Horrible eater. Please help:)



  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I feel you. I'm three years into this and only about halfway to goal. I've learned a lot, though. One thing that would have been good to know three years ago is this: If your daily goal is too low, you'll fall off the plan in a big way. I would eat too little and exercise too much then crash HARD. I could make it for a few days then give up. The highs and lows are to be avoided. Don't go below 1200 calories - even if you're not that hungry - or you'll set yourself up for failure. Track everything you do and everything you eat. Stock the kitchen with good choices. If it's in the house, it'll be in your belly. Look over the community groups and sign up for whatever looks like *you*. Keep the ones that actually help. Start with small, attainable goals and build from there. You can do this!
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    Why don't you try just lessening the bad foods for now rather than giving them up entirely. Try eating fast food only 2 times a week instead of 3, or when you go order less of the foods you enjoy. Maybe replace just one pop a day with a bottle of water. Maybe also start incorporating healthy foods you might enjoy along side your fast food or whatever. If you ease into it, it might be an easier transition. It'll take you much longer to lose the weight, but it's better then giving up and never getting there at all. Good luck!
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    Which do you want more? Junk food (that you've tasted a thousand times before) or to lose weight and get healthy? Pick one. :smile:

    If you're eating junk food to satisfy a "craving", then you're addicted to it, just as the junk food and pharmaceutical industries want you to be. Why do you think they put SO much crap and so many chemicals into their food? To make it irresistible. It doesn't even really taste like food anymore. But it satisfies your craving for it. If you continue on your current path, when you're my age, you'll be on 12 different medications AND obese, a slave to the medical community and a product of the system.

    It's really about choice. Find your power and use it to make better choices for yourself and for your future. You know what you need to do.

    Good luck!
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    I luv my coke too but when I started my diet I had 2 cut it out completely & only drink water... I did switch 2 diet for a lil bit even tho I hated the taste & it was kind of a good thing because I could barely drink a 1/4 of a can of it... Now that I've got it under control I can have a lil bit of coke... I fit it in & drink very little of it & it doesn't seem 2 bother me now... Like when I used 2 go out & eat I would drink it with a straw & I'd end up getting 2 refills b4 it was over... Now I don't crave it as bad & I do not use a straw & sometimes I don't even drink the full glass... I think you're gonna have 2 at least cut it completely out 4 a while & let ur body get used 2 not having it... OR u can have 1 & just work out that much extra 2 burn it off but that's quite a bit of extra work 4 just a lil bit of soda but if it's worth it 2 u it is an option...
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    1000 cals is way too little to eat to SUCCESSFULLY LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF. Sure, you may drop some weight in the short term, but then your metabolism will tank, causing your weight loss to slow to nothing. Based on your stats (25yo female, 185lbs, about 5"4' - I'm guessing there), your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) at the sedentary level is 1972cals/day. To lose weight in a healthy, sustainable manner, eat at a 20% caloric deficit i.e. about 1500-1600cals/day. per Fat2FitRadio.com BMR calculator

    Please see the following post for more explanation and tips for healthy and successful weight loss

  • fairyt4l3s
    Low fat/low salt ready meals is good way to start and also Pepsi max is amazing for just 1kcal per 250ml! mmm
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    Noting changes, unless you make changes.

    Eat less of that stuff.

    Wean yourself down.

    Instead of 5 pop, alternate, if you have a can, then have a bottle of water before you can have the next, if you had fast food three times, next week have it twice, the next week once......

    LOG YOUR FOOD. You will NOT realize how much you are eating. it could 3 cookies, but if your eating the triple fudge covered double stuffed type, chances are your three cookies are 200 calories, or more. Even if you go over, LOG.

    Look at my diary, i have days this week where iw ent over, i logged it and got on with it.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Until you get a handle on your food cravings, I highly recommend you set your calorie goal to either a) losing half a pound weekly if your weight has been stable for a long time, or b) maintaining your current weight if you've been steadily gaining over time and the reason you're here is because you're freaking out.

