Need some Help!

I have only been on this for a week or so but actually decided to change my life in August. Since August first I have lost 22 lbs so I am crazy happy about that. Last week I only lost one pound and am crazy about that too, but I've done something that I don't normally do and it's bugging me- weigh myself every day for the last three days. Normally I do once a week, but for some reason I have done it every day for the last three days and the weight is the same. Now don't get me wrong, I am very happy it hasn't gone up ( I haven't done anything different or went on a binge or something- eating has stayed the same) but it hasn't gone down either. I am wondering if this is the plateau every body talks about . Without giving too much information, I am waiting on "my time of the month" here in a few days so I am wondering with all the water I drink if It may be water weight. Any suggestions what it might be or how I can handle it. I have still exercised the same (actually the last two days I did an average of ten to fifteen minutes more) and ate the same. I am a little discouraged and feel like hitting fast food for lunch today. I feel as if "well the scale's not moving so I might as well anyway"~~~~~~ need some help/advice/kick in the pants from my buddies..... thanks so much in advance :indifferent:


  • crodgers419
    NO FAST FOOD! I have to stop myself from pulling into a fast food place today too! You say you've been doing the same things ... maybe it's time to change it up!
    I have only been going steady at this for five days now, but this is not my first attempt at weight loss. In the past, I did the same things everyday. My weight eventually stopped coming off because my body got used to the work I was doing. When I switched it up, the weight came off again.
    I do a lot of Wii workout games ... I LOVE them. But I have to remember not to get too comfortable with one game, because I will stop losing weight. So I have to be conscience, and switch up the games I workout with.
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I just went through this last week. I have a problem with getting on the scale a little to much. Last week was my time of the month too, I literally wanted to eat everything in sit. I did slip last week and ate way to much. Just remember to take it easy and yes you may not lose as much this week as before due to the water weight. Just make sure you are getting plenty of exercise and try to not give in to all your cravings. Oh course you can give into some, because if you don't then you will be likely to just go crazy like I did. I really hope this helps. Just remember if this week isn't so great you always have next week.

    Good job on our weight lose already. I only have 4 lbs lost so I can't weight to get to 20 lbs.:flowerforyou:
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Do yourself a favor and stay off the scale until weigh day. You will literally drive yourself bonkers. look at it this way........if the scale don't budge in a week, either change something up or don't worry about it unless you have gained.................happy healthy eating:bigsmile:
  • ekoepke413
    I never even thought that it might be time to change it up... that's why I posted to get some more insight... thank you soooo much!
  • ekoepke413
    Thanks everybody- I feel better already! It's raining outside so my outdoor walk is cancelled but maybe I will go to the mall and discover all of the "stairs" they have to offer...... that's why I love this website... Good luck and great job to all of you too!
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    No! No fast food! If you by chance have a lot of weight to lose you will see a large amount come off within a short time. Then yes, your body DOES start to adjust and "plateau" so to speak. When I was at 245 I lost 30 pounds in 13 weeks. After that, the weight came off slow. Because when you get to a point where your body can't lose that much weight within a short amount of time when you start getting to a healthy body weight. Does that make sense? And also try and look at it as a percentage lost instead of weight lost. If two people (one at 215 the other at 150) both lost 10 pounds in two weeks, the percentages lost would be higher for the person weighing 150 than it would be for the person weighing 200. So just be patient! Yes, water weight and your digestive system can play in to it all. Keep doing what you are doing. You may not see the scale move for a few weeks....and then.....all the sudden...mucho pounds lost! Hang in there :)
  • Andre_Demers
    Time is the only answer. It takes a loss of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. Sounds easy but it's not. I tried for 4 months to lose weight and lost 2.6 pounds by myself. Then joined MFP and lost 3.2 pounds more in 6 weeks. The last two weeks I had gained 1.4 pounds. I decided to change drastically my way of going. I know do 30 minutes of walking a day. Nothing drastick. I eat every 30 minutes a snack. Average of 45 calories per snack. All is prepared and I have all kinds of snacks. (hard boiled eggs, popcorn, mixed fruits, mixed vegetables, V-8, while wheat crackers, nuts, etc...). The result of one week was 3.4 pounds lost.

    I do not recommend this but do change things around. Taking your weight ever day is not good but sometimes you need it. Do what you feel good. Look at the positive way to lose and not the negative. You are not losing weight, you are gaining health, you are feeling better, you can run faster and longer, etc...

    Best of luck.:smile: