on my way back from the blahs

klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm putting this out there ( again, I think ). I fell off the wagon - and some days it was a looong fall. I've had 3 pieces of exercise equipment break on me in the last 5 months, and with the last one I cried for 2 days completely defeated. I've had conversations with myself that go along the lines of "well, what if THIS is the weight you are supposed to be at?" and "really Kell, how much more can you break/take before you get the hint?". I wholeheartedly admit that I wanted to throw in the towel on more than one day. I stopped logging my foods. It was (and still is )super duper hard for me going from burning 1000 calories/hour on the elliptical to barely burning 500 calories/hour doing aerobics. I only gained/lost the same 5 pounds on my hiatus but I still feel like crap. I actually just sat here and had pancakes and bacon for dinner, and it was really good.

I've also just sat here and said 'that is the last time for a loooong time you are having pancakes and bacon- for any meal".

It's time to get back on the horse. I did get in to a size 12 skirt over Labor Day weekend but breathing was optional :laugh: I think the last time I was in a size 12 was elementary school...I honestly can't tell you how many customers a day comment on my weight loss - you would think that would be my motivation. I had a long standing customer not recognize me today - I'm thinking that might have been the push I've needed.

I've done a month's worth of research and will "rent" some money out of my "do not touch!" savings account and purchase a new elliptical this weekend. I've set a mini goal for myself to lose 20 pounds by Halloween, but that might be out of reach. I'm still going to shoot for it.

So enough belly aching from me, I need YOUR support and the occasional swift kick in the keester to remind me that I'm not done yet!!



  • And look at how much you have lost! You are certainly winning the war even if the occasional battle seems to be beating you:wink:

    I have an elliptical that is collecting dust. Maybe we can be workout buddies? I need motivattion, I have the food thing ok, but not the workout part...need a friend?:flowerforyou:
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    how do you burn 1000 an hr on the elliptical? is it a special machine? they have a precor at the gym and i like it better because it burns more than a treadmill but i love the classes because there is no way i can stay on a machine for an hr but an hr class flies by. that is just me though. some people arent gym people. i sat on the couch all summer because i thought the classes were too hard and in the beginning they were but now not so bad. dont give up. if you need to join pure fitness for 4 months for 19 bucks a month and then get your elliptical.if you mix it up you will keep it up also and your body will keep burning better instead of doing to same thing it kind of gets used to it and you have to work harder to burn the same amount. i just make sure i track on here each day, that keeps me motivated to keep going and every one is so nice also!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    :happy: Kelly it's so good to hear that you haven't given up
    Please continue to tell yourself that this has to be a lifelong dedication and not a quick patch that'll never last.
    20lbs by trick or treat is more than a mini goal....perhaps 1 - 2lbs a week at a steady do-able pace...??

    Wear a pedometer and get in 10k a day and a good workout.

    I love the elliptical! It's really a lot of fun for exercise, anyway.

    Zumba is over the top a blast & never feels like a chore.

    We're pulling for ya...keep with it & keep it real:tongue:

    A new way from now on....:flowerforyou:
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    26 pounds is a huge loss! celebrate that!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    26 pounds is a huge loss! celebrate that!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Dear MFP friend.

    Did you consider joining a gym, instead of buying a new exercise equipment? Sometime being in the company of other people is more effective than exercising alone. I like to be in a motivating environment, so I prefer to workout at the gym. I am not good doing it alone in the house.
    What about walking? It will not cost you much, just the price of a good walking pair of shoes. You can do it, just put yourself in the right frame of mind and anything will be possible.
    Don't buy food that are your weakness, like pancakes and bacon, and if you feel like going out to eat them, take the money out of your purse and put it in a piggy bank so you can give yourself a facial, a pedicure or a manicure instead.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Kelli, I've been where you are, and let me tell you: The fight to get under 200 lbs and finally hit a healthy weight is SO worth the fight! The view only gets better with every pound you lose. You can do this! Rah, rah, sis, boom, bah!!
  • klt1030
    klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks all!

    Dawn - I would love to be workout buddies - I'll send a friend request ( and I TOTALLY love your "stress is so 2009 ).

    annabellj- I'm only assuming the calorie burn was accurate- I kept my speed up and the resistance anywhere between 3 and 4 depending on my mood. I would love a zumba class but the nearest one is 20 minutes away at night and with working 10.5 hour days, I'm pooped at the end. I've put the bug in the local highschool to host a class a few nights a week and the school is only 4 minutes from home :)

    hooah_mj- bought new batteries for my pedometer on Saturday - got to get back in the swing of wearing it again.

    I know 26 pounds is an accomplishment- I never lost sight of IT, just everything else...
  • Want2bHealthE
    Want2bHealthE Posts: 39 Member
    Congrats on your 26lb loss! That is incredible. Also, congrats for taking control again. I've only been at this a week, and I'm sure that I will have days or even weekends when I blow it, but I have promised myself that I'll log those calories anyway so that I can at least know what I'm eating. I know a lot of people say you have to avoid some foods completely in order to live healthy, but if you absolutely love bacon and pancakes, then my opinion is have a small serving of them once a month or something... I can't imagine making a lifestyle change that is actually sustainable and saying so long to my absolute favorites forever - ice cream is my thing and thank God for Skinny Cow ;) Like you, I'm at 219 right now too... my heaviest ever was 245 back in 2006, but I've only lost 2 since starting MFP. I'm also a big fan of the elliptical over classes.... although my max is about 575 cals in 50 minutes. If you can spare the $ for the elliptical, go for it! Keep up the good work and don't give up, even on high cal days!
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