I don't know what to do anymore



  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    sounds very light calorie wise.

    This is your problem.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Why in the world are you only eating dinner 1 day a week?!?! Are you worried about the time of day you eat - because that's a myth. It doesn't matter what time you eat your food, if you are at a calorie deficit (healthy one) then you will lose weight.

    I agree, I do not think you are eating enough at all. You need to eat above your BMR and below your TDEE.

    I eat 3 meals a day and sometimes 1-2 snacks a day. I'm eating 1688 calories a day. I'm losing weight. You need to fuel your body properly if you want to lose weight. Your body needs 1200 calories to continue to function properly. If you eat only 1200 and burn say 300 calories a workout then you are only giving your body 900 calories to function. You need to eat those 300 back. It will still be at a deficit.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Meet your calorie goal each day. You can have one huge meal or 12 small meals - but meet your calorie goal EVERY day.

    Learn what your BMR, TDEE & TDEG are and then use them to eat at a % deficit from the TDEE. (tons of calculators on line)

    Log every bite that goes in your mouth. Everything. Don't guess - we always underestimate.

    Weigh/measure everything you eat. Everything. Don't guess - we always underestimate.

    Use a tape measure and camera to log your progress. Don't just rely on a scale.

    Find something you love to do (lift, run, walk, etc.) and then do it every day. Use a HRM because we always overestimate.

    Good luck.
  • Nina76
    Nina76 Posts: 12 Member
    I will try and track my food on here from now on. But I honestly don't believe I'm not eating enough. Last year I signed up to a program eating 1200 kcal a day and having the support of a nutritionalist. After 9 months, I still haven't lost anything.

    Most of the time I'm not hungry, I've got cravings but I'm not hungry. As I said I work away from home, so I can't cook for myself and I don't know how the food has been prepared. Therefore it's hard to guess how many kcal something has. Also when you go to the buffet, I takes a lot of willpower not to eat anything else but veggies. Therefore I don't go for dinner at all. It's different when I'm home. But unfortunately we travel a lot and therefore eat out a lot. But I thought if I get into a good routine will at work, it will help me to keep it up at home. Well, not working so far...

    I honestly don't know what it is, I think I still eat too much and exercise too little but there's only so many hours in the day. I'm just at a loss and whenever I do go and see someone, they tell a different story what I should and shouldn't been eating.

    I thank you for all your replies!
  • Nina76
    Nina76 Posts: 12 Member
    Check out my blog on how to get started correctly

    Where do I find your blog???
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I will try and track my food on here from now on. But I honestly don't believe I'm not eating enough. Last year I signed up to a program eating 1200 kcal a day and having the support of a nutritionalist. After 9 months, I still haven't lost anything.

    Most of the time I'm not hungry, I've got cravings but I'm not hungry. As I said I work away from home, so I can't cook for myself and I don't know how the food has been prepared. Therefore it's hard to guess how many kcal something has. Also when you go to the buffet, I takes a lot of willpower not to eat anything else but veggies. Therefore I don't go for dinner at all. It's different when I'm home. But unfortunately we travel a lot and therefore eat out a lot. But I thought if I get into a good routine will at work, it will help me to keep it up at home. Well, not working so far...

    I honestly don't know what it is, I think I still eat too much and exercise too little but there's only so many hours in the day. I'm just at a loss and whenever I do go and see someone, they tell a different story what I should and shouldn't been eating.

    I thank you for all your replies!
    I don't see how you could eat less. Take the advice you are getting and eat dinner. You are eating less than 1000 cal per day from what it sounds like, and how is that working????
  • thesifter
    thesifter Posts: 107 Member
    Start tracking accurately, open your diary , people are FULL of advice on here , but they need more than anecdotal evidence, good luck with your journey
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    Um, please start eating dinner every day.

    Yes, this! You need to make sure you are eating 1100-1300 a day, seriously. I can't remember your height, if you're above 5'2" then at least 1200-1300
  • bb1266
    bb1266 Posts: 27 Member
    I can see everyone's being really helpful.

