When Should I weigh myself?

espehoecity Posts: 22
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Should I weigh myself every monday? or every 2 days?
A lot of times in the past I would obsess about loosing weight and I would weigh myself 2 times a day and I would go crazy when I didnt loose weight and I would convince my body that its not working so I would eat and start a "diet" again the following monday.


  • I weight myself everyone morning, just to satisfy my own curiosity but I only post it on MFP on Mondays.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I personally weigh myself every day. And I try not to get down when the numbers don't cooperate with my preconcieved notion of what they should be. I 'officially' record my weight twice a week, but I do step on the scale every day. Sometimes twice a day. The key is not to give up instantly when you see evil numbers looking back at you.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    It doesn't matter when you weigh your self, as long as you do it same time every day. With that said, for most people, when you wake up and do what ever it is you do after waking up is normaly the lightest you will weight for that given day.
  • I weigh myself multiple times throughout the day. It's interesting to see how my weight fluctuates throughout the day with the intake of food and water. My "official" weigh in day is Wednesday mornings. Sometimes Thursday if i ate more than usual on Tuesday :)
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I personally weigh myself every day. And I try not to get down when the numbers don't cooperate with my preconcieved notion of what they should be. I 'officially' record my weight twice a week, but I do step on the scale every day. Sometimes twice a day. The key is not to give up instantly when you see evil numbers looking back at you.

    I hear you there. I am the same way, it is almost like the habit of opening the frige door, even if you not hungry or going to eat.
  • jhorenc
    jhorenc Posts: 16 Member
    I like to weigh myself once a week usually on a Friday ( just to see how well you did throughout the week) and it's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning :)
  • If you want to weigh yourself daily, try to only do it in the morning. That way you haven't eaten in several hours so it will be more accurate (and usually a few pounds lower than later in the day, after you've eaten and had liquids). Don't get down on yourself, take it one meal at a time! Good luck, you can do it! :)
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate plus or minus about 6 pounds a day depends on a lot of different conditions. Thats why you should way yourself the same time usually once a week to see results.
  • Like many of the people above me, I weigh myself every single morning, but in my case thats because I start my mornings on the wii and I like to see my little calendar filled with little stamps. I only record once a week, on thursday unless I see a really significant weightloss I cant resist posting.

    if you are going to weigh every day or even as often as every 2 days, keep in mind anything from sodium intake, to time of the month to time of the day... All of that stuff, you cant let any rise in the scale's numbers send you into a binge.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Stark naked at 5 am after you pee :D

    /every day - but it should be every 3
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    Stark naked at 5 am after you pee :D

    /every day - but it should be every 3

    Agreed only i do mine once a week
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Stark naked at 5 am after you pee :D

    /every day - but it should be every 3

    Agreed only i do mine once a week

    You're doing it right. I have no suspense-control. I ruin Christmas every year too but having people open their presents early ;-)
  • since the scale is a hard thing for you i suggest a couple of things

    1) buy a tape measure inches will show most often before the scale does
    2) weigh in 1 time a week, first thing in the am
    3) if the scale is to much of a temptation- get rid of it, and just weigh in at a doctors office, or a gym

    I weight in 2 a day, but its more to help me stay focused, it doesn't unravel me if I am up a pound or so than normal, its an indicator to me that maybe i've had to much sodium or something and I need to watch what I'm doing a little closer.

    * edited to add* I wasn't always that way, not to long ago the shifts would unravel me but the more I understand my body and how things are processed the easier it has been for me.
  • i weigh daily, but it's a numbers game for me.
    since you stated that you tend to obsess about the scales, i would take them to the neighbors and only go there once a week to use them.
    Monday may not be the day for you. if it will keep you on track through the weekend than that works. if you tend to fall off the wagon and Monday you will get discouraged, there is no reason why you can't weigh in on a different day.
    find what works for you and allows you to live healthy and not focused on the scales.
    cheering you on!
  • I weigh myself multiple times throughout the day. It's interesting to see how my weight fluctuates throughout the day with the intake of food and water. My "official" weigh in day is Wednesday mornings. Sometimes Thursday if i ate more than usual on Tuesday :)

    you must be a numbers game person like me.
    for those that obsess and use the scales as a guide what they should eat at their next meal, or if they should eat all 1,200 calories, they need to remove the scales from their home and weigh somewhere else once a week. we KNOW when we are eating healthy and exercising.
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