are you enjoying food MORE now you're being healthier?



  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    I don't eat substantially different than I did for I make sure I'm gettin my fruits and veg, but I've never been a "crap" eater...I was just an over-eater. I've always enjoyed nutritious and healthy foods and cooking from scratch, etc. My issue has never really been was always quantity. I've always been a, "well that was delicious...going back for 2nds" kinda guy. Also...a "wolfman" portion tends to not be an actual going back for seconds was really like going back for 4ths back in the day...but I've gotten that under control now.

    This too :)
  • cmb67
    cmb67 Posts: 46 Member
    In response to your topic line, I find I am enjoying food more because no matter what I'm eating (I'm not "clean" or "whole" foods only) I eat slowly and savor every bite. I appreciate what I'm eating, because I know there won't be the endless helpings that I used to have. I never thought it was true that slow eating made you eat less, but it does. Eureka! :o)
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I respect the awesomeness of the bad stuff more...I'll just say that.

    yep, I appreciate a Burger King whopper a whole lot more. And treats are actually treats now. I try and keep the crap out of my weekday diet, but momma loves her chips and chocolate movie nights.

    And I appreciate a good burger a whole lot more... I never understand why "cheat" days or meals or whatever are used for things like low quality fast food. I still eat the stuff but I don't ever say to myself, I'm going to be good alllllll week just so I can have XYZ from random crappy fast food joint. Not worth it.
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    Honestly, counting calories makes me miserable and dread eating.

    I do better and enjoy food more when I know it's healthy, I suppose. And eating healthy food the majority of the time makes me REALLY enjoy the junk food I have the rest of the time.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I respect the awesomeness of the bad stuff more...I'll just say that.

    yep, I appreciate a Burger King whopper a whole lot more. And treats are actually treats now. I try and keep the crap out of my weekday diet, but momma loves her chips and chocolate movie nights.

    exactly. I used to feel awful because people would talk about their once or biweekly fast food when it was a daily, sometimes twice a day, thing for me. I don't really eat fast food anymore but now when I feel like a treat I have one. they're no longer staples of my diet, and if I have the room for one, I love that I can find such a tasty way to fit my macros. but sometimes I also don't feel like having ice cream, and that's cool too - I just save it for another day.

    it is amazing how great it feels to not classify foods as "good" or "bad". I think the reason you think your healthy food tastes better is because you are happy about how "good" it is. taste buds don't change, only mentalities do. still, if it makes you happy, eat it!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I respect the awesomeness of the bad stuff more...I'll just say that.

    yep, I appreciate a Burger King whopper a whole lot more. And treats are actually treats now. I try and keep the crap out of my weekday diet, but momma loves her chips and chocolate movie nights.

    And I appreciate a good burger a whole lot more... I never understand why "cheat" days or meals or whatever are used for things like low quality fast food. I still eat the stuff but I don't ever say to myself, I'm going to be good alllllll week just so I can have XYZ from random crappy fast food joint. Not worth it.

  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I have to say I love the way Im eating now. I love chicken with no spices microwaved (Very bland for most people) I like the taste and know its almost just protein im eating.

    Starting to look for more delicious healthy recipes so if you know any let met know.

    And to this guy, ditch the microwave and at the very least buy a slow cooker or even a cast iron grill pan.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    People suddenly "enjoy" plain microwaved chicken or whatever because they are now eating guilt-free and making progress towards their goals.

    It's great that you suddenly love this stuff, but it won't last. Plain microwaved chicken is bland, and when you get over the joy of guilt-free eating and strength gains you will crave something that *actually* tastes good.

    Start learning to cook and feed yourself in a healthy, but still guilt-free, way now. Do it before you get tired of what you're already eating or you may look to your old standbys.
  • sophiercook
    sophiercook Posts: 46 Member
    just something i noticed as i made my packed lunch last night of smoked salmon & avocado pasta. i actually seem to be eating tastier, more satisfying and flavoursome food than i did when i was filling myself up with crap.

    i may not have lost much weight yet, but i feel better just for taking more care over my food choices and knowing it's doing better things for me than a meal made up of crisps, cheese and chocolate!

    has anyone else made a new favourite food since starting? mine has got to be cous cous!

    I love your accent. The way you say, "crisps," makes my toes curl.

    I'll send you a cd of voice recordings... Also featuring smash hits such as 'cup of tea' and 'trousers' :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    People suddenly "enjoy" plain microwaved chicken or whatever because they are now eating guilt-free and making progress towards their goals.

    It's great that you suddenly love this stuff, but it won't last. Plain microwaved chicken is bland, and when you get over the joy of guilt-free eating and strength gains you will crave something that *actually* tastes good.