    Food intolerance is a good idea.

    Also, fiber and water intake. Are you constipated? (legitimate question) because that adds weight on too. Drinking enough water is important.

    Like others say, you may be eating too little, but definitely use BMR calculators to determine that. You might have put yourself into starvation mode or caused high stress for your body, which is what comes of extreme diets over long periods of time. Get yourself to where you're healthy and happy and active, and don't be afraid to eat, because you're burning calories every day and all you need is a deficit and a healthy system.
  • sandyt_79
    sandyt_79 Posts: 12 Member
    I take it you live in Australia? I worked FIFO for 13 years in Western Australia, so I know what you are talking about. I agree its hard to handle the full spread buffets and eating healthy on a mine site, especially when the foods are all heavily oiled & fried with limited fresh options and having no idea whats in the food and limiting what you put on your plate.

    I ended up cooking meals at home on my break, freezing them and taking them to work in a cooler bag and storing in my fridge/freezer in my room or in the crib room at site. If you travel heavy normally when going back and forth to work, ask the flight girls to allocate you a larger luggage allowance to compensate. I used to heat my dinner up in the mess every night and eat with everyone, so that I didnt feel like I was being unsocialable.. You would be surprised how many people ended up following my lead. Breakfasts and lunches for the most part I could find something to throw together. I just found that the more I could stay away from bringing a plate up to the buffets, the better off I would be.

    Lite n easy could also be an option for you. They are all pre frozen meals, you could get them flown to work as freight on the flights. Then you could almost stay right away from the buffets altogether. Theres no thinking, you just take your bag to work and eat your food throughout the day. Take your dinner to the mess and heat up in the microwave. Easy!

    You really need to start eating properly though. Not eating dinner is really bad. Changing your habits even just a little bit, will make you feel better before you know it. Keep positive and try something new. Obviously what you have been doing in the past, isnt working so what have you got to loose?

    Start by eating a meal, even a small meal at dinner time!
  • I think you are not eating enough calories, skipping meals is not idea because I doubt you will be able to maintain this in the long run. The fact that you have not lost a pounds and even put on some is quite abnormal. I recommend you take some multivitamins and maybe try to cut out the dairy you are having in the mornings. You might be intolerant to it, but that said was dairy products part of your diet before your weight loss journey ? Also due to your exercises you might have simply put on some muscles which weighs more than fat. I recommend you measure your self ( bust, waist etc...) to see if you are smaller.
    Now, I beg of you don't give up. Losing weight is hard and I know it could be frustrating when one seems to put all the effort to to the right things but do not see any results. Just try and make some chances to the way you approach your weight loss, and don't hesitate to share your frustrations and hopefully success with us. We are all here to help !
    Good luck and stay positive !
    Hello there,

    I'm 37, 158 cm short and 85 kg heavy. I know how I got there but I don't know how to get out. I work FIFO and only have limited choices but for the past 4 weeks this is what I ate:
    Breakfast: 1 cup of natural yoghurt, 1/2 cup Oats, Latte with trim milk, no sugar
    Snacks: 2 pieces of fresh fruit
    Lunch: 2 cups of mixed salad with protein (e.g. Ham, tuna, cheese, egg)
    And once a week I had dinner: grilled fish and veggies

    Exercise wise I went interval jogging every 2nd day (6km) and did gym exercises the other day.

    I feel good, not hungry but I feel bloated all the time. And I have not lost a gram! I actually put 1 kg on - how can that be?

    I really don't know what to do anymore. I don't eat too little, I don't eat too much, why, why, why???

    I'm thinking of surgery but not sure what could help me to loose those 30 kg? I am so depressed, you cannot imagine. I really don't know what to do anymore.
  • Nina76
    Nina76 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for your kind words! I feel a bit better today but still very frustated. Like I said before I have been trying the 1200 kcal plan and it di not work. I di try the 5:2 diet and that worked, so I was hoping my current plan works even better as I assume I might just not need that many calories and might have a sluggish metabolism.

