200+ Pounds to lose Please Motivate



  • tiffianyamaro
    As for what motivates you its different for everyone. But what keeps me going is that every time I lose a pound, when I'm at the grocery store I pick up a 1 lb package of butter for each pound I have lost, today I got to pick up 4. And while I can't see a difference in my body yet doing this lets me feel how much weight I'm no longer carrying around and makes me happy to walk through the fresh produce aisles instead of the junk food!!!!!!
  • Congratulations! You took the first step and that can be one of the hardest parts about the upcoming journey! I know it was for me! Motivation can come in many different forms, but you are the only one who can find what clicks for you, but there are plenty of awesome people here who can definitely be a support for you! I started out with about 200 pounds to lose, and since I started here 10 (ish) weeks ago, I've lost 27 pounds to date. It's not "easy" but it hasn't been terribly difficult either. I found a workout routine that works for me - swimming, Wii, walking, dancing etc. - and I'm slowly trying to change what I eat. As of right now, I haven't changed my eating except to limit how much I ate and keep under my calorie goal. One step at a time. My next step is creating a healthier eating habit. It's a tough, uphill battle but its not impossible!

    Good luck! If you'd like you can add me :)

  • Thornbird1
    Thornbird1 Posts: 2 Member
    A great decision to join this site for accountability and support. One thing that helped me was to stop looking at the whole amount of weight I want to lose (about 140lbs) because that seemed so daunting. I now set smaller goals like say 5lbs a month or go down one size in my pants this way it doesn't seem so hopeless and I'm getting closer to my goal in smaller chunks.

    Good luck in your journey and post often for support and advice.

  • HelenTheZ
    HelenTheZ Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, and welcome! There is a special forum here for people who want to lose 200+ lbs., which might help you.

    I did find it hard to start, and what helped me was to work through A TON of my emotional issues stemming from my childhood. Yes, how tedious! I know! That might not help others, but it helped me.

    The next step was for me to decide that I am not in a competition or a contest. I want to chage my lifestyle. I have a goal weight in mind, but it is secondary. My primary goal is to change the way I live around food and exercise. I want to be healthy - whatever that turns out to be for ME. I concentrate on learning about food: what do I like? What makes me feel satisfied? (I have found that lowfat popcorn, etc. does NOT help me ... I need veggies and protein to feel full. Also, if I eat more fruit than vegetables, I get shaky by the end of the day.)

    I read these forum posts and I read my friends' posts and I log everything I eat. For one thing, I will continue to learn what nourishes me most satisfyingly. For another, I am approaching geezerhood, and having this log of my food will help me not have to remember EVERYTHIG in my brain.

    I believe weight loss and weight maintenance can vary greatly from person to person, so if I read something interesting, I try it. If something doesn't appeal to me, I ignore it.

    All the best to you!

    Helen Z.
  • hoittie07
    i am in the same boat I love food but I just put in my mind iam 27 almost 28 it was a time for a change good luck to everyone up here keep the faith and give 100 % its okay to fall and have a weak moment but don't stay down eat for life not moments
  • lmckillo
    lmckillo Posts: 127 Member
    Add some friends they will cheer you on. Please feel free to add me okay
  • lydian8
    lydian8 Posts: 39 Member
    I have a total of 180 pounds to lose. I've lost 70 so far. Everyone here is right. You have help yourself, but if you have questions or need another MFP friend, add me.
  • tonia_allsmiles
    HI......Good Luck on this journey that you have began!!! Just take it one day at a time. Small steps will lead to your individual goal. I believe that if you really WANT it for yourself then you WILL achieve it!!!! Hard work and dedication are the main keys but do not forget to reward yourself for achieving those small steps. For those small steps lead to victory!!! My thing is to write down EVERYTHING I eat and drink before I eat it .....down to the cream in my coffee....I still eat the things I want. I mainly do portion size......Instead of the box of brownies I eat 1 that way I'm getting the best of both worlds ....my cake and eat it too. Wishing you all the best
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning.... I tried to reply last night, I just created a group yesterday... The Get Fit Chicks.. anyone here, feel free to join.
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Just take small steps, if you try to make goals to be big it gets discouraging. I lost 187lbs 9 years ago, I never got the last couple off. I am now back up 65 so back here.

    You can do it!!
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    I have over 200 pounds to lose and don't even know where to start....I also have a very rough time with motivation...If someone could just gear me in the right direction and give me some motivation I would appreciate it...Thanks

    Be the inspiration that you want to see in the world.
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    You can add me if you still need more friends. You have made the right step, and if you are really ready to make a change in your life then you will be successful. Just know it's only failure when you give up. If you have a bad day or even 2 bad days, get up brush yourself off and continue. You never have to restart something you don't stop, it's a learning curve that will take time. Many people will give you advice of what they did and what worked for them, and feel free to try it, but dont be discouraged if it doesnt work for you because everyone is different. The best advice I can give you starting off is:

    calorie deficit- either eat less, exercise more, or both (you have to count calories and be honest with everything you eat)
    take your measurements 1-2 times a month
    strength training (i regret not doing this from the beginning)
    have fun, make your workouts something you enjoy and that makes it easier to continue them

    Good Luck!

    anyone else can add me if they'd like as well. I will try to be a big support for your journey..
  • RAEQ127
    RAEQ127 Posts: 106 Member
    My biggest motivation is time. Next year at the same time do you want to be in the same position and possibly even heavier and worse off? What about in 5 years when your knees are close to giving out? Pick your poison. Struggle now with what will naturally be hard and painful or struggle later with a different type of pain and struggle. I still hate cardio. On my cardio days I wake up dreading it, but I do it anyway. I struggle daily because my natural state is to be grossly overweight, but my goal is to make my new normal healthy and active. Best of luck!
  • andreagomez80
    You will lose the weight...think about other challenging things that you have accomplished in your life...at first they seemed impossible right? But you did them. You are the only one who can make or break the deal... and if someone tries to sabotage you in this journey, they don't deserve to be around you.

    Zumba has worked out great for me, it's fun and it relieves stress...plus you feel super sexy when you dance all those raunchy moves in front of the mirror and you feel great when you can follow a whole song without making a mistake :)
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    When I first started I had about 160 or so (I'm still not quite sure of my final goal, I'll see when I get there) to lose and have lost 107 so far. What helped me was setting small goals. The next ten or twenty to get to the next round number. Right now my goal is 199, so the small amount to get there doesn't seem so overwhelming as the 53 or so total I've got left to go.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    You can do it. Take baby steps at first & try to improve upon your eating habits & exercise everyday.