Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred starting September 1

Alright, its time to get down to some serious business of toning up - I'm starting JM 30 Day shred in addition to minding what I eat. I need to tone up a bit before the wedding and now that I have the all clear from the doctor post C-Section I am ready to get going (once the swelling in my foot goes down, I wish I knew what I did to it but I can barely put any pressure on my foot... Sigh.

If anyone would like to join me please feel free to post your progress etc. I will be taking some before pictures this weekend and if I can muster up the courage, I will post them September 1 and weekly to see if we can get results.

It's 20 minutes a day, my plan is to finish the routine during my son's morning nap (his nap is 1 hour usually so that is more than enough time to get downstairs, pop in the DVD, complete the routine, shower and be ready for my day).

Two more days for my foot to recover and then it's game ON!


  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    If anyone would like to join and we can hold each other accountable please feel free to add me and check in daily, weekly whatever you feel comfortable with.

    Also, please feel free to add me to your friends, I love to encourage and get feedback on progress etc
  • jbrookeh
    jbrookeh Posts: 38 Member
    I was planning on starting it on the first as well. Would love the accountability because I've started this before and have yet to finish it. :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    It's on. Accountability it is :)
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I did the shred july-august but in the group I joined it seemed like no one but me finished : /

    I have done a couple days of the first level of ripped in 30 in the past week or so but really haven't stuck with it. Can I join this challenge thread but doing RI30 instead?
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    I am planning on September 1st .. I've called it Shredding September on my calendar. I've completed it previously and got good results .. so I'm keen to join in! :)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Actually I want to do the JM Shred It With Weights. But I would still like the motivation of a group to work out with. OK with y'all?

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I did the shred july-august but in the group I joined it seemed like no one but me finished : /

    I have done a couple days of the first level of ripped in 30 in the past week or so but really haven't stuck with it. Can I join this challenge thread but doing RI30 instead?

    for sure you can join this one even though its a different program it is al about motivating one another and adding that extra level of accountability :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I am planning on September 1st .. I've called it Shredding September on my calendar. I've completed it previously and got good results .. so I'm keen to join in! :)

    I like it!!

    Shredding September (with weights or a completely different JM routine all together - let's do this!)
  • joycea123
    joycea123 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all :) I've just finished day 6 of the shred but I'd like to join this group to keep me motivated. I still can't do a push-up, so I'm thinking of extending level one anyway.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    @joycea123 - so glad you are joining the group - it should be fun!

    If you feel like extending the Level 1 workout by all means please do and join in with everyone "starting" September 1. If you just want to do a couple extra days to get that push up perfected that is fine too :)

    As a heads up, I am going to be starting September 1 but it might be a timid start. This week my foot has been causing me way too much pain than I would like (to the point that I actually wished I was in labour again if it meant I would be able to get rid of the pain in my foot - and I am not saying that because I had an easy labour, quite the contrary a 36 hour marathon of back labour - 31 hours unmedicated - ending in 1.5 hours of pushing and an emergency C). I went to the hospital last night because my brother got me worried that I might have cat scratch fever from my rescue kitten... after three hours in the hospital I do not have CSF but gout - ahhh, no fun, like the worst kind of arthritis (lucky me!) I am getting medication, which means pump and dump unfortunately as cannot breastfeed while taking it, and am hoping that I will be able to pull off day one without a hitch!

    Here's to sucking it up and getting in my 20 minutes :)
  • shannonshay1
    shannonshay1 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm with you. I just picked up the DVD yesterday. I am going to pick up hand weights this weekend and then I am good to go. I am going to do the work out first thing in the morning before work.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    awesome - my plan is to do it during my son's first nap every morning. Whenever you get it in just enjoy, do your best and results are sure to follow :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    @steph. The pics aren't showing up :( do you have the link?
  • spottedkathy
    spottedkathy Posts: 196 Member
    I would like to join in on the challenge. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • @steph. The pics aren't showing up :( do you have the link?

    Can you see them now? I'm new to this whole thing ):
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    Let's do this! I have a month until my 31st birthday. Let's see what can be done in a month's time!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    @steph. Looks good - going to be awesome to see the changes :) so pumped!

    @glynneybug - awesome target - should be great.

    I will be posting pics this weekend - keep in mind I am 3 months post c-section (my stomach is not what it used to be)

    Should be great - make good choices this weekend and prepare for a great start on Sunday.
  • I don't think any of our stomachs are what they used to be after having kids ahahahaha , I am totally embarrassed about putting these pics up but I figure it'll hold me accountable because you want final photos and there's no faking change!
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Just told my missus about this. I will say she's in i'll have to get some before pics as she won't sign up but she will do it so I'm led to believe.

    Providing that's ok with you peeps?

    Though I will try and get her signed up, she's a fussy fker.
  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
    I'll join in! I was looking for a good challenge and have been meaning to start this. I am attending a wedding at the end of September and want to wear this hot pink dress but right now it looks a little lumpy on me :( Maybe I will post a pic of me in it as the before and again at the end as the after. Looking forward to having this accountability. Thanks for starting this!
  • Hi,

    I would love to start the challenge with you. I keep saying every week i'm going to start and I just dont do it.
  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
    How will y'all log this activity in mfp?
  • jessib1980
    jessib1980 Posts: 9 Member
    There is a group starting in Sept for Jillian's 30 day shred. You find it under community and then in the "groups" tab. I just joined the group. She has a link of all the videos for youtube users and a link for the calendar to track your measurements. I'm new to all this and this is my first challenge or group I've joined but just thought I would pass along that information! Good luck! I'm excited to begin as well :)
  • gemdenham
    gemdenham Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in :) I've done it before and loved the results and looking to do something to get me fit for the start of netball winter league.

    I don't do it strictly because I play netball as well and I don't take measurements - I just go by how I feel/look.

    Good luck all x
  • rahgoddess
    rahgoddess Posts: 34 Member
    Room for another babybellied one? I am trying to get fit again, left it far too long after having my son (he's 18 months!) and I also exercsie during morning nap time. :) I am already doing 30DS and am have just completed day 9 - had a rest day or two but will be hitting it harder from today :) Just be nice to stay motivated tbh!

    Thanks - ps - feel free to add me, we can cheer each other on!
  • CoolMom321
    CoolMom321 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join with a baby belly, too! And my kid is 19 months :):heart:
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    I'll join in. I am out of town this weekend (settling my Mom's estate) but will return on Monday, Sept. 2. I need this group to keep me accountable and motivated. Always looking for friends for encouragement. Will be happy to do the same for you.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey all,

    I started a group for us so that we can check in, hold one another accountable, encourage one another and post any questions that we may have throughout this 30 day stint.


    Lets get together and kick off September right and enjoy the journey!!!!!
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Count me in too, though won't be able to start till tomorrow cos not been well last couple of days - and still not brill.

    Was hoping to receive Insanity dvd this coming week and joining that challenge, but there's going to a delay, so will do this instead. Will have to remember to take photos and measurements too.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Count me in too, though won't be able to start till tomorrow cos not been well last couple of days - and still not brill.

    Was hoping to receive Insanity dvd this coming week and joining that challenge, but there's going to a delay, so will do this instead. Will have to remember to take photos and measurements too.

    Awesome!!! Tomorrow is great! Starting fresh on a Monday - you've got this. I will send an invite to the group :)