No weight loss

Its been 3 weeks now, since i lost any weight! I haven't been able to exercise as much due to shin splints but surely cutting the calories alone would aid weight loss? I nearly always stay under my calories so i don't understand why i've suddenly stopped losing weight


  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    Both exercise and diet are important parts of exercise. So you are staying under your calories, that is great! You should try to make sure you do get in some exercise. There a plenty of exercises that will not bother your shin splints: Swimming, yoga, upper body stregnth training to name a few. They may not be your usually but they will get you moving and cross training is beneficial anyway. Good Luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Its been 3 weeks now, since i lost any weight! I haven't been able to exercise as much due to shin splints but surely cutting the calories alone would aid weight loss? I nearly always stay under my calories so i don't understand why i've suddenly stopped losing weight

    You will need to do some form of exercise and as Dragonfly suggested, swimming is a good form and will not hurt your shins in anyway.

    The weight will come off again as long as you remain within your calorie intake.
  • Dellie22
    I still have been exercising, that's why i don't understand the sudden plateau
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Ive been in the same boat as you!!! I have been logging faithfully... working out a shed-load and NADDA, Zip, ZILCH and more Nothing!!! No change to weight.. actually if anything its gone back UP!!! I was feeling disheartened and was almost gonna throw in the towel.... it was only my Awesome MFP friends that kept me motivated!!!

    BUT THEN......

    I took update photos yesterday.. and compared them to last months photos... and


    I saw it....!! Im changing SHAPE!! My belly is smaller and tighter and even my arms are improved!!! (feel free to friend me and have a look at my progress to see for yourself! ) So dont fret... keep your chin up and you will see a change....

    BTW for the record, if your body has been in starvation mode and you have only just started eating properly then it can take 4 weeks for your body to adjust to the new habits... and in that 4 weeks you may gain too....

    So my Moral here is the SCALE IS EVIL.... Take PHOTOS so you can SEEEE the Difference!!!! =}

    Peace out!

    (copied from another post...Ive been in the same boat as you!!! I have been logging faithfully... working out a shed-load and NADDA, Zip, ZILCH and more Nothing!!! No change to weight.. actually if anything its gone back UP!!! I was feeling disheartened and was almost gonna throw in the towel.... it was only my Awesome MFP friends that kept me motivated!!!

    BUT THEN......

    I took update photos yesterday.. and compared them to last months photos... and


    I saw it....!! Im changing SHAPE!! My belly is smaller and tighter and even my arms are improved!!! (feel free to friend me and have a look at my progress to see for yourself! ) So dont fret... keep your chin up and you will see a change....

    BTW for the record, if your body has been in starvation mode and you have only just started eating properly then it can take 4 weeks for your body to adjust to the new habits... and in that 4 weeks you may gain too....

    So my Moral here is the SCALE IS EVIL.... Take PHOTOS so you can SEEEE the Difference!!!! =}

    Peace out!

  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I assure you we all hit plateaus during our weight loss efforts, so it must be a natural thing to occur. The obvious is to continue counting your calories and exercising as possible; the weight loss WILL begin again. I found during my plateaus (yes, more than one) that changing up my routine seemed to be key and I read a lot here and other places about "zig zagging" my calorie intake. I found that actually upping my calorie intake significantly cause me to start losing again! It was wonderful! So when I was eating between 1200-1250 a day, I upped my intake to 1500-1550 for several days, then dropped back down to 1300, then up to 1450, then back down to 1250 and up to 1550 = or something like that. I also started doing yoga as a change of exercise. I do think that each person has to find what works for them, but change seems to be very instrumental in breaking a plateau.
  • Beebee78
    Are you eating back some of your exercise calories? This may kick start the losing again for you xxx
  • debbiechaney
    debbiechaney Posts: 2 Member
    I've been logging faithfully and exercising for four weeks and have only lost 1 lb. BUT, I know my body is changing and adapting. My trainer gives me a cheat day. I think that helps with keeping your body guessing and changing it up. I know it sounds weird, but I think it does help. I agree with the changing up the exercise routine as well. Whatever you do, don't stop! It will eventually quick into gear again!
  • PoiBoyBlue
    Here are some things to ask yourself;
    1) are you drinking enough water?
    If not you could be at risk of your body storing water and thus, keeping a constant weight.
    2) are you gaining muscle mass?
    This isn't bad. If it may be the case, a better way of measuring your weight loss would be to measure your neck, hips and waist more often. If you're getting thinner, but not losing weight, you're just gaining muscle.
    3) is you body metabolizing differently as you lose weight?
    At some point, you body will need fewer calories, and you may need to drop your minimum. If you're excercising less, you're needing less calories in the day, obviously, so you may be missing something and adding more calories than you should. To correct this, change your weight settings, maybe update your goals etc. I've only been doing this for 5 weeks and I've needed to change my goals, weights, caloric intake (dropping) about 4 times already. As you're getting smaller, you're starting to need less energy, and therefore burn less fat, with the same amount of calories you're taking in.
  • PlatinumPiggy
    Sometimes undereating and not eating back your exercise calories forces your metabolism to slow down because your body goes into "starvation mode" if you're eating under 1200 cals a day as well as exercising.
    Our bodies are very clever and were designed to store energy so when you eat little and exercise a lot your metabolism slows. Try upping your calories by 200cals and eating back half of your exercise calories to kickstart your metabolism.
  • msouza
    Congrats on quiting smoking.I quit a year ago after smoking for 50 yrs. I didn't have much choice as I was put to bed by the Dr. with an infection in my I leg. I wasn't allowed to smoke in my son's house, where I live. I'm glad I finally kicked that habit. Whatever you do don't go back to it. I quit several times (once for a yr.) and went back. It's a little easier to stay away from them now as you can't smoke in so many places now. Good luck. knittingnana
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    try zig zagging your calories throughout the week. this works for me if my weight loss stops. I eat more cals one day then less the next and so on. Although it is still the same amount of cals in total for the week .
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member

    A couple of things you need to check. Are you drinking enough water? You should be drinking at least the recommended 8 glasses a day. I'm not a big water person but in being faithful with this I have seen a huge difference. What do your carbs/sugars/fat levels show? You might be under your calories but if you are consuming too much fat/sugars and bad carbs then that's going to affect your weight loss. Get in as much fruit/veggies/protein in your diet as possible. Eat more often...every 2-3 hours and get these 3 things in and some complex carbs like a sweet potatoe or regular potatoe.

    Also, watch what you snack on from the snacks you prepare from your kids. I noticed tha when I make something for my kids I end up always taking a bite or two. Those things add up.

    I was on a plateau a couple of weeks ago and have been trying the Eat Clean diet which teaches you about the quality of the food that goes in your mouth. You might want to research it, she has some really good ideas but this isn't a "diet" it's more like a lifestyle.

    Good luck!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I took a quick look at your food diary. Many days you are over on fats. Try to find low-fat options for some of your favorite foods, such as cheese. Go easy on processed foods. I highly recommend you track sodium as that is high in many processed foods. Try to cut back on the sugary sweets. It seems that you could use more fresh fruits and veggies in your diet. Try these tips and good luck!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I'd suggest increasing your fruit&veg intake, and drinking more water. This will help to get things moving through your system...high quality whole foods in general will do that. You could try eating an apple or pear every day with breakfast. Eat a serving (or two) of non-starchy vegetables with lunch and dinner. Drink water with every meal...and when you drink alcohol have an extra glass of water for every alcoholic drink.