40 pounds lost and now pregnant. hmmm. what now?



  • I went through the same thing. Funny how our bodies are ready for pregnance after getting to a safe weight. I originally signed up for a personal trainer, I was determined not to gain a bunch of weight. I had just lost 40 lbs and maintained that weight for 2 years before getting pregnant. But within 4 weeks I started bleeding, my OBGYN said no more work outs. I ended up in the last month on bed rest, and gained 60 lbs.

    At first I was really bummed, but at 41 years old this was going to be my only chance for a baby...I decided I could loose any extra weight after the baby was here and it was most important for me to eat healthy, whole foods and not stress on how much weight I gained or didn't gain.

    My son, just turned 2 and my body is just now getting back to a place where I can focus on loosing the remaining 40 lbs. He wiped out my thyroid and back, he was almost 4 weeks early...so I am glad I let go of worrying about the weight. He is perfect and very healthy.

    By concentrating on whole, healthy foods and letting go of stress you will have a better chance of enjoying the pregnance and everything that comes along with it...even some extra pounds.
  • Denisse210
    Denisse210 Posts: 292 Member
    wel congratz hun!!! i had 3 miscarriages last year and i hope all goes well for u:flowerforyou:
  • When I search for the group nothing comes up :( what am I doing wrong?
  • Obviously I will see a doctor! Lol
    I'm only 5 weeks and my office won't see me for another few weeks. I'm not far enough along to tell friends, especially with a history of miscarriages. It would be nice to have some friends on here who can join the journey with me!
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    No advice on the buddy thing because that time in my life is long over, my son is 23!! :-0

    But I had to pop in and say congratulations to you and I will send very positive thoughts of a beautiful bouncing baby in say about 8 months or so! :-)
  • appifanie
    appifanie Posts: 95 Member
    Just wanted to wish you good luck - sticky vibes and a healthy life and all that :) I'm trying hard to lose weight and my hubs and I are considering trying again in about 9 months.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I just discovered I am pregnant...
    You can add me if you would like.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    I went from 225 to 190 and then I got pregnant. From that pregnancy, I gained 90 pounds...which is where I am at now. Good luck. Watch out for those whole milk/2% milk cravings!!!!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    losing weight often results in an increase in fertility- which to me is very frightening, my husband I are being EXTREMELY careful not to get pregnant because neither of us wants another child this late in the game
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I went from 225 to 190 and then I got pregnant. From that pregnancy, I gained 90 pounds...which is where I am at now. Good luck. Watch out for those whole milk/2% milk cravings!!!!

    I lost 18lbs, then got pregnant. I have only gained 1lb so far, I hope I don't gain too much.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I fairly recently had 2 miscarriages so I'm concerned about this pregnancy. I'm also concerned for me and my health. anyone else struggling with pregnancy and diet at the same time? I'm not looking to lose weight I'm not even looking to stay the same. I want to gain weight gradually like I'm supposed to for pregnancy. anybody need a partner during this journey?

    Good luck to you! I had 3 miscarriages and then my first successful pregnancy with twins at 38! Then pg again at 39! Yes, it is considered high risk, but more and more common these days so don't worry too much. I think they say all you really need is 500 more calories than your maintenance calories to support a pregnancy. The baby will take what it needs and you just need to eat healthy foods and keep your stress down - if you can! With both of my "high risk" pregancies I worked right up until the last week before I delivered. Unfortunately, with my son I kept eating for twins and he was huge. After our miscarriages, all I could do was hope for the best and hunker down for the ride.

    Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions!