Carb nite solution... Anyone tried it?



  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    Wow - so much positive to say from so many first-time posters! It's astonishing!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    How many calories a day is he actually eating?
  • S1350z
    S1350z Posts: 1
    CarbNite really works, it lets you eat many, many foods, and with the refeed every week, you don't feel like you are on an endless diet journey with no end in sight! My bf and and I always have fun planning where we are going to go / what we are going to eat on our CarbNite! As a very petite girl, it has always been very hard to lose weight without severe calorie restriction and resulting in a guaranteed binge! On CarbNite, with all the protein and fats you will be consuming, you will never go hungry!
    For greater results I have been incorporating intermittent fasting with CarbNite. There is endless information on the internet about intermittent fasting and bulletproof coffee (coffee with butter and coconut oil!) and I would like to also encourage those to look up #carbnite and #intermittentfasting on Instagram, There is a whole CarbNite community, all who are encouraging and helpful. They have results, stories, recipes, and tips that will help anyone on the low-carb journey! Also, I just wanted to add that I highly recommend that you read the book for the small tips that you might miss otherwise: such as : no fruit juice or soda (not even on your CarbNite), you should try to stay low fat for your first meal on the day of your CarbNite, and others that I can't remember right now. Good Luck!!
  • jj789
    jj789 Posts: 5 Member
    The book is definitely worth buying. I got it for just $27. It's amazing, looking at the forums on the website, how many people try to do it without reading the book and completely miss the major parts of the diet. The forums are also a great resource to see pictures from real people who have had astonishing results.

    While I've just started (I lost some weight prior with carb restriction), I'm super excited to see results. Women have to be a little more careful about this diet - men can eat anything during the carb feast night and still lose! Women seem to have more luck eating low fat that night. However, that won't be a problem for me because I plan on stuffing my face with fruity pebbles, angel food cake, rice, gatorade and other yummy treats - once a week!
  • chirosche
    chirosche Posts: 66 Member

    That is not the book at all but contans links that trick you into thinking you can download it for free somewhere else. But you can download it for $27 from I think that's a fair price.
  • Yep! I've had great success with CNS. I also recommend it for anyone who's dealing with a weight loss plateau. I plan to incorporate it in a yearly cut cycle along with carb backloading since it's so easy to do. Only issues I had were problems with low sodium, believe it or not. I'd get nasty tension headaches that would clear up with a cup of chicken bullion. Other issue is hypoglycemia on any day I do intervals or lifting. I try to load my carbs before exercising but still haven't gotten it totally worked out yet. Still, it's definitely worth it.

    e- LOL I just looked up the price for a physical copy on Amazon and there are a bunch of dealers trying to sell it for $200-700. Maybe I should try to unload my copy! WTF
  • chirosche
    chirosche Posts: 66 Member
    Yep! I've had great success with CNS. I also recommend it for anyone who's dealing with a weight loss plateau. I plan to incorporate it in a yearly cut cycle along with carb backloading since it's so easy to do. Only issues I had were problems with low sodium, believe it or not. I'd get nasty tension headaches that would clear up with a cup of chicken bullion. Other issue is hypoglycemia on any day I do intervals or lifting. I try to load my carbs before exercising but still haven't gotten it totally worked out yet. Still, it's definitely worth it.

    e- LOL I just looked up the price for a physical copy on Amazon and there are a bunch of dealers trying to sell it for $200-700. Maybe I should try to unload my copy! WTF

    Hi, I just bought Carb Nite Solution from the site and just finished reading it. I'm already low carb (ultra low carb) keeping my carbs to 20 grams.That part was easy. I'm trying to find a forum because I have some questions. I work out regularly, cardio and weight training but I didn't see anything addressing workouts and on the CNS. Can you offer any feedback on that. My first carb loading is going to be next Wednesday. I'm pretty psyched. Thinking about my midnight snack. But I'm wondering if I should eat low carb in the morning and then workout? Then the feeding?

    Thanks for any suggestions. I'm thinking about getting the Carb Back Loading, but I wanted to get into the CNS before I purchase the book.

    Yes, I noticed that the prices on Amazon are outrageous. But I got mine for $27 on the site. I've only seen the CBL for $77. Do you know anywhere you can get it cheaper?