    Select your Activity level appropriately - unless you are mobility challenged you are at least "Lightly active".

    Once you have a reasonable calorie target, start logging everything including the fast food and the pop. You'll see where you're at. It won't take long before you realize you can eat some fast food and some junk and still lose weight. You just have to get your mind out of the extreme restriction mindset. If you aim for a 1/2 lb weekly weight loss, in a year you'll be feeling awesome. Besides, if you get a handle on eating at the 250 calorie/day restriction level, you can then cut down another 250 calories/day and get more like a 1 lb/week loss. Then, when you're good there, cut it back again.

    That's my $0.02.
  • narsgirl79
    narsgirl79 Posts: 41 Member
    Ok...heres the truth. you need to take baby steps. And remove the "I Cant" from your vocabulary.

    You Like Fast food??? I do too!!! But I had to make the conscious decision that when i so sub-come to the Red and yellow signs (Fun Fact: Almost ALL Fast food Places has those colors on their signs...its done on purpose..look it up! :)) This is what I choose!

    McDonalds: Breakfast: EggWhite Delight McMuffin (250c) NO HASHBROWNS...JUST GET THE SANDWICH and a Coffee and keep the suger n cream at a low. LUNCH: The Grilled Chickenpremium wrap in "Sweet Chili" (350C)
    Sometimes i indulge in a medium Caramel Iced coffee (Appx. 250)

    Burger King: I LOVE a BUN-LESS Whopper OR Turkey Burger (No Mayo no Cheese) Ask for Ketchup and Mustard or even a little BBQ Sauce on the side for flavor. This is a "Speciality" option that BK offers for their Carb Free Customers. Skip the Fried and Onion rings unless its your Splurge for the day...if so, order a SMALL and adjust your Caloried elsewhere...

    Chick-Fil-A Did you know you could get your nuggets grilled?? in essence its a cut up chicken breast but its WAY better then fried! A little sauce wont kill you BUT yiu must LOG IT ON YOUR MFP!!! Choose Fresh Fruit on the side and go for a water... or a Small Iced Tea or lemon-aid NO ICE...drink Half and save the rest for another meal. Some of the Dwarf Housed have baked potatoes and other healthy options!

    Wendys: I Love their Salads!! Try the Pecan Apple Salad...Its pretty good! BUT I MUST WARN YOU!!! The DRESSING HOLDS A LOT OF CALORIES!!! And so to the little packets of things that come with a lot of FastFood Salads, but choose wisely!!


    The trick ffor not grabbing snacks at home is to DONT KEEP JUNK AT THE HOUSE!!!! If you have kids and your feeding them junk,,,Your Developing them to adapt the SAME eating habbits as you have now! Which makes it hard for them to deal with healthy eating as an adult!

    So buy Fruit, Veggies,...Make Tortilla Pizzas and use fresh ingrediants!!! Keep yogurt and 100 Fruit Popsicles in the house...Rice Cakes and Hummus are my FAVE low sodium snack!!

    you HAVE to be creative!!! And Star pre-paring your own meals! :)

    Hope this helps!!

    If you need support add me as a friend :)


  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    & also you'll be amazed at what u can actually fit in2 your "diet" & still lose weight... U don't have 2 starve yourself or cut out all the foods u like completely... Just make btr choices & eat smaller portions... I used 2 drink milkshakes every now & then & those r loaded with calories but now I have a weight watchers divine triple chocolate bar instead... only 110 calories & it's AMAZING!!!
  • FaitheSoler
    FaitheSoler Posts: 107 Member
    I hate diet soda and loved my Dr. Pepper... I loved junk food , and fast food... I convinced my self that it was impossible to quit soda and fast food. Until one day I told my self I am sick and tried of hiding from mirrors , not wanting the light to be on when my husband and me were in bed, not being able to spend no more than 30 minutes playing with me kids before I was tried....

    Here is what I did.... I changed everything all at once.. I did not want to live that way no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No pop at all if you need it for medication try drinking some kind of juice instead.
    For one all week to get my body use to not having all that junk I ate nothing but veggies, fruit, and some kind of meat...
    Believe me in a week you will lose that urge to need them.

