exercise suggestions

would really appreciate some suggestions -

i need to lose 71lb and would like to shift most by the time i go to mexico next year - which will be around this time next year. so i've got about 12 months to shift a large amount of weight.

i was wondering what exercises would be good to help lose weight but not tone just yet, cause i don't want to tone what i've already got, i want to lose weight first and then town up!



  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    walking, swimming, biking, zumba
    they are more cardo vs weights
    good luck
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    What do you like to do? This is the exercise you should do.
    Start yesterday.
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    Do what you love, I love circuit training so I'm doing the 30DS and walking a lot :smile:
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Focus on your diet mainly, and add exercise when you can. Walking is good to start, then progress to couch to 5k running program.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Ideally a mixture of cardio and strength exercise (for fitness/calorie burn and to retain as much muscle as possible while you are losing weight.

    "Tone" is a pretty meaningless phrase I'm afraid!!

    If you mean adding muscle then don't worry about that if you are eating at a calorie deficit. It's hard enough for a woman to add muscle when eating at a surplus and training hard so no need to wait until you have lost weight.

    In the end though the only exercise that counts is the exercise you actually do. :smile:
    So it comes down to exercise you enjoy or exercise you can fit into your normal day to day activities (always take the stairs, swap a car journey for walking or cycling as two examples.....).
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    The weight loss you aim for is definitely very doable but I would say at least 80% of the work needed will be eating (counting calories and eating below maintenance) and 20% or less will be exercise.

    So just do something to get your heartbeat up for at least 20 minutes no matter what it is. That will keep your body busy and burning calories. I like shorter more intense exercise. But be careful of injury. Start slow.
  • Suleya
    I think it is important that you find a sport ou really like to start off motivated :) Maybe dancing, swimming, running, whatever you like really. Also, dont worry about "toning". Basically, what some refer to as toning occurs when you gain muscles and lose body fat which results in this toned look. If you still have a high body fat percentage, you will have to lose that first before this happens. So, I guess first focus on a healthy calorie deficit and later on, when you are at a low percentage, you will see how you tone up.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I have degenerative disc disease and a bad knee, so most of my cardio is limited to walking. I have a friend that walk with at lunch at work unless it's pouring rain and a dog that I walk with most days at home. Every other weekend my husband and I take advantage of our fabulous mountain home and hit the hiking trails for 2-3 hours with serious elevation changes - some on the Appalachian Trail and some not.
    I also do some moderate resistance and strength training because my physical therapist said so, but only the exercise that she recommended and never lifting more than 10-15 lbs due to my back.
    Find something you like and do it. It's more important that you move than how you move.
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    What I find most helpful are the ones that make me forget about the time, so I keep moving and then be surprised afterwards with how long I have been working out. I do Kinect Just Dance, Zumba, and swimming. =) Hop this helps! Good luck!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Weight loss itself is about diet (and maintaining a calorie deficit), really not about exercise...but I don't understand why you think you can't 'tone" while losing? Don't buy into the myth that you'll "bulk up" from doing exercise...its completely false.

    Find something you enjoy and will want to keep doing..whether its walking, rowing, running, biking, or any kind of cardio, but don't ignore strength training. It WILL help you along the way. :drinker: