Trying again


I'm restarting MFP after about 2 years off. I had success my first time but have slowly gained back the weight. I'm looking to lose about 50 lbs.


  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to help support you on your journey.
  • Hi! I was in a similar position to you, although I'd never used MFP before but other tools. Had also gained it all back, 30kg off and then on in 18 months. I felt awful, and like a failure- so I just kept eating to distract me from these feelings. I started here at MFP 3 weeks ago tomorrow- SO GLAD! I already feel loads better, have lost 10cm from my hips and chest, and 7kg.

    I'm glad you're here :smile:

    Feel free to friend me too.
  • Feel free to add me as well. I'm starting over again too. It would be nice to see your progress and cheer you on :bigsmile:
  • I'm also starting over...for the third time this year. Working out only seems to depress me, but I'm determined to keep trying.
  • 50 is also my goal feel free to add me i love motivating new friends!
  • maryjboom
    maryjboom Posts: 137 Member
    I too am starting over once again. I have found i need to log everything I do and eat to stay on track.
  • PoisonElix
    PoisonElix Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Everyone! Fell free to add me. Im on round 2 of this myself so far so good. Yall can do it too!!
  • Feel free to add me also starting over! I stopped loggin in for a year ! But would workout off and on now I'm starting to log my food in again and would love to see what others are logging in to get ideas! Still figuring out new ways to eat healthy.
  • ToBeAStrongerMan
    ToBeAStrongerMan Posts: 36 Member
    Looking to lose about the same amount as well.

    Feel free to add me if you like, along with anyone else - the more the merrier :)
  • Same here, anyone feel free to add me
  • Me too - back again.
    Hopefully this time losing it for good.
    Have about 50Kg to lose - ouch!

    Feel free to add me
  • dynamodi
    dynamodi Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add, I'm starting again as well!