Mirena IUD and Weight Gain



  • kat239
    kat239 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi when I went for my Mirena I asked the doctor does it cause weight gain? His reply was dear biscuits come in tins not Mirena coils. I think people just blame other things and not what they put in there mouth.
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I have had Mirena 4 times (on 4th currently). I have never had a problem with weight gain. Yeah, I gained weight, but that was solely on bad choices. My last baby was born Nov. 2011. I have lost 45 lbs since Christmas 2012. I do love the whole not-having-periods thing. I swear I should be a Mirena spokswoman. I have turned at least 3 women onto it.
  • I absolutely noted a gain in weight from Mirena. Its been one year and 20 lbs later. I workout. I eat clean. I cant seem to shake the weight. Its hormonal I assume. There must be shift in PH of your body after having it inserted. I will be looking into this.
  • There's a whole website dedicated to this which has a ton of useful information. Check out:




    Hope it helps!
  • I currently have mirena I have been in and out of doctors for over a year now for headaches severe stomach pains and being tired and sick filling all the time. They haven't found anything wrong with me and I have had so many tests done. I have gain over 80 pounds since getting mirena put in I keep my calories under 1300 drink tons of water have done p90x , insanity, have an elliptical and it just won't come off. My husband finally convinced me to go to my gynecologist and talk to her about it so I have an appointment next week. I pray that I can have this thing removed easily. I have talked to someone about having mirena and her is somewhat of a horror story. Not everyone is the same some people won't ever have any problems with it and the ones that do sometimes have serious complications with it.
  • jlunch
    jlunch Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies, just got mine taken out yesterday - feeling better already (no pain & no bleeding).

    I found this SUPER helpful article that explains EXACTLY why the IUD causes weight gain, on a chemical level (in layman's terms). I'm not an expert, but it seems to make sense. Definitely will be taking potassium / magnesium supplements this week http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1909411
  • jlunch
    jlunch Posts: 2 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am on Mirena #2. No weight gain except from poor choice and no major life change ie Baby (marriage yes but no baby)

    Love it...wouldn't go back even tho I am cycling on this one (gonna put a stop to that next month)

    I was told by my doctor that this is better suited for those who have adverse effects from other BC due to the fact the hormones do not go through your entire system to affect the needed area as the hormones are released in the spot they are needed.
  • I had mirena put in 4 years ago. I was not and have not ever had a pregnancy but I was terrible at remembering to take any type of pills so after a discussion with my OB this was the best choice of birth control for me. I was very active and a very healthy eater prior to mirena. During that 4 years I managed to put on about 15lbs a year, for a grand total of 60lbs! I was 145lbs when I got mirena I am now 206lbs! I continued to eat healthy and when I got a desk job I lowered my calorie intake to account for the loss of activity. Still gained weight. This past year I have been working out a lot as well as watching everything I eat and the weight wouldn't come off, not even water weight. Not exaggerating when I say this, but I was working out 6 hours total over the course of a week, increased from an hour total during a week and no change. During my 4 years with mirena I experience severe cramps and period symptoms, I was always tired and my entire body was sore. My doctors tested for joint problems and thyroid problems but nothing was wrong. I decided enough was enough and that I was going to have it taken out to just test the theory that mirena was causing it. Within a few days I dropped major water weight, my energy was up, I stopped experiencing cramps and actually my period symptoms are less extreme without mirena. So i have to believe that mirena was just not right for my body. I am sensitive to even vitamins and supplements like melatonin so I am pretty sure any type of BC was messing up my system. It will probably take me until the end of the year to lose the 60lbs but I am down 5lbs so far in a matter of two weeks.....you can't say that is a fluke......I work out 6 hours a week and I wasn't losing ANYTHING for MONTHS and now all of a sudden my mirena is gone and my weight is finally dropping....
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I've had mine for almost 5 years and can only blame my weight gain on poor eating choices. Not the Mirena. I much prefer it after being on the pill and then the patch for so many years.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I lost nearly 60 pounds with Mirena present the whole time :smile:
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I have been researching the Coil and the arm implant constantly for days. I'm getting a consultation to decide which to have next Friday. The pill is messing me up big time right now. My cycle is in a mess.

    Anyway, I have never seen weight gain ( other than water ) as a likely side effect.

    Can I ask a serious question here: How is it possible to put on 20lbs+ due to a hormone assuming your NOT over eating? I'm guessing the main problem is food cravings, but that can be controlled especially if your already on MFP.