  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Good to see people having good results. I've been at a plateu for months now and I just started this today. Will have to pick up the book for all the little details!
  • I've tried it and it didn't work for me because I find any diet where I need to cut out specific food groups I cannot stick to.

    For me personally, I would just rather eat whatever I usually eat but control my portions.

    Every diet at the end of the day just works by creating a calorie deficit.

    Good luck with it!
  • I just started. Literally, on day 2. I'm semi-recovered from anorexia (weight restored but thoughts are still there and even behaviors), what prompted me to start this is really the desire to lose fat as opposed to weight. I figured it's worth a shot at least to see how I feel and what happens... It certainly cannot be any unhealthier than landing in a hospital from an eating disorder. :P I am normal weight but have not weighed myself in a few weeks, I told myself I would weigh myself after approx a week of doing this.

    A bit concerned about mood effects from going carb-free (or very low carb) BUT when I get depressed it is often because I hate my body, and I am on SSRIs. I have no problem confessing to my dr. what I am doing in case we need to increase my SSRI dosage.

    I'm excited to try my Russell-Stover sugar-free chocolates... :P

    I need to do more research. After how many days do you use ketostix?
  • Hi!!! Cool to find this here and am definitely interested in learning more about peoples' experiences. I just started. Literally, on day 2. I'm semi-recovered from anorexia (weight restored but thoughts are still there and even behaviors), what prompted me to start this is really the desire to lose fat as opposed to weight. I figured it's worth a shot at least to see how I feel and what happens... It certainly cannot be any unhealthier than landing in a hospital from an eating disorder. :P I am normal weight but have not weighed myself in a few weeks, I told myself I would weigh myself after approx a week of doing this.

    A bit concerned about mood effects from going carb-free (or very low carb) BUT when I get depressed it is often because I hate my body, and I am on SSRIs. I have no problem confessing to my dr. what I am doing in case we need to increase my SSRI dosage.

    I need to do more research and experiment with meal/snack ideas.... But once I'm in ketosis, I'm excited to try my Russell-Stover sugar-free chocolates... :P
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member

    For 2 months straight, I did Insanity and ate a 1200 calorie diet like it was a religion ... and lost 6 lbs. Not what I was hoping for.

  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    i make this few times a week 4 table spoons of raw unfiltered coconut oil, melt in micro till clear add 4 table spoons of cocoa powder (unsweetend) add liquid stevia, splenda, ect to taste. put in ice trays freeze for 15 min tastle like dark chocolate with 4.52 carbs for the whole batch.

    I do this too! I found flavored stevia drops...vanilla & orange are awesome.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I just googled the diet. It is very interesting...seems that it would work because of the built in "cheat" days...I can do anything for 6 days in a row and this seems to tap into that need for a break, or a birthday party, or a birthday CAKE! LOL
  • I'd like to hear an update from people on this board. I've started Carb Nite too. I read through the conversation and I think I can help with some of the prior questions since I just finished the book:

    1. You can have up to 30 NET carbs. That means total carbs of food item - fiber = net carbs. The author really makes a point with the importance of fiber in this diet.
    2. He does not allow sugar alcohols.
    3. He does not recommend fruit on your carb night meals. Fructose does not create the same effect. If you must, have one or two pieces.

    I've been on Atkins and lost some weight, but I've been stuck for a while and I'm hoping this helps me jump past the plateau. Good luck everyone!

    Thanks for clarifying. One more question: What is the window for eating carbs on the carb nite? Not that I plan to eat something continuously for 8 hours, lol, but I would just like to be reminded. Thanks.
  • I'm so excited to find a board of other people who are doing this! My husband and I are doing this together. He is pretty lean already, but is trying to achieve low bf%. I'm 20%bf, have lost 46 pounds so far, and have about 15 more to lose. I am thinking CNS, for two months, will get me there. I'm on day 2 and am finding it much more manageable than I thought. I lost 1 pound between day 1 and 2, and while I know it's water weight at first, it's still thrilling to see results so fast. Can't wait to see these muscles I have worked so hard for! It's good to know it is net carbs, not total carbs.

