Gadgets...collecting tons, still can't find the right mix

dutchk Posts: 121 Member
It started off innocently enough. I already had an iPhone 4 when I started this, some 400+ days ago. Download a few apps, use the phone's GPS and Pandora and I'm ready to go for my walks and later C25K. Used the RunKeeper app and liked it. Got a fitbit. Loved that little critter. Kept track of steps, stairs climbed and calories. Synced to MFP. It unfortunately met a fairly premature death by washing machine. By that time I had a pretty good handle on steps and wanted to kick it up a notch. To get a little more accurate assessment of my energy burn I jumped into the HRM with a Polar FT7. Now, it performed exactly as advertised but I'm afraid my tired old eyes couldn't really read it when I ran (getting close to that 5K now) and it was really cumbersome for me to step through its functions. Into the dresser drawer it went. So with iPhone in hand I went in search of something that would allow me to use an app. Up pops the Wahoo Blue HRM. Connected via bluetooth to the iPhone. I thought I had what I needed. By this time I'm cross training and getting in longer runs. The iPhone fit on my bike via another handy little gadget. Now I literally run into another problem. The length of my runs and bike rides began to play havoc with my iPhone GPS and I discover my cell phone reception just isn't that great in many places I want to go on the longer path. Pandora no longer works well and RunKeeper tells me I just ran 5.4 miles after the first 10 minutes of my run. Not to mention my iPhone battery is protesting all of the services and apps I'm using and dies on me all-to-frequently. Frustrating. Armed with my credit card and Amazon reviews, I'm off on another quest. I decide to look at non-iPhone solutions but something that would be easily integrated into some of the apps I use like RunKeeper. I've settled on the Garmin Forerunner 310XT for the GPS. Found its accurate, the menus are intuitive for me, and I can read the big numbers on the display. I love Garmin Connect and I can integrate it to RunKeeper and through it to MFP. A cheap ScanDisk mp3 player meets all my requirements if I want to listen to music, plus it is not even noticeable clipped to my waste band whereas the iPhone was a beast on the armband. I can attach the Forerunner to my bike and through another gadget get all of the metrics I need for cycling. That just leaves the HRM. I like the Wahoo but I screwed up with the Bluetooth version, should have went with the Ant+. I can get a Garmin HRM and that is where I'm probably headed next. I'm also considering the need to cross train this winter. In the hills of western PA, there isn't too much biking outdoors in the winter. So I'm looking at a bike trainer. One that got very good reviews but comes with a very hefty price tag is the Wahoo KICKR. When will it ever stop!? Love to hear your thoughts on a combo for your run and bike training. BTW, I'm training for the Philly Marathon in November and want to move towards some Tri's next year.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i can't help but wonder how people ever got into shape without gadgets and toys. they probably didn't and all those photos in old issues of Ironman were just airbrushed or something.

    somebody could probably make some money if they invented an app called iParagraph
  • Socalgal13
    Garmin 910xt..the only way to go for should be able to add a HR monitor and ANT stick to your 310...

    As for winter training, I ride until it is 28F outside then I am indoors at the gym on a spin bike and the treadmill. I have a trainer for my bike that I use sometimes in my garage...but it really is no fun at all. I just get on a bike in the spin room when there is no classes and do the training I need to do. I also stream a winter training program that is based out of is a huge on base building for a stronger is brutal at times, but it has paid off when the season has rolled around.

    Good Luck to you