    Not disputing anyones claims here but do you think it was your hormones that made you gain so much? Or your appetite?
  • juliasays77
    juliasays77 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 3 years into my 2nd mirena, 8 years total. I gained weight with it, but I don't believe it was at all related to the Mirena. It was all bad habits and poor lifestyle choices.

    Now that I am cognizant about my dietary choices and activity levels, I have had no problems losing over 50 lbs in less than 6 months.
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    I got mirena three weeks ago (ouch!!!) but have not gained weight... actually lost ~3-4 lbs since. mirena didn't make me lose weight, watching what I eat did.
  • mrsz917
    mrsz917 Posts: 9 Member
    EXACTLY!!! It's more to do with all the lifestyle changes that come when most women have it put in
  • I am 5'8 weighed 143lbs in January when i got the mirena, tho i read all the bogs i wanted a sure way of not getting pregnant. Its September now am weighing 154lbs, the weight creeped up on me, am very active, gym 4 times a week, my diet is on point. I hired a personal trainer back in July when i noticed i wasn't loosing but adding.. for 6 weeks he worked my butt off i did not loose anything.. i went and took out the mirena yesterday, i feel a lot better.. I hated the discharges, i hated the spotting almost every other week.. I hope and pray i loose all these weights, cos its frustrating me.. Am very paranoid i might not loose it. All i can do now is be hopeful.
  • TaraGaynor
    TaraGaynor Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 28 years old and I have two children ages 4 and 3. After my son was born I had Mirena installed thinking that it would be a surefire of way of not getting pregnant. If you are looking for a solid birth control this is it!

    HOWEVER.... in the 2 years that I had it in I put on a whopping 32lbs. I tried my VERY hardest to lose the weight and got really active. I started walking my dog, I bought a hobby farm that requires constant physical activity to maintain and I even bought a horse and started horse back riding again. I changed my diet dramatically and joined weight watchers for 6 months... nothing helped.

    I started reading blogs and noticing that a lot of women were having the same issues as me and they all had mirena. I made the earliest appointment I could with my physician and got it out on June 27th. Since then I have lost 20lbs (15 with MFP and 5 on my own)! I lost it in about 11 weeks. This is the biggest loss I have had EVER and I truly believe that taking out the mirena was the only way I was ever going to be healthy again.

    I don't think that Mirena caused me to gain weight. Probably it was poor lifestyle choices; however, I do believe that it did not allow me to lose the weight. If I had a "mishap" day it was impossible to lose that weight after (for me anyways) so it would stick. It became a problem every Christmas/Thanksgiving/Birthday/summer vacation when I gained a few extra pounds and had no control over losing it.

    For some women Mirena does make a difference in a their ability to lose weight.
  • I have had mirena since shortly after my youngest son was born in June of 2009. In March of 2010 I had to have it removed because it was literally falling out!!! I was having terrible cramps and spotting here and there so I made an appointment with my ob and she couldn't believe it. This may be T.M.I. but my husband thought he could feel it too and it turns out he really could because it was almost hanging out!!!! I was spotting because it was scrapping my cervix as it was falling out thus the terrible cramps as well. Well since I am determinded that three boys are enough for our family I had my ob take that one out and insert another one all in the same appointment. I have been having sever pains in on my right side in the same spot every time just like before and my back aches are the WORST! I haven't started spotting again yet but I have an appointment with my family dr. to have this thing removed immediatley because I can't wait the 3 months to get into my ob to have it removed. I also have gained about 35-40 pounds over the 4ish years that I have had the mirena in place and am so heavy that I wiegh more now than I did when I went to the hospital to have all three of my boys and that's really saying something because I gained 50 pounds with each of my children and I am about 10 pounds heavier than that now. I would not recomend this IUD to anyone. I know that every wormens body is different and reacts differently but especially now since there are all kinds of law suits now against Mirena I say don't do it!!!!!
  • So nice to hear that I am not crazy! I too have had all kinds of tests run to see why I am so extremley tired all of the time and have gained about 35-40 pounds since having mirena put in 4 years ago. I weigh about 10 pounds more now than I did when I went to the hospital to have my son and that was after gaining 50 pounds during my pregnancy. I have terrible cramps, am tired and just too fat to do anything and have fun. I am also hot all of the time. I haven't heard of anyone else having this side effect but it is just no fun at all. Can't wait for my appointment to get this thing out for good!
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    I've had my Mirena for almost two years and have had no issues with weight gain. I've lost over 30 lbs with it and it was not difficult to lose.