Looking for some more motivating friends!!

smkyle1 Posts: 12 Member
I've been part of MFP for a while now but haven't really taken advantage of the community aspect of it all. I'm ready to change that and get some added support and motivation. Let me tell you a little bit about me!
My name is Sarah, I'm 22 years old, about 5'8, high weight of 212.6 (OUCH, that hurts to type out). I haven't lost a significant amount so far, I've been lingering between 189-193 for a while now just because I kind of self sabotage myself and never stick to my guns. But I think I've had a realization in that department and feel more determined now than ever!! (Hence actually posting on the forums for the first time, haha)
I'm getting married next fall (or the fall after, depending strictly on money circumstances between the fiance and I), and I would really love to get down to somewhere between 130-145, wherever I feel I look healthiest.
I've struggled with some eating issues before, where I'll eat 500 calories a day and hate myself for it, or I'll binge thousands of calories and hate myself for it. So I'm aiming for loving myself and eating healthily.

I'd love to hear about everyone and make some new mfp friends!


  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    You've done great so far--don't beat yourself up! Feel free to add me.
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    I'm Kristi, turned 40 a few months back, am 5' 3", and currently 152. My highest weight had been over 190 after a baby. Joined WW years later at 180 lbs and got down to goal weight of 140. I didn't like WW maintenance and the meeting schedule wasn't fitting my schedule. A friend introduced me to MFP and I used it for maintenance, then left and gained weight. Now am trying to get back down to the 140 range, using MFP and a Nike FuelBand. So far so good. I, like you, have never used the community here on MFP and want to get more involved. Add me as a MFP friend and we can support each other! Isn't is amazing how good we are at self-doubt, negative self-talk and self-sabotage? First step is recognizing you do it. Now that you know, you can make small changes!
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi, I'm on almost everyday and I try to be motivational everyday, but you really have to be the one to motivate you. There are some great stories here of several ladies that lost 100 lbs. And a lot 20,30 40 50 and so on. Most have pics to see how they went from being fsat to being HOT
    I'd like you to add me so we can talk

  • smkyle1
    smkyle1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks all! I'm really trying to work on my mentality about everything first and foremost, as it's been what has sabotaged me the most on my journey. And all of the positive energy and words you have sent are truly helpful and something I appreciate so much!
    I grew up being led to believe that I wasn't pretty and that my weight was terrible and I looked horrible in anything new I tried on, even when I was at an extremely healthy weight. I mean, I was told these things since mid-elementary school. So it's always been hard for me to see the beauty in myself when it's so engrained into my thoughts and memories that I'm not. But I've realized now that the person who would say these things was wrong, and that I can't let her hold control over my emotions and actions anymore, and that I can't let that hold me back any longer.
    I just remind myself that there's no reason to be afraid of loosing the weight, because even if that person is still negative to me, then so be it, at least I'll be happier and healthier for reaching my goals.

    I hope to be interacting with you all and helping you each reach your goals as well! Thank you for the support. :)
  • FaithtoSucc33d
    FR and message sent :0)
  • Helenotero48
    Helenotero48 Posts: 11 Member
    HI my name is Helen I got into FP in Jan. and by May had lost 21 pounds. But Summer was another story I just gain 14 of does pounds back and stop walking and hate that I mess up. Now with the weight gain I am not feeling very good , my legs hurt and I feel tried all the time. I am weighing 164 pounds but I am 5'0 tall and would love to go down to 130 . I would love to get some advise and friends to help me move forward. Today I started with breakfast and I am drinking lots of water and plan to go for a walk. Will try to get on FP everyday again and take advantage of the community . Thanks:happy:
  • MatinLass
    Have you heard of Jacqui McCoy? She was on "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition" and is so inspiring. Every time she would get discouraged or frustrated, her trainer, Chris Powell, would say, "Why are you doing this?" She would reply with things like, "Health, life, family!" and press on.

    I need some community support and motivation, too. Based on your post, it sounds like we have a lot in common! I just turned 21, am 5'4", and currently 142.4lbs.

    What is harder for you - diet or exercise? Diet is SO hard for me. Once I take a bite of something sweet, I can't stop. It's awful. I yo-yo weight. Last night I found a bunch of pictures from high school and realized how much losing weight would be worth it.
  • bs240z
    bs240z Posts: 70 Member
    MFP is a great resource. just stick to it and you'll reach your goals. remember - slow and steady wins the race. feel free to add me. i'd love to help.
  • smkyle1
    smkyle1 Posts: 12 Member
    MatinLass - that's an awesome quote! I need to remind myself of things like that more often.
    And it depends on the day with diet and exercise! Haha. Some days I have no energy to work out and some days I'll take a bite of bread and I will not be able to stop. It's anything really carby that gets me into a binge eating mode! Haha.
  • JAsbabe2131
    JAsbabe2131 Posts: 26 Member
    HI, I'm looking for more friends as well. I have been a yo-yo weight for a long time now too, but especially since I graduated High school the numbers have just been going up and up. I'll start a program and stay with it for about 2 weeks and then I burn out and blow my whole diet. Earlier this spring I really buckled down, being at my highest 193 I felt disgusting and undesirable to my boyfriend, and miserable. I lost about 10 lbs in about a month and a half. Then things just halted. I stopped trying but I never really gained it back just fluctuated slightly. I finally found a program I love and I am still trying to find a balance of calorie intake to maximize my loss. In the past three weeks I've made more progress than ever and am fully committed to working out 7 days a week to get the my goal. I'm only 36 lbs a away and would love to be your friend ( and anyone else) to support. =]
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I love dishing out the support and keeping you motivated.

    I'm low carb and Gluten Free. Open diary for friends! <3
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me!!
    I am always looking for some motivation and chats :)
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    I am an older female with success losing. Good luck
  • amanda46476
    I have been a long time member but never took it seriously until now. I am 5'7 and 210 lbs. I want to get down to 130-140. I have jumped up and down from crash diets and I am just ready to do it right. I am looking for friends to do it with too, any support helps! Good luck!
  • KMartin_1977
    KMartin_1977 Posts: 29 Member
    Just sent you a friend request honey xxx
  • allycat5723
    allycat5723 Posts: 189 Member
    PLease feel free to send me a friend request! I am roughly one year away from graduating university as a registered dietitian :)
  • Amy910
    Amy910 Posts: 6 Member
    sent a request =)

    anyone please feel free to add me! I'm FINALLY taking my health seriously after being overweight since literally the day I was born, Can't do it without support!
  • natty1408
    natty1408 Posts: 62 Member

    Please feel free to add me. I have lost a total of 91 pounds. I am maintaining now but I still log food and exercise daily.

    Natalie : D
  • easternNCchick
    easternNCchick Posts: 198 Member

    over 140 days logged in a row
  • amandabobst92
    amandabobst92 Posts: 1 Member
    request sent :)