
I just signed up for 2 introductory classes at 2 different CrossFit gyms in my area.
One looks very "bare bones", the other box looks a little more dressed up (this gym also has gymnastics).

I am moderately fit, but not particularly athletic.

Can anyone who has tried or does CrossFit regularly share their first time experiences? Im very nervous but am totally looking forward to trying it.


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I haven't done it personally, but I will tell you to listen to your body and be firm with the instructor if they are pushing you to do more weight or more lifts beyond your limit. Some instructors can be great, but there are also many people who get injured because they were pushed dangerously far.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I'm not worried about that so much, Im very good at saying no. I can also lift pretty heavy, but I want to try CF because I want to work on my overall fitness, whereas I feel like my cardio and weightlifting are 2 separate things right now
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member

    Anyone tried this?
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    I was doing this and LOVED it. I am not a morning person and I was getting up at 4:30 A.M to get my workout in. The only reason that I stopped is because our CF Gym here is $100 a month and I just cant swing that right now. Plus our gym does not have an area for kids and I have no one to watch them while I go. But other than that it was fun. But I enjoy lifting. Our instructor did not push us at all. She was actually very adament about us taking our time and "leave your ego at the door". Meaning you may think you can do higher, but your body says otherwise. If you have a good instructor, they will ease you into it. Modified versions until you reach the level you can handle the regular versions. I am quite overweight, and she was very patient with me.
    Overall, I really really enjoyed it and given the chance I will go back.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I was doing this and LOVED it. I am not a morning person and I was getting up at 4:30 A.M to get my workout in. The only reason that I stopped is because our CF Gym here is $100 a month and I just cant swing that right now. Plus our gym does not have an area for kids and I have no one to watch them while I go. But other than that it was fun. But I enjoy lifting. Our instructor did not push us at all. She was actually very adament about us taking our time and "leave your ego at the door". Meaning you may think you can do higher, but your body says otherwise. If you have a good instructor, they will ease you into it. Modified versions until you reach the level you can handle the regular versions. I am quite overweight, and she was very patient with me.
    Overall, I really really enjoyed it and given the chance I will go back.

    That sounds like you had a great coach. The gym by me is a little pricier, but sometimes it's worth paying the price for something you love. Im nervous because I don't know if I'm "fit" enough for it, but I would know unless I try, right?
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    I live in a rural area. My coach was very mild so I guess you could say I was blessed with that. I know some are very much NOT. Just don't let them push you into doing more than you KNOW your body can handle. We all have different circumstances. My ankles are kinda weak, so the running and jumping is a little harder. (But being 110 lbs overweight has alot to do with it.) Just listen to your body, nobody but you can know what is too much or too little. My coach wouldnt even let me start with weights on the bar doing any strength exercises, even though I have 3 kids and pick up way more than that on a daily basis. Some people are not that lucky to have a coach that is that understanding. You want to be pushed, but not into the hospital or physical therapy because you have went to far.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    I think you will like it. I am about to do a free crossfit class this weekend. One of my best friends is really into it she's taking me. I went to one of the female competitions last week and it was awesome. You'll work with kettle bells, do box jumps, burpees, pull up, lift, etc. It all seems doable but your weights and reps will increase.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I live in a rural area. My coach was very mild so I guess you could say I was blessed with that. I know some are very much NOT. Just don't let them push you into doing more than you KNOW your body can handle. We all have different circumstances. My ankles are kinda weak, so the running and jumping is a little harder. (But being 110 lbs overweight has alot to do with it.) Just listen to your body, nobody but you can know what is too much or too little. My coach wouldnt even let me start with weights on the bar doing any strength exercises, even though I have 3 kids and pick up way more than that on a daily basis. Some people are not that lucky to have a coach that is that understanding. You want to be pushed, but not into the hospital or physical therapy because you have went to far.
    Ive def heard stories of bad boxes and coaches that push people out of their comfort level. That's why I signed up for 2 different ones, a few days apart from each other, to see how I liked it, if I liked it at all, and try diff boxes. I can't make a decision until Ive experienced it.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    I personally loved it. I say try it, and see how they are. Good Luck!!
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    I've been doing crossfit for a few months now, and I LOVE it! Before joining my box I wasn't working out on a regular basis, so don't worry about not being fit/athletic enough. They will scale it to what you're able to do. Have fun!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I think you will like it. I am about to do a free crossfit class this weekend. One of my best friends is really into it she's taking me. I went to one of the female competitions last week and it was awesome. You'll work with kettle bells, do box jumps, burpees, pull up, lift, etc. It all seems doable but your weights and reps will increase.
    The youtubes Ive seen look intense! Hope I can keep up
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    I started in May. I love it! I'm sure you will be fine. Please let us know what you think after you attend the classes :)
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Been at it 4 years. When I started I could barely do "girl" push ups. There is no required level of "fit" to begin, everything is infinitely scale-able. Find a good box, coach, community, the fitness will come.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    My husband has been doing it a while. He loves it. He has a good instructor too, who keeps in mind that my husband has knee issues. I'd probably do it too if evening life wasn't so busy with two little ones right now.
  • sayhitostephz
    sayhitostephz Posts: 124 Member
    I've been doing it for a few months now and I'm 260 lbs and wasn't very athletic. As long as you do as much as you can, you will get a great workout and will see improvement in fitness. I love it!
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    My gym is new and very bare bones. The most important thing is your coach. Good coach=good experience.

    Prepare yourself for the PM, if you haven't already gotten it. There is a CF troll on MFP.
  • knot_enough
    knot_enough Posts: 176 Member
    The workouts are insane. You'll just keep asking yourself why you're doing them while youre doing them, then congratulate yourself after lol. its a love/hate relationship, just like exercise should be.
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    If you work your *kitten* off so hard you want to flick off the instructor, you're doing good. You will be fine, just listen to your body, your instructor, ask questions, and give it a few shots. If I can do it, you can do it - they will scale it to your abilities.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    No one ever Rx'd a WOD the first few months so just take your time, learn the movements, work on your form. The heavy weights come later. If you don't get the techniques down pat you can really hurt yourself. Your coach should be stressing form over load/volume all the time. If not then find another box. You will love it.