
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    I am also 23, and eventually I want to lose around 50 pounds, but for now I am focusing on a 30 pound loss. I can use all of the motivation I can get so count me in!
  • I know this thread was made weeks ago but maybe you all could welcome another 21yr old chubby girl. :wink:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    welcome to those who are new!

    i took some "after" photos today to make me feel a bit better about my progress, and hopefully provide some motivation. 50lbs lost, and another 5-10 to go, but I am nearly there!

    keep up the hard work everyone - you are all motivating me to stick with it too!
  • I was thinking, since there are so many of us in this group, maybe we should do some kind of weekly or monthly challenge every month, starting with October since September is coming to a close. I feel like that way we can all keep each other motivated! We can make our own individual goals for the month and maybe weigh in weekly (whenever your weigh-in day is) and post our progress. Thoughts?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I was thinking, since there are so many of us in this group, maybe we should do some kind of weekly or monthly challenge every month, starting with October since September is coming to a close. I feel like that way we can all keep each other motivated! We can make our own individual goals for the month and maybe weigh in weekly (whenever your weigh-in day is) and post our progress. Thoughts?

    I am IN! Amy - Did you want to spearhead it? What sort of challenge did you have in mind?
  • I was thinking we can all add our own individual goals in. It can be either "I want to lose __ lbs by Oct. 31st" or "I want to be able to do ___ push ups" or "I'm going to work out __ days a week" or all 3 or something else! Everyone has different goals so I don't want to put a number on it. Add your name below (copy & paste) and we can see what everyone's goals are and how they're doing.

    Here's mine: (copy & paste all names to keep it going!)

    October Goal
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    24 and in. I was too chubby even in high school (I weighed 180), but after I met my (now ex) boyfriend, I gained a ton of weight and actually got up to about 260. I lost 40 pounds before I found MFP, so I'm down to 220 now, which is good, but not nearly good enough. My semi-long term goal is to be back down to 180, and then from there, we'll see how it goes. I have lots of cute clothes that fit my 180 pound body. Haha
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Great idea! Here goes:

    Here's mine: (copy & paste all names to keep it going!)

    October Goal
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups

    I hope others join in!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    October Goal
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 23 so count me in. I have 115lbs to lose so I am wayyyyyy wayyyyyy wayyyyy to cubby for my twenties. I always said when I got really old like 80 or so I would let myself go and eat whatever I wanted cuz hey I'm 80 and I deserve it but I think I let go way to early. Everyone feel free to add me as a buddy if ya want!
  • KristyF08
    KristyF08 Posts: 89 Member
    Count me in! I've been looking for a group to join!

    October Goals:
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
  • adobmeier
    adobmeier Posts: 20 Member
    Im in too!:happy:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    October Goals:
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
  • Hello!! Im new to this thread, but have been looking for one to join for the younger group! I am 23 and have a lot to lose. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter a year ago, and since then have packed on well over 70 lbs. During the pregnancy i did great, didn't gain much, but once she was born i let myself go even more than i was prior. So now i have over 100lbs to lose, and have found this site to help! This is my second week and i have already lost 8 lbs! :D So not only am i IN for this thread, but also for the October goals!!

    October Goals:
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Im in too!:happy:

    What's your goal for Oct, adobmeier?

    Welcome to the other newbs :D Great having so many people in on the challenge! Miss_Amy, I do say this was a brilliant idea, lady! hehe
  • October Goals:
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
  • YAY! Keep it going guys! :)
  • October Goals:
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    October Goals:
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
    inskydiamonds: start going to the gym at least once a week
  • tishonamarie
    tishonamarie Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 27 and I've been TOO CHUBBY my whole life!!! I'm ready to get this in gear!!! I'm 7 pounds down and want to be 30 pounds lighter when I turn 28!!! I'm going to be amazing for my 30's!!!
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