150# WL after gastric bypass, gained 1/2 back+

Hey there. I'm wanting to connect with some people in my same "boat", and or people who can relate. I was always chubby/ overweight. I lost small amounts of weight here n there (never with exercise, or any changes with food). Basically with starvation, which ended in huge binges, with weight GAINS!! . After high school I went to cosmetology school, and have been doing hair since then. I had my children 15 months apart from each other in 1998 and 1999. I never lost the baby weight, and gained a lot in the first few years of motherhood. When I went back yo work when my kids were 2&3 I would often not eat anything all day, eat a huge dinner late at night n then go to bed. Before I knew it I was close to 300#. My back was killing me standing all day doing hair, with all the extra weight. I made a decision to have gastric bypass surgery. Dec. 30 of 2003 I had gastric bypass. In less then a year I lost over 150#. I got down to 140 ish #, and a size 7. LET ME STRESS THAT DURING THAT WEIGHT LOSS I DID NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT I WAS EATING. NOR DID I EXERCISE OR DO ANYTHING PHYSICAL OUT OF THE ORDINARY. I believe I maintained the weight for about 2-3 years before I started putting it back on. I've now gained a lot of the weight back, and am trying to find a new 'way of life' I'm about 20# down again from my most recent weight!! I'm soooooooooooo u for suggestions n or ideas!! and welcome any "friends" TOGETHER!!!


  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    Welcome! I have never had gastric bypass. When I started I had 61.5 pounds that I wanted to lose. I currently have 23 pounds left to loose. I have hit a rough couple of months here lately and am a bit frustrated but I am keeping at it.

    I can only suggest to log everything. Everything that you eat and all the exercise that you do. Follow MFP and you will see weight loss. Start out with 30 minutes of walking per day. Then increase when and how you can.

    It is a process but one that is definitely worth sticking to! Welcome and feel free to add me. :)
  • Withsalsa
    Withsalsa Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - I understand you! I had the Lap Band - lost 50 lbs. and even though I knew it wasn't the end all miracle somehow gained 30 back! So know I have about 94 to lose. I do feel these aides will help us as I do not get ravenously hungry so as long as I track and make these good choices, I feel more in control. I think you will be amazed how good you feel once you incorporate some exercise. I feel better stretched out all over and stronger to accomplish all we have to do in a day! I have only been doing this for one week but so far so good.... Feel free to friend me !
  • Hi there! I too completely understand your situation!! I had a lap band 7 years ago and lost 75 pounds and have gained half of it back. I know for me, the issue is the choices of food - not the volume, as my band is still working exactly as it should. I have plenty of restriction.. But there are plenty of high calorie foods/drinks that I love that just go straight through the band. And that's how I ended up gaining half of the weight back. The other issue for me is exercise.. I works for me in so many positive ways (mental and physical) and I have gotten out of the discipline of making myself do it. I have only been working on weight loss for a week tomorrow and I have lost 6 pounds and the MFP is an enormous help. It's just the greatest thing! It's the accountability of logging everything and then the feedback that it gives me. It's a great motivator! Would love to share our mutual struggles and successes! :happy:
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I have not had any type of weight loss surgery, buti can definitely relate to the weight struggle, which has pretty much been lifelong for me. I have successfully lost weight (at least to a point where I felt ok aout myself) several times with Weight Watchers, but I always ended up gaining the weight back, plus more. Last summer I reached my all time high weight and my lowest point. I decided it was time to really CHANGE my way of eating and start exercising. After some research, I chose the South Beach way of eating. I have been eating this way for just over a year, and I plan to continue, in order to maintain my current weight. I also exercise 6 days a week.

    For me, making a drastic change in my food choices has made all the difference. I needed to get used to not having junk food all the time, even if I did have the calories available to eat. Now I allow myself a treat on the weekend, but otherwise, I stick to my healthy food.

    I know how distressing it is to have to lose those same pounds agin, but you can do it....and you can keep it off! Wishing you all the best in your journey to get healthy!
  • HaHa! I understand......can't tell you how many times I have accidentally deleted things!! I don't remember what I said in the message i sent.......but what I wanna say is that I'm looking forward to having friends for mutual support, inspiration, and sharing the journey. I so understand your situation - post bariatric surgery. I'm doing pretty well today - I've still got 800 calories left for the day...woohoo!! Planning to walk 3 miles this evening when it's a little cooler. I live in a suburb of Houston, so you know it's &*(% hot and humid!! Hope you're having a good day too!!