    Coconut oil is a Godsend. Also, check out Quest Bars. I do my best to not eat them (even though they have a ton of fiber and 4 net carbs) but I keep one in my purse in case of emergencies. Make sure you don't get one of the flavors with sugar alcohols.
  • Geekyfatgirl
    Geekyfatgirl Posts: 164 Member
    Whoo! Hope this thread is still alive! I'm on day 4 of the induction phase. I was going to do CBL but heard it's not really for people who want to lose body fat, it's more for people who want to maintain weight and gain muscle. My goal is to be about 155 or 160 (pref 155) and be leaner. I've been at 29% bf for a while and been stuck there since January. I was at 176 Sunday and Today I am at 173, which is astonishing. XD I have 6 more days of low carb to go before I can start my carb night! CiCi's pizza is sounding delish to me, so does crackers and some crunchy cookies and milk! I hope I can get to roughly 20% bf. I don't want to be super muscular, just leaner. The only thing I am wondering Is this:

    If you get to your goal on CNS or even with CBS, what should you do to maintain it? I mean obviously I don't think you would just go back to a lifestyle of unhealthy eating, but if you go back to days where you have a bit more carbs, but still work out, will it all fall apart and you gain all the weight back? I do like having rice with my meals every now and then, and sometimes having a random pizza or icecream after a long day, so I am wondering if I have one every now and then, while still keeping my work outs the same, will I end up gaining all the weight back? I work out with weights every other day and try to do cardio 5 days a week. I would like to eventually go back to incorporating carbs back into my diet, with healthier choices of course, throughout the day, so I just want to know if I need to stay on a program that restricts carbs for 6 days a week for the rest of my life if I want to stay this way.

    If anyone has answers, I'd love that!
  • swilliams921
    swilliams921 Posts: 8 Member
    You would really have to get the book to understand it. Kiefer discusses all these in both of his book. I have read both Carb Nite and Carb Backloading and the only difference is Carb Backloading is a more up-to-date book of his newer discoveries since writing carb nite. Carb Backloading isn't just for muscle gain or weight gain. It is for staying lean but it also includes information for weightlifters and bodybuilders to get more gains because he says in CBL that he was ripped the whole time but he wasn't getting any bigger. Even if you read CBL, he says stick to one carb nite a week and only backload if you do high intensity resistance and/or interval training. If you plan to go run for 1 mile or however long, it doesn't qualify for backloading. Only heavy weightlifting and HIIT (i.e. sprints). For women he says you can't eat all you want because there is a big difference in the carbs a 200 pound body of a guy can displace compared to a 130 pound woman.

    This is only a little of what he mentions in these books but seriously, you will learn more by getting Carb Backloading and just follow the rules for back loading and not do it unless you meet the requirements. Other than that you're pretty much using outdated material if you only follow The Carb Nite Solution because he even mentions new information that was not discovered when he wrote The Carb Nite Solution.
  • Capricci
    Capricci Posts: 6 Member
    I am glad that I found this thread, and I'd like to contribute some of my own experiences in case this helps anyone here. Thanks to all who shared details and resources. Based on this quote:

    "This is only a little of what he mentions in these books but seriously, you will learn more by getting Carb Backloading and just follow the rules for back loading and not do it unless you meet the requirements. Other than that you're pretty much using outdated material if you only follow The Carb Nite Solution because he even mentions new information that was not discovered when he wrote The Carb Nite Solution."

    I went to Slideshare and read all the excerpts from Carb Backloading as well as Carb Nite. The information on carbohydrate metabolism was massively informative, and I had many "aha!" moments while reading it. I thought I already knew a fair amount about this subject, including some key points about the role of insulin, but the info on the role of GLUTs adds a whole new dimension. Wow!

    Before anyone's eyes glaze over, though, I'll just say that the "technical" parts are well worth reading if you are someone who 1) has any interest in understanding how your body works, and why it does that it does, and 2) wants to avoid making some very common mistakes in meal and/or macronutrient timing. I wish I'd known this sooner!

    But back to my personal experience, in case it's helpful: Although I had been "meaning to" get back to exercising, I had been sedentary for years, except for occasional walking (2 to 4 miles, 2 or 3 times per week). I had cut sugar out of my diet many years ago, did not overeat or eat much "junk" food, but was living mostly on grains due to economic considerations.

