Coconut Oil Anyone?



  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Once - I had a recipe for some Cajun Style shrimp (sooo good). It was easy as well - tossed the shrimp in a bowl with the coconut oil and seasoning and laid them flat on a baking pan and baked them. But because I had to buy a bottle of the coconut oil but only used a small amount I had a ton left over so I use when sauteeing veggies and stuff like that.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    thanks for sharing the recipe i have to try it!

    My husband and I use coconut milk a lot but want to start using oil more. Right now I use it to make whipped coconut body cream. whip the oil when it's chilled but not too solid with some vitamin E oil with a hand mixer and i smell so yummy!

    I tried coconut oil in coffee and i really wanted to like it but just didn't dig it.
  • MoreLikeMe43
    MoreLikeMe43 Posts: 21 Member
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    I use it in my hair.

    Ditto. Hair treatment instructions are right on the jar.
  • willow_rb
    willow_rb Posts: 69 Member
    Ooh that sounds so tasty! I'm definitely trying it this weekend.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    I melt some and put it in a package of babywipes...takes makeup off perfectly.

    btw great in cooking too
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    The evidence that coconut oil is super-healthful is not convincing and these claims appear to be more testimonials than clinical evidence.

    There is very limited evidence on disease outcomes, says Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH, of Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health. "All that has been studied well is the impact of coconut oil on cholesterol levels and the findings are intriguing but we still don't know if it is harmful or beneficial," Mozaffarian says.

    Neither the American Heart Association (AHA) nor the U.S. government's 2010 Dietary Guidelines suggest that coconut oil is any better or preferable over other saturated fats. Coconut oil, like all saturated fats, should be limited to 7%-10% of calories because it can increase risk for heart disease, according to the AHA and 2010 Dietary Guidelines.

    Coconut oil has some heart-friendly fatty acids (myristic) but more heart-unfriendly fatty acids (lauric), says Roger Clemens, DrPH. Most experts agree that to reduce the risk of heart disease, replacing saturated fats with healthier unsaturated fats is preferred. There is further agreement that more research is needed in the area of fatty acids and its relationship to health.

    The bottom line: "As long as you keep the amount of saturated fat to less than 10% of calories, the choice is up to you. Enjoy coconut oil if it is your preference but do so in moderation until further research indicates it is better than other saturated fats."

    The other bottom line: There is absolutely no evidence that coconut oil is "healthy" in any way. Other than for your skin and hair. If you need oil why not make a choice that has "proven" health benefits such as olive oil, walnut oil, and avocado oil.

    If you want you food to taste good use lard! Lard, contains just 40 percent saturated fat (compared with nearly 60 percent for butter). Its level of monounsaturated fat (the "good" fat) is "a very respectable 45 percent," "double butter's paltry 23 or so percent."

    Lard's fat is also mostly monounsaturated, which is healthier than saturated fat. And even the saturated fat in lard has a neutral effect on blood cholesterol. Not to mention that lard has a higher smoking point than other fats, allowing foods like chicken to absorb less grease when fried in it. And, of course, fat in general has its upsides. The body converts it to fuel, and it helps absorb nutrients, particularly calcium and vitamins.
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks for the recipe!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Thanks so much for posting the cookie recipe!
  • cmkile1003
    cmkile1003 Posts: 256 Member
    Bumping for the no bake cookies!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
  • chris2267
    chris2267 Posts: 57 Member
    I use only 2 types of oil- pure olive oil or coconut oil. Coconut oil gets used the most frequency. Everything from eggs to baking to using it on my skin and any cuts we may get. I have to say the anti microbial property of coconut oil is nice side benefit too. I caught a stomach bug a couple weeks ago but I never got real sick, just annoying sick feeling. I'm sure it was the coconut oil that helped.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I fry stuff with it. EGGS especially. I bought a gallon of it and have taken some out to use as body oil. Every time I'm going to buy lotion, I stop myself and say, "Hey, you got a tub of coco oil, why waste your money on this crap?"

    You can say I replaced most of my oils with it, but I still use olive oil for certain foods and regular butter for others.
  • I use organic
  • Samthefrog
    Samthefrog Posts: 77 Member
    In the homeland, they use Coconut oil primarily for cooking because, well, there are a lot more coconuts around than anything else. I'm not a big fan of the taste, I'm not quite sure why. I feel like I'm forsaking my people. I think the only thing I like fried in coconut oil are traditional New Year's foods (sweets, really) and papaddum, which are those crispy wafers you probably get at the beginning of the meal at an Indian restaurant. But I love it on my skin!! It's so good on my hands!
  • rhondatime2chg
    rhondatime2chg Posts: 92 Member
    We use coconut oil every day
    - husband drinks his coffee with it
    - in smoothies
    - in oatmeal
    - bake fish with it
    - use it to roast carrots
    - my daily face moisturizer (no need to spend hundreds of dollars on over priced face creams when you have coconut oil. It is amazing!!!)
  • dragon715
    dragon715 Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah coconut milk in crepes ...

    Mandy tanny book has a great volcano sunrise drink.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    Almost anytime I cook and would normally use canola, vegetable oil or shortening I use coconut oil instead. It's tons better for you. :smile:
  • jbermarsh
    The organic coconut we use has no coconut scent to it. But I wish it did!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have the LouAna Coconut Oil in the tub... what's the best way to use it for the body/face? Does it need to be heated up then cooled again? I have only ever used it for cooking but I am curious about the other benefits.
  • BiggGrizz
    BiggGrizz Posts: 164 Member
    All great ideas. I was wondering what to do with this oil to justify the purchase.