

  • Mechanikitty
    Mechanikitty Posts: 90 Member
    Can I suggest Milk Lollies? You get milk, strawberry and CHOCOLATE! It lasts longer than a tiny square of choclate, or even a bar. The coldnes is a craving killer too, I find.

    You can get reduced calorie ones that are about 30 but the ones I get from Aldi are 80. Very, very yummy and nostalgic.
  • hazellac
    hazellac Posts: 90 Member
    This might not help so much with the chocolate but when I've been craving sweet things I grab a Jumbo Snack - A -Jacks Caramel Rice Cake, pretty filling and only about 51 cals? Even half is enough for me some times.
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    You can do it hon :) You know if you really can't resist you can make cookies out of mashed banana and oatmeal Throw in a few chocolate chips just enough to make them look tempting and if you make them small you have a cookie for under 30 cal. I will find the actual recipe brb.
  • zombieyoshi
    Slice and freeze banana
    Put frozen banana in food processor
    Add about 2tsp milk (any kind), about 2tsp cocoa powder, 2tsp honey, two drops vanilla extract, and the tiniest pinch of salt.
    Blend/mix. It will begin to look grainy.
    Keep blending until it gets super creamy, the exact consistency of soft serve ice cream.
    You may have to use a spoon to mush it back down to the blades.

    Seriously, you have to try it, it's amazing.

    You can really add whatever you want, or do just plain banana, I like to add cinnamon or peanut butter personally. Or if you want to use chocolate syrup instead of cocoa powder and honey.
    You feel like you're eating ice cream, but you're really just eating bananas :)
    This has saved my diet many times when craving sweets.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
  • paulstephenmarshall
    paulstephenmarshall Posts: 35 Member
    if any of us needs further reason to lose weight just watch channel 5 right now, this guys he biggest ive ever seen
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Mix 2 tsp of nutella into 3/4 cup PLAIN greek yogurt. The protein will help with hunger and the nutella will give you some chocolate flavour. Eat slowly so that it has a chance to fill you up. Its about 150 calories with the brands I use.

    And cookies- honestly, I eat cookies. In moderation. I make a batch and roll them into balls and freeze them. Then when I want one, I bake one or two only. 350F for 12 minutes from frozen gives me enough time to think about my choice. If I want more, by the time its ready my hunger has been abated.
  • paulstephenmarshall
    paulstephenmarshall Posts: 35 Member
    this guys weighs 800lb
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    also, you can add cocoa to a protein shake and it tastes amazing! and only adds 20 calories :)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Chocolate frozen yogurt at 25 calories an ounce. I'm an addict.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
  • jesmith86
    I have a terrible time with chocolate and sweets! Nothing takes the place of chocolate for me. However, I do buy diet jello chocolate puddings and sugar free fudgesicles. It helps a bit. I also eat dark chocolate covered almonds...but just a few a day. Good luck!!!

    I would be careful of the sugar free items, as the artificial sweeteners that are used can increase your cravings for more things sweet AND doesn't help with weight loss. I would recommend clean eating, treat maybe once a week (have a set day for some nice dark chocolate - 1 serve, something to look forward to all week :) ) and you will eventually retrain your brain that it doesn't actually need the chocolate, you probably need some nuts and seeds (that always satisfies me when I'm looking for a sweet snack).

    Hopefully this helps :)
  • jesmith86
    Mix 2 tsp of nutella into 3/4 cup PLAIN greek yogurt. The protein will help with hunger and the nutella will give you some chocolate flavour. Eat slowly so that it has a chance to fill you up. Its about 150 calories with the brands I use.

    And cookies- honestly, I eat cookies. In moderation. I make a batch and roll them into balls and freeze them. Then when I want one, I bake one or two only. 350F for 12 minutes from frozen gives me enough time to think about my choice. If I want more, by the time its ready my hunger has been abated.

    About the nutella, I would be very careful about eating that, as it is no way as healthy as they advertise it to be. It is full of palm oil (no good for you) and a heap of sugar (21 grams per serve of 2 tablespoons) check out this page, it tells you how to make your own if you are craving it
  • wendyjw15
    I know what you are going through. I am trying to cut out sugar and it is not easy. I bought the black seedless grapes for my first snack at work. They are really sweet and only 15 grapes to make a half cup.:happy: :smile:
  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    I LOVE Vector bars... the chocolate chip ones... but you need to have calories to spare as it is 230 calories
    but really helps with protein
  • Lilaca84
    Lilaca84 Posts: 17
    You can have 24 chocolate Teddy Grahams for 130 calories or 5 Hershey's Kisses for 110 calories. Two of my favs for chocolate cravings.

    ooooh, yeah, that sounds pretty good...24 for 130, i think i can be satisfied with that trade off :D
  • Lilaca84
    Lilaca84 Posts: 17
    I LOVE Vector bars... the chocolate chip ones... but you need to have calories to spare as it is 230 calories
    but really helps with protein

    I have been drinking the milk chocolate ensure when i crave...but it's 250 calories, guzzled in 10 seconds! I may look for these (i've never seen them in stores where i live, maybe amazon :) ) and try it when my hunger is at bay and allowing me to skip meals. My appetite has mood swings. most days i crave food, then some days i am content to not eat's odd.
  • Lilaca84
    Lilaca84 Posts: 17
    eat a serving of cookies and cream icecream but ditch the carton...or just go grab a cone from somewhere to be safe

    throwing it out is what i would have to do...when i posted i knew if i came home with the craving still, the cookies i have here would be gone....i am not satisfied with just 2 or 3 cookies, i tend to binge.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I just eat cookies and chocolate and ice cream.

  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    As you yourself said, sugar/carbohydrate addiction. Ignore the cravings and they will go away eventually as your body depends on them less.