Need more calories!!

Help please.... I am doing low carbs ( 20g or less) & I just can't get enough calories.... I am at 500! For the day& already ate dinner!! What's high in fat & low in carbs?... I'm trying to get 1500 / day.


  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    First of all 20 is impossible unless you eat nothing but meat all day!! That is why you can't seem to eat enough calories - it is virtually impossible! The lowest you should realistically try to maintain is around 80 - 100. That said, most should come from veggies and fruit (google lowest carb fruit) Think protein, chicken, fish, nuts, green veggies, eggs...

    Google Paleo Diet and find a web site by Cordain - he basically wrote the book..
  • Tiffjc3
    Tiffjc3 Posts: 4
    I am eating virtually all meat... & I got that number from Atkins diet .... I am eating meat , eggs , cheese & green beans, lettuce wraps ..... Can't get my calories
  • lowlo
    lowlo Posts: 3
    You definitely need protein but I think you are forgetting about veggies! Not only are they good for you, low in calories & fat, they will keep you full. I find I am eating them all day. You can roast red peppers, kale chips, avocado, sugar snap peas for when you need something crunchy. 500 calories is way too low, your body goes into starvation mode and it will be harder to lose weight. You need to eat so many calories for your body to work properly. Also most food labelled: 'low fat' or 'low calorie' is usually processed and full of chemicals. Your body can't process that. Eating natural fat such as, olive oil & avocados is good for you. Fat doesn't make you fat, sugar does. My advice, bump up the calories to 1500, and eat as natural and organic whole foods as possible. Stay away from sugar and processed food.
  • Tiffjc3
    Tiffjc3 Posts: 4
    Eeeeew.... But I may have to resort to that ! Lol
  • Tiffjc3
    Tiffjc3 Posts: 4
    Will try the avocado !.... Never heard of roasting them!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    definitely get on the veggies. Not sure why you want to do low carb but that is an argument for another thread. To answer your question I gave this advice to someone yesterday and I believe it holds true for you too:

    There is nothing I have made in the past three months that I couldn't add one of the following to and have it taste awesome:
    - cheese
    - butter
    - oil
    - cream

    I believe all are low carb but as someone who has never bothered with that kind of diet I couldn't actually say for sure. You did mention you eat cheese though and I can guarantee I would have no problem housing 2000 calories of cheese in a day. Hand me a block of smoked gouda, a wedge of brie, and a cheese knife and I'd go to town.

    In your case I'm guessing you're so low on calories because (besides carbs) you're not willing to eat much other than meat and dairy and are finding yourself to be extremely limited? I'd try cooking up some broccoli and making a creamy cheese sauce to go over it and that should go a long way to helping you meet your goal. If you have a dual problem where you don't like veggies and are too low on your calories then you are actually at an advantage that most picky eaters don't have: You have the ability to add calorie dense delicious things to veggies that will make them taste awesome. Ever had au gratin potatoes? You can make any veggie au gratin. Just bake it in cream with cheese on top and BAM - deliciousness. Experiment with low carb things that you don't like by mixing them with high fat things that you do like.

    edited: because i hit the save button too soon...
  • lowlo
    lowlo Posts: 3
    I was going to add butter! Skip the margarine, butter is delicious and your body can process it. I would only roast the red pepper on that list, misunderstanding. For avocados, I eat them straight or when making tuna salad I use an avocado in place of mayo. I always try to add veggies to everything that I eat. Also nuts! All you need is a handful a day. Yes, it can be about 200 calories, but they are a superfood and sure to keep you satisfied.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Well if you want a few ideas, you can look at my diaries from about July 21-August 16. I was doing a cyclical ketogenic diet during that time and Sunday-Friday midday I was averaging 8-10 grams per day. But things to consider would be scrambled eggs, bacon & sausage, high cal salad dressings with a salad (those are low carbs). And i was averaging about 1800 calories a day during the low carb part of the diet.

    Another option might be for you to consider what I'm introducing into my diet right now: an MCT oil. I'm adding it to add calories as I ramp up to maintenance because at least right now, I'm having a hard time being able to eat all the calories I need to get maintenance (I can't believe I ever ate that much but obviously I did). There are pluses and minuses to it, so you should read up about it and consider it with your own situation and health condition first. Don't just jump into because someone on the internet suggested. Read up on it and ask questions.
  • coffee_fiend
    coffee_fiend Posts: 49 Member
    If you've got carbs left and need a calorie boost -- slice up an apple and have it w/ peanut butter! Yuum!