
KimmiShimmy Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everybody:

I'm brand new to this site. I was 120lbs my entire life and now that I'm hitting my late 20's and I've been struggling to lose this pesky 10lbs I've gained over the last year. I was slightly discouraged when myfitnesspal calculated me to lose 4 lbs in well over a month. Seems like such a long time for 4 little pounds.

I have a gluten allergy and recently I gave up bread all together ( I never did the white starch-thing anyway). You would think going from a moderate to low/no carb diet that I would have dropped weight immediately- and I did, 5lbs, but it fluctuates regularly. Bread was somewhat easy to give up, but pasta- not so much!

Anyway, I could use all the advice, recipes, and encouragement you got! So feel free to share.

Good luck on everyone's weight lose goals,




  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    My mom has a gluten allergy too! Have you tried Quinoa? Its gluten free and can be seasoned to be very yummy! I think its really good for you too!
  • well, welcome... lots of people to help out here... about the weight lose, it dosnt happen over night, you know that... but you just have to keep at it... and some food suggestions, you could steam your meat and vegatables instede of frying, or baking, for example, take some boneless chicken breast, and some mixed vegatables, and steam them, then make some white rice, and put it over the whit rice... low carbs and low calories, and still tast good... little things like that..
  • Hello!!!

    Let me tell you a little about me. I have been over weight my whole life. Even as a child. I would get made fun of at school because I was over weight. I could never wear the clothes I wanted. I could barley fit into my Maid of Honor dress at my sisters wedding. I would cry my self to sleep but since I would be so upset that would just make me want to eat more. When I hit 295 and when I looked into the mirror at my self I was discusted with what I saw. I have been on a diet since March of 2010 and I am very happy with my success, I have lost 52 lbs so far and I feel great!!! But I am happy that I dont have to diet alone. My husband to be is also overweight and trying to loose weight aswell. He is doing great and has lost 30 lbs. Then when I heard about this website I had to give it a shot, and since I have started being a member it makes my diet more easy and fun. With the help of this website I hope to reach my goal of 110 lbs. I know I have a while to go but it can only get better from here. So dont give up, just think how happy you will be.
  • I have not tried Quinoa but thank you for the suggestion! What is it exactly? I know there is a lot of Gluten free products now a days. I have just chosen to not bother with bread in general in hopes I'd would drop weight quicker.
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