    I had put on about 40 to 45 very unattractive extra pounds, and had been very unhappy with my appearance for a long time. (In the past I had tried Atkins, and had gotten results, but the results never stayed — and the last time I tried it the pounds starting coming back on while I was STILL in a very low carb phase. Arrgh!)

    After reading about some of the problems with grains, especially wheat, I cut out all grains last June. That helped with my sense of wellness, but not much with the excess fat. Then in July I started a low carb diet (not ULTRA low like Carb Nite, but low). That helped me shed about 15 pounds (as indicated by my waistline shrinking by 3 inches) within just a few weeks. Then it just stalled. I kept to the dietary regime but... nada. For four solid months I held the line, but made no further progress until I learned about Carb Nite.

    I now understand a lot more about the mechanisms that will halt weight loss if there is no carb cycling (brief and specific increases in carb intake) to kick up the leptin response and other important weight loss mechanisms. Learning about this and other Carb Nite principles gave me new hope.

    (Mind you, I did not have the Carb Nite book. I based my information on the details that I was able to pick up from various articles on the web.)

    After doing the 10 day induction phase, I found that it was easy. I was a lot less hungry, my energy and sense of well-being improved, and best of all I was able to shed around 8 more pounds of fat (judging by a decrease of 1.5 inches in waistline measurement) in the first 3 to 4 weeks.

    (It may be important to note that all of this was done with low-cost vegetarian food. I had various cheeses, nuts and eggs, as well as whey protein shakes, as my protein sources. Due to economic considerations, vegetables were not much of an option, so I supplemented with multi-vitamins and extra fiber in the form of flax seeds.)

    Then the weight loss stalled... AGAIN. And it stayed there until this summer, when I ran into worse economic challenges and was able to afford only grains for a while. A couple inches piled back on my waistline over the ensuing weeks. Meanwhile, I continued researching and looking for ways to get better results. This thread recently led me to find some important missing pieces of the puzzle.

    Having read the excerpts from Carb Backloading, I now see some significant ways to improve my implementation of Carb Nite and I am back in an induction phase again. Armed with this new information (plus a real DETERMINATION to start resistance training again, as well as stepping up my walking), I am optimistic that I can shed that last stubborn 20+ pounds and get back into the kind of shape that really pleases me (I've been there before, but it's been years).

    A few conclusions from this as well as previous experiences and studies:

    1) The diet and/or fitness routine that can take a person from obese to moderately dumpy may not get them "all the way there" to the awesome shape they really want to be in. Almost any improvement in diet will give results for a person who is significantly overweight — especially if they have been habitually overeating, and/or eating sugar and/or other foods known to mess up metabolism and increase fat storage.

    2) Even when you find a program that has the potential to get you all the way to your goal, you WILL need to keep learning, fine-tuning and (most of all) honestly WORKING it. For example I often use measuring cups to keep myself honest, storing them right with the foods to be measured. (Yes, I know what 1/2 cup of almonds or 2T of cream looks like, but I want to be sure I'm keeping it real.) I also log what I eat in a notebook next to my desk.

    3) The time to incorporate resistance training (and other reasonable activity) into one's lifestyle is NOW, not "someday" or "pretty soon." Diet helps, but in order to be truly awesome in both appearance and health you NEED to exercise intelligently and regularly.

    After all I have read about the effects of proper (not crazy but healthy) exercise on health and physiology — and especially after what I just read in the excerpts from Carb Backloading — I am more committed than ever to incorporating regular resistance training into my lifestyle. The potential benefits are enormous.

    That's a whole 'nother topic, but for those who can't afford a gym there are some great books out there (look up Mark Lauren's books for starters) on bodyweight resistance training. (I was very inspired to see that one of the male winners in Tom Venuto's BFFM contests this past year did it SOLELY with bodyweight exercises. Impressive!)

    I'll continue keeping measurements and logs as I launch into this new, better informed and more finely tuned Carb Nite protocol, and as I continue to apply my increased knowledge of some of the key details. (I plan to upgrade to Carb Backloading after I've got enough resistance training in force to honestly qualify for it.)

    I hope I can get full copies of the books soon. Meanwhile, I've got enough new information to justify a real expectation of improved results. (Thanks, guys!)

    If anyone would like to hear about it, I can post my progress from time to time. Thanks for reading, and here's to healthy success!