Tips for travelling with protein powder?

rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
Hey all!

I travel 10+ months a year for work and fun. This has caused a lot of weight gain since I rarely have access to a kitchen and eat out a lot. I started drinking protein shakes when I started working out on my last vacation from work when I joined MFP and started exercising. I thought it would be a good way to help control my weight and a healthier option than eating out 3x a day for weeks on end.

I'm still struggling with calories when I eat out, but the shake is working out great! I have Amazing Grass chocolate infusion powder, a fiber powder, chocolate peanut butter Syntha 6 protein powder, and P2B powder I also use for dipping dipping fruit in or for bread on occasion. I can throw all the powders in my blender bottle with 20 oz of water, shake it all up, and it tastes pretty good! It costs less than $5 per shake, and saves me quite a bit of money since it is difficult to eat out for less than $15 a meal in Alaska.

The problem with this is how much space it all takes up! Space is a premium when you carry your life on your back! The protein powder container takes up a HUGE amount of space in my bag. I thought about putting it into gallon size ziplock bags, but even double bagging I feel like it could easily be punctured by something else in my bag with all the rough handling it goes through in airports and packing and unpacking every few days. The other containers aren't so bad, though it would be nice to have something for the Amazing Grass too. Does anybody have any hints or tips?




  • Tdacks
    Tdacks Posts: 136 Member
    I don't have a good solution for you, sorry. I am amazed that you managed to get a large amount of powdered substance through airport security, though. I mean, I have to put my powdered makeup in the little ziplock baggies, and not take too much, or they make me throw it out.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Can you ship it to your hotel in advance of your trip? You don't say if you're traveling to the same place all the time or not, but if you are, maybe you could even rent a PO box and just ship it there prior to each trip. Or if you have people you know in the areas where you travel, you could ask them to keep a supply on hand for you (that you've purchased).
  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    Try the Syntrax Nectar brand of protein powder. A ton of flavors (my favorites are Caribbean Cooler, Vanilla Bean Torte & Chocolate Truffle). They sell the protein in large cans, but you can also buy boxes of individual packets. Each packet = 1 scoop of protein powder. Super easy to cart around. I add the Caribbean Cooler to water, along with some Dasani pineapple coconut water enhancer drops. The Vanilla Bean Torte is delicious added to milk alone (very vanilla!) & has great protein/calorie numbers. Chocolate can be added to milk as well. You would only need to carry the protein powder, as the water & milk are available at any hotel or restaurant. You can buy Syntrax at The Vitamin Shoppe, or if you have a local hospital with a bariatric unit, it is the protein powder most recommended by bari surgeons & dietitians. Our hospital has a women's boutique & the sell the protein powder there. On line, try the website: my bariatric pantry.

    Another option is protein bars. I prefer the Quest brand. Most of the bars are 160-190 calories with 20 grams of protein. Carb profile is good, because most of the carbs are fiber. Great source of fiber! My favorites are chocolate chip cookie dough, vanilla almond torte, apple pie, cinnamon bun & white chocolate/raspberry. You can buy them at The Vitamin Shoppe or GNC. GNC even give a discount if you sign up for their shopping card.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Whatever you do, do not divide vanilla protein powder into 100 little 1/8 ounce portions and put them in tiny zip lock bags.

    I've found that the TSA lacks a certain sense of humor in these matters.
  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    Find some small, airtight tupperware containers. Either a medium sized one and bring a scoop with you, or very small ones and measure out the right portions ahead of time. It's less wasteful than plastic bags and cheaper than the sample size packages. Although I will say those small sample packets are awesome to bring on the go and helpful for trying new brands and flavors if you want to do that. I also ordered samples from Sun Warrior this summer and they sent me free samples of a bunch of their different products. Now I am wondering if I could do the same from other companies... free and perfect for travel!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    You can buy flat, fabric "snack bags" at Target, on Amazon, etc. Just Google "fabric snack bags".
    They are thick and vinyl coated...kinda expensive, but reusable, so...

