Tall Women and Weight



  • One of the positives about being tall (6'0"), is that I "hide" my weight very well. At 240 lbs, (YIKES!) most people wouldn't ever guess that much. However, I also have a very large frame, so if I lose 30 pounds no one notices either. And dropping 30 pounds means that I only go down 1 pant size. So being tall definitely has it's benefits and frustrations. Anyway, my goal weight for my height and frame is 175 lbs. Some women this height are okay in the 140's, but I know I would look like a skeleton.

    Also, yesterday was my first day on MFP, and I could REALLY use some support. I've NEVER learned healthy eating habits, and I have no idea what I'm doing at a gym. Where do I start? I'm tired of feeling fat. Any advice is welcome!!
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    I am 5'9 180 and still have alot of fat. I need :noway: to weigh about 140 I thnk.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I'm 5'7, 155... Goal weight 135-140.. (man and I thought I was tall! you ladies are tall!! ROFL!!)

    LOL! Exactly! I clicked in thinking, "I'm 5'8", this post must be for me." WRONG! We're the shorties in this discussion. Carry on, ladies. We "vertically challenged" will just sit back and wish 185 was a nice slim size 8 for us. Oh, the things I would eat ... :love:
  • amberbabb26
    amberbabb26 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 6/1. I starte out at 227 I'm now 180 I was size 17 and now in 10. I got to this weight saying I would reevaluate. I can tell where I'm at I can be 10 pounds smaller and have a few in to loose. You will know when you are there. Also look at body fat now at a 19% everyone's body is diff. I'd look more at in and how you feel then the pounds.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    I am 5"11 a size 4 and 140 lbs and before you all say that is too thin I have a VERY tiny frame and my doctor is happy with my weight so so am I.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I am 5'9". I started at 285 and am down to 265. I don't remember the last time I was even near 225, so I started my goal at 200, just to see from there. I do have a large frame and Popeye calves - huge, and all muscle. I have a couple other "trouble" spots, but have quite a bit of muscle under the flab. I am concerned about as I lose to not bulk up more, but not to lose too much muscle. I just take it one week at a time and see what happens.

    As for carrying weight different - my sister does give me a hard time that I weigh more than her. Then we go clothes shopping. We wear the same size, but she is only 5'2", so she does get jealous that things do look better on me than her, and yes, I do get some satisfaction out of that because she was always the fashionista. LOL
  • Jdiaz72
    Jdiaz72 Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5'10 and about 165. Med. boned and aiming to lose between 10 - 15 lbs to reach my goal and the weight I feel most comfortable at.

    In my younger years/ pre-pregnancies I was 145 lbs which felt great but 150/155 is more realistic now that I am 40 ish and must have some treats and wine every now and then.

    I think every body is different though. I struggle with muscle tone so being lighter and working out/ running helps me look and feel my best.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    basic rule of thumb that i was always told by my doctor is that for every inch you are over 5 feet, you add five pounds to 100 to get to the target "fit" weight for your height, with about 5 pounds of leeway on either side for individual build/muscle mass

    so, if you go according to this, at 5'11", 155 pounds would be the target "fit" weight.
    i am between 5'7" and 5' 8", so my general target is 135-140.
  • Nice to see some fellow tall women here, I am 180 cm (5'11) and 72kg (159lbs). I hope to get to a 70kg, maybe not much but I really had to make a change as I was going up on the scale and I need to find a way to stabilize again.

    I have quite a big frame and I have come to peace with myself that I can loose all the weight but I will maintain a hips, broad shoulders and boobs. Even with the best will in the world I will not be able to wear certain clothes that looks nice on petite women and also when I put something on that does not have a V neck & tailored I will look like a big Michelin tube man.

    Anybody else finding it sometimes difficult when you are taller to find good clothes that not only fit you but also look nice without being to bulky?
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    Nice to see some fellow tall women here, I am 180 cm (5'11) and 72kg (159lbs). I hope to get to a 70kg, maybe not much but I really had to make a change as I was going up on the scale and I need to find a way to stabilize again.

    I have quite a big frame and I have come to peace with myself that I can loose all the weight but I will maintain a hips, broad shoulders and boobs. Even with the best will in the world I will not be able to wear certain clothes that looks nice on petite women and also when I put something on that does not have a V neck & tailored I will look like a big Michelin tube man.

    Anybody else finding it sometimes difficult when you are taller to find good clothes that not only fit you but also look nice without being to bulky?

    I do not have the bulky problem but finding pants is a nightmare I need a 36" inseam
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I am between 5'8 and 5'9 and currently 157. The lowest I have been in my recent memory is 142 before I was married or had kids. I was not able to maintain that. I am currently shooting for 152, then will see where to go from there. (was almost 180 this year, so decided to kick things into gear!) Edited to say that I have already changed my ticker to 145. Good to have a stretch goal??? :-
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    Not as tall as you, I'm 5'9" and I'm currently 175. My first goal is 160 but I will probably aim for 150. But I do want to see how I feel once I get there :)
  • nenuvar
    nenuvar Posts: 1
    I'm 6 feet tall, with long legs, a short torso, and broad shoulders. I've settled on a goal weight of 160lbs to start with, as that's the high end of the range of weights recommended for my height, although I think I'll end up going for 150-155 in the end. I started out at 220lbs, I am now around 178.

