Just Dance 7 Day Challenge.



  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    I do just dance 2 and 3 frequently and wear a heart rate monitor. I have to say a lot will have to do with how hard you are doing the dances. If you use the Wii version it is not easy to gauge because just wiggling a remote around doesn't really make for a precise measurement. The xbox version on hard improves this.

    There is pretty much no way it is 4.2 to 1 ratio. Sorry to say it is more 10 to 1 and for that you have to be really putting it out there. In a 25 minute enthusiastic session I burn about 154 calories. I am 5" 2 and around 129 lbs

    Hope that helps :)

    I also tested it wearing my HRM and agree with 10:1.
  • I also love the Wii Just Dance but I have more of a technical question. How do you save your sweat points? Some of them are saved but when I close out the program for the day I find that they haven't all been saved when I go back the next day. Is there something I should do to make sure I get credit for all the points I earned before I close out the program?