    Start learning to cook and feed yourself in a healthy, but still guilt-free, way now. Do it before you get tired of what you're already eating or you may look to your old standbys.

    Good advice.

    The answer to the original question for me is "yes", but only because I paid more attention to cooking. Cooking food that tastes good in various styles is something that made my life better.

    Microwaved chicken breast with no spices sounds like the opposite of that.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I am really seriously shocked to realize that I am enjoying food more now. I can't believe that there were so many wonderful vegetables I had convinced myself I did not like. Since I've started trying some healthier foods, I've realized some of them are really my favorite foods. This was startling to me because my habit for so many years has been pure junk and sodas.

    eta: and in regards to the person who said the newness will wear off and you'll get sick of it, I agree, I don't eat plain chicken, I invested in lots of spices and things to flavor my meats with and I started learning to cook some new things, so I am getting really delicious foods and not sacrificing any taste at all-- my personal recommendation for everyone, buy new spices, learn to cook new delicious healthy things (and mind you, if I want something that is not so nutritionally great and my MFP says it fits in my calories for the day, then I just have it, but I make sure I am not falling back into that pattern of eating those things frequently)
  • sophiercook
    sophiercook Posts: 46 Member
    this was exactly my point :) I'm not saying ditch the junk completely, but I can't believe how many delicious recipes I have discovered since watching what I eat. all hail vegetables, tomorrow I'm going to stuff and roast an aubergine - amazing!
  • emjean76
    emjean76 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm enjoying it for sure. I've been working hard to overcome my habit of eating too many sweets and in the past month I've had just 2 brownies which is a huge accomplishment for me. I will say that "healthy" foods are tasting better to me. Luckily I've always liked fruits and veggies so that wasn't a difficult change for me.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I definitely find that delicious things taste even more marvelous now. I also find that having a disappointing meal in a restaurant really ticks me off! I HATE wasting calories on something that isn't up to my expectations.
  • serenere
    serenere Posts: 70 Member
    I have to say I'm probably lucky because I've always liked to cook and Italian cooking is generally quite healthy. The problem for me was the amount. Of course now I try to go easy on the olive oil XD LOL and when I shop I'm always looking for ingredients that can be substitutes for fattest ones in my fav recipes. But generally speaking I'm not depriving myself that much. Of course I had to almost cut off all the sweets like cheesecake and strawberry sponge pie that I ADORE. Sadly when I eat them now I cannot enjoy them totally because I'm thinking about the many calories. I'm also afraid to slip. Well, it's been 8 months since I had a cheesecake I definitely have to work on that :D
  • lauraleighsm
    I enjoy my food more now bc I usually cook it, instead of unwrapping it. Taking the time to cook from scratch has given me so much more enjoyment with food now. I still struggle with quantity though.

    If I crave "bad" food I will have a cupcake or go out to eat for a good burger. I don't crave processed foods as much now since I've limited them. The thought of fast food makes me gag. Two years ago I salivated over chicken nuggets. Now I salivate over beets. Yeah, I've changed,
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Actually, no. I no longer feel compelled by food, rather, it's a bit of a turn-off:yawn:
    Ever since I've gotten my blood sugar under control with the help of a glucometer & keto diet, it's no longer got a hold on me & I eat simply to shut my tummy up. It takes such a teensy amount to make me full that it's hardly worth the effort :laugh:

    This is not something I thought I'd ever describe about myself & food, but, there it is :laugh: :huh: :blushing:
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have to say I love the way Im eating now. I love chicken with no spices microwaved (Very bland for most people) I like the taste and know its almost just protein im eating.

    Starting to look for more delicious healthy recipes so if you know any let met know.

    That's kinda sad
    It didn't make me feel sad.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I respect the awesomeness of the bad stuff more...I'll just say that.

    yep, I appreciate a Burger King whopper a whole lot more. And treats are actually treats now. I try and keep the crap out of my weekday diet, but momma loves her chips and chocolate movie nights.

    And I appreciate a good burger a whole lot more... I never understand why "cheat" days or meals or whatever are used for things like low quality fast food. I still eat the stuff but I don't ever say to myself, I'm going to be good alllllll week just so I can have XYZ from random crappy fast food joint. Not worth it.


  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    In a way, yes! Calorie wise; I feel so much better after eating 5 times a day vs one meal of pizza/fries/chips etc. I feel like I enjoy food much more now because it's about the tastes and the pairings more than the quantity.

    Once I finally learned what a proper serving size was, it was game on! 5 portioned and planned meals have me comfrotably moving through my day.