    I've come to accept that even when I reach my goal weight I'm not going to fit into a lot of things just due to the fact that nature built me like a Lincoln Log set on two foam pool noodles, but when you're this tall you have to roll with the punches. You can lose weight, but you can't lose inches. I think in the end it's fine to settle at whatever healthy weight looks and feels best to you, whether it's 145 or 165.

    Do your best and keep on making it you guys. :3
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    I'm 5'10 and I'm looking at a "goal" weight of 170. But when everything boils down, it's still just a number. I could drop to 160 and just look sickly, or I could build muscle and look fit as **** at 180.
    I have 170 in my mind because it's just on the top edge of a 'healthy' weight for my height, but once I start getting close to it I'm going to be running off how everything LOOKS, and not a number on a scale. It's all about perception and what's right for you!

    Also, if no one's said it yet, you should look at mybodygallery.com Awesome site. Pick heights, weights, body types, and look at different people and how they look at different weights. There's a 5''10 girl on there who's body I would DIE FOR. She's in a black dress with cutout sleeves. Turns out she's 200lbs. Would never have guessed that, and she's absolutely stunniiiiiiiing.
  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member
    One of the positives about being tall (6'0"), is that I "hide" my weight very well. At 240 lbs, (YIKES!) most people wouldn't ever guess that much. However, I also have a very large frame, so if I lose 30 pounds no one notices either. And dropping 30 pounds means that I only go down 1 pant size. So being tall definitely has it's benefits and frustrations. Anyway, my goal weight for my height and frame is 175 lbs. Some women this height are okay in the 140's, but I know I would look like a skeleton.

    Also, yesterday was my first day on MFP, and I could REALLY use some support. I've NEVER learned healthy eating habits, and I have no idea what I'm doing at a gym. Where do I start? I'm tired of feeling fat. Any advice is welcome!!

    Congratulations on getting started! I found reading these message boards gave me some great advice. Good luck on your journey.

    I am 5'9", hour-glass shape, and currently fluctuating between 152-156. My goal weight is 145ish. I started out (not on MFP) at an all-time high of 211 and I was wearing size 18 pants that were getting tight. I now wear between a 10 and a 12, depending on the style and shirts are anywhere between a medium and x-large depending on the style. I found it really interesting to see what size people are wearing who are similar in height and weight. We are all so different!

    I certainly empathize with those who were talking about how much weight it took to lose before there was any noticeable difference. It took a 30 pound loss for anyone (including me) to tell I had lost anything. On the flip side, a 20 pound weight gain is barely noticeable, but that can be a catch-22. You can fool yourself into thinking "oh these 20 pounds aren't so bad. I don't need to lose that." However those 20 pounds "magically" turn into 40 pounds and so on and so on until you're faced with a substantial weight gain which translates into a substantial weight loss. I can't do that to myself again (this is the 2nd time in my adult life I've lost 50+ pounds).
  • I think body fat % is a way better metric than scale number, for me at least. I'm 5'9" and started at 335 (size 24 jeans)- for the last 3 months I've teetered up and down the same 5 pounds between 201 and 207, but have gained mad muscle in that time, so I'm at a 10-12 dress size.

    It drives me crazy, and honestly I have no intention of stopping lifting and trying to gain more muscle, so I'm just going to continue to truck along and see where the scale lands when I get down to 20-22% bf. The magic box at my gym says I need to lose 10 more pounds of fat, so that'd be 190, which sounds completely nuts to me, but if that's the number at my height and frame (size 12 shoes, I'm not small) with muscle then so be it.
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    Hi ladies, so glad to see this board. I am 6' 2" and have no idea where I want my goal weight to land. I was thinking 180, but from all I have read, I might not be setting my goal low enough. However, like many have suggested, I will shoot for 180 and decide. I have 35 lbs to get there, so got some time!

    I could sure use some support, so anyone that wants, please add me as a friend!
  • That is indeed a problem, when I can only find a 34 I check the bottom seam and bring it to a tailor to extend it as much as possible.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Hey tall ladies.

    I'm happy to weigh in with my experience. I am 5'10", my high weight was 287 lbs when I was a size 22 (maybe even 24 but I refused to size up). My lowest weight was 183 lbs and I was a size 12. I ended up regaining weight and at 225 I was size 16. I am now weighing in at 203lbs and am a size 14. I am personally aiming for 170, then I will re-evaluate my goals and work on body composition.

    I have not gotten to this stage myself but based on everything I've read - there does come a point when continuing to lose doesn't necessarily help you look any healthier. That's when lifting and changing your body composition really matters. You want to replace the weight of your fat with the weight of those sexy muscles :) So: focus less on the number but how you look.
  • LemonEleven
    LemonEleven Posts: 10 Member

    I am 5'9 and a half. I feel too skinny at 135, but that's only because my bf says that and the chest starts to go. ha. My goal is 140. I am 165 now and find that 140 is my ideal.