Looking for breastfeeding and postpartum mommy friends!



  • xoxo82
    xoxo82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there. I have a 7 week old and am EBF. I lost the 28 pounds I gained during pregnancy by week 4 or 5 and am now 2 pounds below that. But I had gained 35 pounds before getting pregnant so I would like to work on that. I'm eating about 1500 calories a day now, sometimes a bit more. I'm only 5 feet tall so I gain weight very easily if I eat even slightly over normally but I'm figuring things out now. I haven't been trying to lose right now as I was focused on ensuring my supply was adequate but I am tracking and trying to be health conscious. I plan to try to start losing mid Sept after my doctor's appt. Any postpartum moms, feel free to add me :)
  • technobunny
    You can add me!

    My daughter is 16 months old, been breastfeeding since she was born.
    The first 50lbs were all thanks to breastfeeding, didn't do any exercise. The last 10 to Insanity.
    I was 172 the day I delivered and am down to 112.8.
    Working on the last few pounds and toning up my midsection through Chalean Extreme.
    It can be done! :]
  • jenncez
    jenncez Posts: 2
    You can add me as well!! I'm EBF my 2nd baby! She is now 8 months old and I have lost all of the baby weight and a few extra lbs, but I'm trying to lose another 20!
  • postpartumpudgy
    Hi there .I have a four month old baby boy.I am exclusively breastfeeding him.I feel so awful about the way I look.My clothes don't fit me . Reading about counting cAlories and keeping up milk supply is discouraging. Help
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I breast feed my 7 month old son 5-6 times a day. I've lost the baby weight (only gained 20 pounds) but I'm working on the post getting married weight. I try to make sure I eat enough during the day to ensure that my supply doesn't decrease.
  • maddoxsmama12
    Hi there,
    I had my son 8 months ago and was looking for moms on here. I had to have a C-section so still cant do core stuff but just started eating well and walking. I just joined today so if anyone would like to add me that would be awesome.