I'm back again after gaining 20lbs!!!!

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mad at myself. I was 176 in June and of this morning I am (GASSPPPP!) 196! I am so disappointed in myself. We moved in with my FIL over the summer. My FIL is a raging alcoholic and even though we're saving money there is TONS of stress involved. So I turned to food and wine. I am ashamed and embarassed beyond belief. I can't believe I let myself gain back 20lbs!

I just started back on my weight loss journey as of today. I did my treadmill for only 30 minutes but it's a start. It's very hard for me to exercise because I have 2 young kids and NO sidewalks within walking distance. So my plan is to get up at 6am before the kids and walk/run for an hour on my treadmill. I can DO this but any words of encouragement would be very helpful and appreciated. My daughter starts preK next week so that will give me some extra time to work out each morning.

Has anyone else ever let themselves gain 20bls in 3 months? That is so extreme and I am disgusted with myself.

Thanks for listening. I've missed you guys!!!



  • mykaar74
    hang in there atleast you are taking the steps to do something about it again. maybe try some meditation, or prayer in times of high stress (if possible). I'll pray for you. feel free to add me for support. I can't say I have personally experienced weight gain of 20lbs over 3 months, but like I said atleast you are taking the steps to do something about it once again. The first step is recognizing there is a problem, the 2nd step is taking the steps to do something about it so your well on your way. Goodluck on your journey
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Hey Lisa,
    I gained 15 lbs over the summer as well! Unfortunately it does happen! Get back on track! You can do it!
    I started back with the workouts & diet 3 weeks ago & am down 9 lbs already! If you are dilligent right away it should come off easier than if you wait. Good luck!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Don't feel bad! You're taking the right steps to get those 20 lbs off and that is what matters the most! This website great and the MFP community is very supportive. Good luck!
  • Foxfire53
    Foxfire53 Posts: 9 Member
    I have lost and gained weight many times, it is crazy, the good news, is that I always try again. One of these days, I will lose weight and it will stay off.

    The good news is that you are back on track. Life happens and it can be very stressful at times...so many struggles. Congratulations for starting all over again. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    You can do it!! I'm a huge fan of the treadmill at home. If my treadmill had eyes... it would have watched me walk off 58 pounds. Literally one step at a time. I started out just 25 minutes. Don't over do it or you'll burn out too quickly. After 1 - 2 weeks at the same distance - pick up the pace a little and go an extra 5 minutes and keep building on that. To change things up, you can even use weights while you walk a couple of days a week. Just keep moving - and don't be so hard on yourself!! We're all in the same boat, unfortunately. Good luck!!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Im in the same boat as u sweetie! Keep ur head high take it day by day and stay positive
  • msemejuru
    I lost tons of weight last year but when my company closed I became a SAHM and sat at home eating. I started keeping a journal instead of eating and started back on my weight loss journey. Don't beat yourself up. You noticed the problem and are doing something about it. That took an awesome amount of self awareness and disciple. Be proud of yourself!

    I have a three year old and a 1st grader so I feel your pain when trying to find time to work out. Some days I just jump rope for 10 minutes, 3 times a day because I can't find the time to run or step. My body doesn't seem to know the difference because I lose the same weight as if I worked out all at once. I also have to get up early for longer workouts. Keep your hand weights or resistance tubes by the TV so you can work out during commercials etc.

    Don't think about yesterday, just think about all the power you have over your next meal and your next workout.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I lost 105 pounds in my early 30s. When my husband got sick I gained about 15 back. When he died I gained another 5-10. THEN when I met someone new I gained 20 pounds in about 3 months because I was finally happy.

    Now I've admitted I've allowed it to happen and am working it off. Don't beat yourself up. Just pick yourself up and start again. xoxoxoxo