    You could put your Ziplocs with your protein powder inside those. Flat and won't puncture. Ta Da. :drinker:
  • brandynot
    brandynot Posts: 88 Member
    If you dare venture into the baby section of Target or Walmart you can find multi compartment containers that are made for powdered baby milk. They hold just enough in the two, three, and four chamber compartments and come in tame colors so no one would think it was for a baby. I found them online at amazon as well. Just search for "baby formula dispenser" or "powder dispenser". I have seen a few that are made for protein and vitamins, but these are much more affordable.

    This only works for a few days though. If you are gone more than a week at a time I would say find individual packs as previously recommended, or purchase once you arrive at your destination.

    Hope that helps.
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    It is chocolate, and I kept it in the original package, just for that reason! I put it in my checked bags. I can't imagine trying to carry on!

    I work as a fisheries biologist on the commercial fishing boats in Alaska, so for 6+ months a year I fly up to Alaska, and hop around where ever I'm needed. Sometimes I go in and out of the same port, sometimes port to port. For this trip I flew into Cordova and got on my boat, then got off in Seward when they offloaded there. I'm chilling out in Seward until my company gets the next assignment. I may stay in Seward or fly somewhere else. Mail is unfortunately not an option since I never really know where I may turn up next, and mail takes forever to get around Alaska. I must pack all my things in a soft duffle bag and backpack, and be able to carry it all since there is little space on a boat for a hard sided suitcase. In addition to my personal gear, I haul around about 80 pounds of sampling gear. I decided to make room for protein powder because of how poor my nutrition can be up here. Sometimes the food on the boats is great, sometimes the fishermen live on coffee, energy drinks, and cigarettes. I ate cheerios 3x a day for a week on one of my boats a couple years ago! Salad is quite a luxury sometimes. It is hard at times, but beats working in a cubicle for me! I love working on the ocean!

    I was hoping to avoid having to buy individual packages. It is more expensive, and really not environmentally healthy at all! I was hoping somebody knew of a sturdier type food bag I could transfer it to so that I could compact it more as I use it up. It doesn't really serve a purpose to put it into smaller tupperware containers. I'm gone for months at a time, so I can't just bring a few portions with me. I like the Syntha 6 because it is tasty enough to mix with only water and isn't too expensive. It is also a mixed protein. The casein really helps hold the hunger back longer than whey alone. I only brought a month's supply with me though, so when it runs out, hopefully I can find a decent replacement where every I am.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I've never tried this,but could you possibly use a vaccum sealer for food? I'm thinking if you can seal it without the powder going anywhere, that would certainly save space and the bags might be sturdier than a ziploc bag.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Whatever you do, do not divide vanilla protein powder into 100 little 1/8 ounce portions and put them in tiny zip lock bags.

    I've found that the TSA lacks a certain sense of humor in these matters.

    Bwhahahaha. Duly noted.

    That's how I've always travelled but never flown with it.
  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    Being collapsible is a good point... what about something like this soft plastic water bottle?
    I remember seeing some like that at Five Below (if you don't have those, it's a mostly kid-focused store where everything is less than $5). You could funnel in protein powder and unscrew the lid to dispense it rather than using the mouthpiece thing.
  • Ovrsees
    I travel Over Seas for work and take 35 days worth of the protine power with me as well. If Im lacking room in my bag I double bag it in large Zip Loc bags and place it between layers of cloths to protect it from being punctured. It seems to make it through 4 airports with no damage ...So far!

    Good luck with your travels
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    I travel Over Seas for work and take 35 days worth of the protine power with me as well. If Im lacking room in my bag I double bag it in large Zip Loc bags and place it between layers of cloths to protect it from being punctured. It seems to make it through 4 airports with no damage ...So far!

    Good luck with your travels

    I'll have to try that, thanks! The water bottle idea is also a good one!

  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    Last time I was stacking supplies I asked a guy at the store same thing and I was given about 50 free samples of whey and casein. Ask your supplier, they have plenty and either give it for free as they're suppose to, or sell for pennies. It's better than zip locks, as it's originally sealed.