not counting fruit or veg



  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    Why would you not count fruit or veg if you are calorie counting? I don't get it?
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    Fruits & veggies are great for you, but some are more caloric than you'd think--- I'd count them. Plus it's fun to include them & then look at your daily nutrition, & see how much vitamins/potassium you've added :smile:
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    Count fruits!!! I always thought that was crazy that on WW you could eat unlimited fruits. What if someone just ate bananas or grapes or pineapple all day? I mean, they're full of vitamins and are so good for you, but eating them in unlimited quantities will not help weight loss. That is so much sugar, even if it's natural sugars.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    You should count them. Apples and bananas can have lots of calories, so can other fruits, including tomatoes. 10 cherry tomatoes has 20 calories. It adds up.
  • HideyoshiKinoshita
    HideyoshiKinoshita Posts: 46 Member
    I don't see a point in not counting them.. Calories are calories. Food is food. You'll end up only hurting yourself by limiting your information of what you put into your body..
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    As someone else already pointed out (maybe more than one person, I just skimmed the replies), the reason this works for WW is they give you a lower daily limit to allow for the uncounted fruits and veg. This is not WW, this is MFP and using this method means you really should log everything, otherwise you're just fooling yourself. Sure fruits and veg are good for you but they still have calories that add up (especially larger fruits and bananas), sometimes enough to prevent you from losing weight. In the long run, it's no different than not logging half a brownie or a can of regular soda. Log everything.
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Just because it is good for you does not mean that it will not make you put on weight 3,000 cals of fruit/veg a day Vs 3,000 cals of junk a day will still make you put on the same amount of weight the difference is you'd feel a bit more healthy after the fruit and veg.

    I tried slimming world a few weeks back as I got a bit bored of calorie counting (even though iv lost 20lbs from it) and I did not loose anything as it turns out I was consuming a lot more calories on slimming world that I would be by sticking to my usual 1,200 cals.

    On slimming world you are aloud as much fruit and veg as you want, I really struggled with it as I couldnt help but notice how many calories I was consuming from this. It also didn’t help that the mentor was a good few stone overweight (contradictory much?!)
  • maffff
    maffff Posts: 72 Member
    I count every gram, it's not exactly difficult.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I tried slimming world a few weeks back as I got a bit bored of calorie counting (even though iv lost 20lbs from it) and I did not loose anything as it turns out I was consuming a lot more calories on slimming world that I would be by sticking to my usual 1,200 cals.

    22 years old with only 10 lbs to go... and 1200 calories?

    Lemme guess. Sedentary / 2lbs per week?
  • Socalgal13
    I guess I do not understand why you would not count them, You are already logging other foods in. There really is not such thing was "free" food. With the average banana at 110 calories and an medium apple at 90 calories, Even if you only ate one each, that is 200 calories that you would not count. Making your weight loss slower and in my mind more frustrating. If you are worried about easing into things, I would start with a higher total calories for the day, so it is not such a huge shift for you
  • adiostrasero
    adiostrasero Posts: 127 Member
    The OP said she wants to *ease* back into calorie counting after having an arguably easier system with WW. (Note: I actually think MFP is easier than WW, but I didn't when I was a new "convert.")

    Obviously we all know ALL calories count, and that excess calories make you gain weight whether it's from funnel cakes (mmmm, funnel cake...) or broccoli. That's not what she's asking. She's come up with a temporary system she wants to try until she gets in the swing of things. If this temporary system helps her get started, I see no harm in it.

    Now ... to the OP. As others have mentioned, WW takes into account "free" foods by lowering your daily allotment of points. I think you could do something similar with calories. Figure out roughly how many calories in fruits/veggies you eat on a typical day, and subtract that from the calorie recommendation MFP gives you. So, let's say you estimate you'll eat 450 calories in fruits/veggies and MFP tells you to eat 1450 calories a day. Just subtract 450 and eat 1000 calories, not counting fruits and veggies.

    I do agree that you should eventually begin to count them, because it's too easy over time to let the calories creep in. But, as I said, if this is what you need to do to get into a healthy mindset for MFP, then I say go for it - just be cautious to actually estimate your true intake and don't take advantage of it. Otherwise, you will only be cheating yourself in the long run! :smile: