lifestyle change I am eating WAY more than I used to and feel healthier!!!!

    I havent noticed much change on the scale yet, but have noticed a fair bit of difference in my progress photos - between the 19/8 and the 26/9.....
  • MissEllie0426
    I am only posting because I have an aunt who used phen and lost tons of weight nearly 80 pounds but soon after she stopped using it the weight began to return with a vengence...she has since gained back the 80 and then some...she is suffereing from depression and HBP now...seeing her struggle has made me very leary of any such "help"!
  • LuckySue333
    I don't use nothing like that myself but I have heard its not good for you. Can even cause death in some people using diet pills and things like that.... Are cause health problems by taking them....

    I know people who have used them in the past and felt good while taking it and lost weight and had so much engery. But gained all their weight back plus in no time when they stopped using it........ So best advice get off it ... Use this site to count your calories and do exercise... .. Thsi is good site. I am new to it but I have done many diets... This one is easy and good..
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I posted on your other post as well but just in case:

    I asked my doctor about getting it and apparently it has been banned for some time. He did give me Meridia though and it was good for a bit. I just needed something to curb the appetite until I could get back into calorie counting. I was on it for just over a month and then got of it to focus on my calorie counting. It worked but I knew I wasn't going to take it long term, I needed a push and it gave it to me.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Can I ask who's idea it was to go this route? I took Phen Fen years ago when PONDOMINE was legal in the states. It no longer is btw. I lost a ton of weight using those two in combination, it did all come back within a few yrs of stopping the drugs. This was in 1996 or 1997. I had another baby a little over 2 1/2yrs ago. I tried half heartedly to lose weight after the baby because I "thought" I couldn't get a handle on my appetite and asked my dr for phentermine. It was supprising how easily he gave them to me! It really did nothing for me after maybe about 4 weeks. I really had it in me all along to get past the appetite thing, I just wasn't ready to put in all the effort it takes to lose weight in a way that I know works....diet and excercise.
    I will warn you the first few weeks maybe even months it will help suppress your appetite so much so you will have to consciously remember to eat! I personally think you would be better off without these drugs. They also seemed to put me in a fog all day. I have litterally done and tried everything to lose weight off and on over the past 25 years everything short of surgery which I considered doing also. I wish I could express to you enough that by finding this website you have already found the thing that will work. Eating right and excercise. By learing how to eat right and at the right times you will not be hungry and will not feel the need to take drugs. At least that is my opinion. But since you are taking them please know it is a short term fix so use the next couple of months while your appetite is not being a lion, to really learn how and what to eat so that once the drugs stop suppressing your appetite you will be able to continue to lose weight. MFP is really the best tool I have ever found to use to lose weight and that is saying a lot!!! Good Luck and don't forget to eat!!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I have a coworker who has lost an insane amount of weight on them...Time will tell if she keeps it off...
    Personally it is to expensive for me and if my past trys with diet pills are any indication...Yes I would lose weight, but within a few weeks of not taking the pills I would gain it all back and then some in some cases
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I took phendimetrazine (brand name Bontril). It is a short acting anorexic drug. You take it one hour before meals to suppress your appetite. I lost 80 pounds and developed an abnormal EKG.

    Two years later, my heart has returned to normal. No long term damage. I gained back some of the weight, but not all. That was because I started eating like my 6'3" husband.

    I'm losing weight this time with no drugs for appetite suppression. It is much slower, but I know that I am not hurting my heart.
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    I did Phentermine for about 2 months and had to be rushed to the E.R. by Ambulance!! I will never take those deadly pills again! My pressure was real low! And I became severely dehydrated yet I was drinking water weird nut true!!! So now I am doing it the healthy natural way and I am losing more!!! Be careful please!
  • lighterpenny
    That is the weird thing. I am taking Phentermine, however I am not losing like a Phen patient. I am losing like a healthy eater. I lose about 1.5 lbs per week. I do not starve. I plan my meals with the help of MFD and I always eat! I eat egg whites, almonds, beef jerky, things like that for snacks. Where as I used to eat Doritos or Donuts. Now I can plan the night before and stick to it. I always tell myself it is just one day, that's all. My only downfall is beer. I normally have Michelob Ultra about 3 times per week, about 3-4 beers. They are 96 cals and only 2 carbs! I can't help it. My point being, I AM eating on Phen, not like others. It just makes it easier for me to decide what is right, You know how at times we are so hungry that we will stop at the first drive thru for a burger? Phen is only teaching me to have patience with my hunger, telling my mind that I will not starve so that I can take my time and choose something right to eat.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    lighterpenny has deactivated their account.
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
  • lighterpenny
    I don't think so honey! I am only deactivating calories daily! Lol. Here is the thing...I am determined and I will not give up....no matter how many rice cakes I have to eat! lol...Or lack thereof..:-)