First timer, hoping to lose 60+ lbs

Hello! My name is Kait, I'm 5'4" and I weight nearly 190lbs. I have a bit of a (sortof long!) story to tell!

My whole life I've been a bit chubby, ranging from 140-160lbs here and there, but never really more. One day, when I was about 22 years old I decided that I was going to take off my extra weight once and for all. I went on a very strict low carbohydrate diet. By low, I mean next to zero. I would eat protein only, in small portions about 5 times a day. I also exercised intensely, going to the gym and running outside 5-7 days a week, and in about 4 months my weight dropped from 155 to 120. The only problem? I was STARVING. I was definitely overdoing it, because at one point I just stopped having my period altogether, and I was not pregnant.

I decided to cut back a bit on the intensity of my habits only because I was concerned I was creating a dangerous habit, where I then gained back 10 lbs. After that ,I started having my period again, only to have it stopped shortly later again because... I had become pregnant!

After I had gotten pregnant, my weight skyrocketed up to the weight I am now, 185 lbs. Its been a year and half since I've had my little girl and my weight is about the same. I can't stand to take photos or look at myself in the mirror without feeling ashamed. My husband loves me regardless of my weight, but I really do feel he deserves better.

I'm terribly out of shape now, my body feels heavy and I'm tired often. Another thing I've noticed though is that when I try to cut back on eating I always feel hungry, which I am not used to, because even when I weighed 150lbs I didnt feel this hungry all the time.

But I'm certain I mostly feel this way because I'm out of shape and eating the wrong things. This is why I have joined this site and I'm hoping I can get myself going in the right direction to be a *healthy* weight again. So if any of you have any tips for someone who is starting off rough like I am, it would be much appreciated!!! Thanks a lot! : ))


  • r_balogh
    r_balogh Posts: 42 Member
    Eat clean, lots of fiber, avoid processed foods they aren't filling, focus on good carbs don't just avoid them, and drink lots of water. Be consistent, log everything and soon enough you'll start making better food choices. Also get a network of friends for support. Feel free to add me if you want. I have tons more ideas I'm just trying to keep it short here.
  • derhz
    This is great advice, I have been eating too many processed foods, and eating out as well (the family loves to eat out). I'll definitely add you and hit you up on some of those ideas (meals and things lol!)
  • 90in9
    90in9 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Kait,
    I am a newcomer to the site as well, however, I started my journey to loose 90lbs in 9month about 1 month ago. At the time that I started, I had no idea that I was going to be able to go to they gym more than 1 or 2 nights a week. Like you, I have tired before to lose the weight, but it always comes back. I decided that this time would be different. I have been pretty successful since starting, losing about 23lbs in 29 days (Male/6' 2"/33yrs/Started @ 325lbs) . Here are some of the things that I have been doing that have helped me out:

    Make mini-goals for myself - I started challenging myself to do 15 minutes on elliptical, then moved to 30 minutes. Now I challenge myself to do 5k every day on an Elliptical/AMT Machine/Treadmill or Walking. If I can't get to the gym, I take my kids for a long walk in the stroller, but I take a challenging route, so I get some exercise.

    Prepare as much food as you can, and always have healthy snacks available. - All to often at the office, someone will bring in soft pretzels, donuts, muffins etc. I used to indulge on all these treats. Now I have a stash of fruit , nuts, beef jerky and an assortment of protein bars in my office and car, so that I always have something on hand if I am hungry. I now make my wife and kids lunch every night when I make my own, so that we are all eating healthy.

    Check the ingredients - It took me quite a bit to find salad dressing that was 20 cal/2Tbsp, instead of 150-200. I found eating yogurt with fruit/granola is an incredible protein rich and healthy snack, but its all about the ingredients you use.

    I don't starve myself, and I still occasionally eat pizza, pasta, candy, fries etc, but I eat smaller portions, since I am so happy with the progress. If I do eat them, I don't consider it cheating because I am not on a diet. I just may do an hr at the gym instead of 30 to burn a few extra calories.

    I eat huge salads for lunch and they are awesome. Drink lots of water.
  • derhz
    Holy cow!! Thats congrats on your amazing progress! I would love to go to the gym 3+ nights a week, but sometimes I'm just too tired to get there. Its not an excuse though, I just need to do it.

    I hate it when people bring in goodies like that to work, donuts muffins cookies etc... it really does make it hard! Especially when they just say "oh its okay, please just eat it!"

    When I was taking off that chunk of weight when I was 155 down to 120, I would boycott anything that had sugar or carbs in it 100%, but it would just make me crave it more. This time around I don't plan on doing away with it entirely, but I would be happy to find some healthier alternatives (fruit and yogurts, like you have suggested!)
  • 90in9
    90in9 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for your kind words.

    One thing I have found, is that for me this has been a team effort. I could never had made it this far without my amazing wife. Between having two young kids and work, it was almost impossible to get to the gym, until recently. My wife has really helped by taking more things on around the house to allow me to get to the gym and still keep things going. I am amazed anyone could resist all carbs/sweets.

    Another trick is to cut your sat TV/Cable and goto the gym to watch your must see TV. The Y that I goto has lots of individual screens on the equipment, so you can watch various shows while you exercise.