    I'm not constipated, I drink lots of water. I don't drink softdrinks but I do love wine during my R'n'R. :-)

    I have opened my diary (I think) and have entered everything I ate today. On a normaly day this would be the end of it but I always have dinner on Fridays. :-)

    Unfortunately I cannot bring food to where I work to to quarantine restrictions (yes, I work in WA). So that makes it really, really hard. The food here isn't the freshest.

    I always had dairy and I always had stomach cramps but I also had lots of wheat as well. So not sure about this.Maybe I shave to do one of those elimination diets.

    I'm curious to see what people think what my food choices for today and look forward to more comments. And thanks for encouraging me, I was close to giving up once and for all last night.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    Have you had blood tests to rule out hormonal imbalance and to check your thyroid function? Have you had your blood sugar levels tested?
  • Nina76
    Nina76 Posts: 12 Member
    I had my thyroid checked and that's ok but I haven't checked anything else.

    Yes, 500 kcal and I'm not loosing anything. But I didn't loose anything on 1200 kcal either....
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Well, I went to your diary but there are no entries there so either you're not populating it or it's not open. when we can track what you have actually been eating in your diary then we may be able to help you but without the information there's not much we can do.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I will try and track my food on here from now on. But I honestly don't believe I'm not eating enough. Last year I signed up to a program eating 1200 kcal a day and having the support of a nutritionalist. After 9 months, I still haven't lost anything.

    Most of the time I'm not hungry, I've got cravings but I'm not hungry. As I said I work away from home, so I can't cook for myself and I don't know how the food has been prepared. Therefore it's hard to guess how many kcal something has. Also when you go to the buffet, I takes a lot of willpower not to eat anything else but veggies. Therefore I don't go for dinner at all. It's different when I'm home. But unfortunately we travel a lot and therefore eat out a lot. But I thought if I get into a good routine will at work, it will help me to keep it up at home. Well, not working so far...

    I honestly don't know what it is, I think I still eat too much and exercise too little but there's only so many hours in the day. I'm just at a loss and whenever I do go and see someone, they tell a different story what I should and shouldn't been eating.

    I thank you for all your replies!

    *sighs* My advice was to pack a lunch, but you have all these reasons why you can't do A or B or C. And if you keep doing the same thing you're doing, you're not going to change.

    Figure something else out, find a new solution, but starving yourself or eating salty, greasy food on the daily isn't going to help you either way.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Well, I'd wager even 1200 was probably a bit low.

    With the amount of food you're eating, I'm pretty sure you're not even getting enough nutrients. It's not all about calories. You need to get a certain amount of vitamins and minerals, and I can't see how you're doing that while eating so little. This way of eating is setting yourself up for failure in a few different ways.
  • ciaokk
    ciaokk Posts: 19 Member
    you are starving yourself, and your body is trying desperately to hold onto what it can......according to the BMR calculator someone referenced earlier, your resting energy expenditure is 1494 calories, add in little to no exercise and it's 1792 (takes energy just to live, walk around, etc). add in light exercise (1-3 x/week), it zooms to 2054 calories. Eat more. You're not hungry because you're starving. recalculate your goals, eat more, and I bet you will start seeing results.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    What are you eating for dinner the other days? It is really hard to say what are your calories you eat on average per day. Also remember the scale isn't everything are you seeing a change in how your clothes fit?
  • Nina76
    Nina76 Posts: 12 Member
    My diary says it's 'public', not sure why you can't see it?

    So with the BMR, mine says 1,492 kcal/day. So that means if I eat 1492 kcal/day, I maintain my weight, if I want to loose weight I need to substract 20% which makes it 1192 kcal/day. If I'd burn e.g. 300 kal from exercise, should I then still eat 1192 kcal or 1492 kcal/day???

    I know the current system isn't working for me,trust me, I can see that. But I'm honestly running out of ideas on how to track kcal if I don't even know what I'm eating... I'm happy to give the more eating a go.

    Ok, so from now on, I shall

    * track my food daily
    * eat 3 meals a day
    * continue to exercise

    Comments appreciated. Thanks!
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