    Now that I have control over what I eat. I do have a pop once in a while. If we are out and lets say lunch time and there is no way to eat home so gotta eat out.. I buy something that is chicken and never eat fries buy a salad to go with it.. I have lost a lot in a year. Also take a pic and keep taking pics as you go.. So when you want to quit and go back to eating junk look at it.. You will see that you do not want to look that way again..
  • TexanDad1979
    Lots of great advice on here,
    Ive only lost 10lbs so far but have in the past lost 50+lbs at one time. So I am by no means an expert or anything but in my opinion its not just about numbers and counting calories and eating this or taking this vitamin or whatever. Losing weight is more of a mental challenge rather than a numbers game. Once you get your mind set and become passionate about losing weight the numbers and foods will follow. If you are not passionate about something then you will never put forth the full effort that it takes in order to develop into something more than just a thought. Get your mind right and on track with what you really want then your body will follow.
    just my opinion
  • ladyredeemed4
    ladyredeemed4 Posts: 72 Member
    I agree with others - writing everything down that you eat in the food journal is a big key. I just started a few days ago on myfitnesspal and I thought I was doing great until I looked at my snacks - 400+ (I just can't have raisins and peanuts everyday for a snack). If you are having a hard time getting off the Coke's, try the bottled water and put in Crystal Light - Pink lemonade (or whatever flavor) and put in freezer for a bit. It's cold, refreshing and satisfies my sweet tooth.

    I have 2 inside dogs I walk them 3 times a day for a total of around 60 mins. I also have a mini trampoline in the house - put on some music and get busy (kind of hard sometimes though when one of your dogs want to get up there with you!!! : ) )

    I know, we all say it's hard to find time to write in our food journal or exercise, but I keep a notepad in my purse, and during the day, I write down what I have had to eat/drink. I work a full time job 40+ hours a week, have 2 grown young sons, 2 dogs, involved in my church, do daily devotions and take 2 online classes from the local college. If I can do - anyone can do it. Like the gentleman (rjs0416) below this post said - take baby steps.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You know, people here, myself included, are usually against "diets" and cleanses, but you might be a candidate for a restricted diet of nothing but nutrition shakes or whatever, followed by an introduction of food starting with healthier stuff.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Here are some supplements that work people

    • 7 Keto
    • Calcium Pyruvate
    • Chitosan
    • CLA
    • Coleus Forskohlii
    • Dr Oz Belly Busters
    • Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA)
    • Glucomannan
    • Green Coffee Bean Extract
    • L-Carnitine
    • PGX
    • Raspberry Ketones
    • Satiereal Saffron Extract
    • Sea Buckthorn Berries
    • White Kidney Bean Extract
    • Xanthigen, Fucoxanthin, Brown Seaweed

    Just say no to the supplements. You do not need these to lose weight. To lose weight you eat at a calorie deficit. It doesn't take supplements or magic pills. Hardwork, dedication and a desire to change.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You know, people here, myself included, are usually against "diets" and cleanses, but you might be a candidate for a restricted diet of nothing but nutrition shakes or whatever, followed by an introduction of food starting with healthier stuff.

    No... just no.
  • ladyredeemed4
    ladyredeemed4 Posts: 72 Member
    Wow, great job with the 50 lbs!!!!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Warrior the f**k up
  • ladyredeemed4
    ladyredeemed4 Posts: 72 Member
    I take the Chromium GTF Chelate and 7-Keto. I also increased my fruits and veggies. Seems like it has jump started this slow metabolism.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    You know, people here, myself included, are usually against "diets" and cleanses, but you might be a candidate for a restricted diet of nothing but nutrition shakes or whatever, followed by an introduction of food starting with healthier stuff.

    @Expressocycle, Why? Please explain your thought process, esp if you "are usually against "diets" and cleanses". Why do you think OP would be a candidate for something you don't generally support? Just curious.