Intro... :)

Hi All, This is my 2nd attempt at fitness pal. I decided I should reach out a little cuz going it alone didn't work for me the first time. I turned 50 in January and hoping to meet new friends in my age range however, any support and motivation will be greatly appreciated. I"m open to any suggestions to keep on well as be an ally for anyone who needs it. Hope to hear from you soon! Laroux63


  • steffer20
    steffer20 Posts: 65 Member
    welcome back! im not in your age range, but feel free to add me!
  • Laroux63
    Laroux63 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much, That means a lot to me. Please ad me as well :) Enjoy your day!!!
  • Tarynavry
    Hello!! This is my second or third attempt at fitnesspal as well. I just turned 30 on August 24th and just like you, I feel that I got absolutely nowhere my first couple of times on this site, so I am hoping that by reaching out I may make more progress as well. I myself have lost 70+ pounds twice in my life with basic diet and exercising. Both of those times I only had one child. In 2011 I had a second child and that changed my life even more. There was no time for the gym and since I moved from my hometown I really don't have any resources up here to assist with childcare, like I did, when I lost the weight the first time. The second time I lost the weight I actually had a treadmill in the house and worked out 3 times a week and it worked. I just have not been able to really get started this time and I am also older than I am when I lost it the other times (I was 21 and 24).

    I am hoping this go round, once I get the weight off, I can keep it off. I am interested in suggestions as well. Today, I just took a 5+ mile walk with my youngest daughter. I put her in the stroller and went. I have a 2.84 mile loop around my neighborhood. I will do it twice two times a week with both my kids and then 1 or 2 times a week we will do the loop just one time. My 10 year old is starting to put on weight and I want to stop that in its tracks.

    I live in Buffalo so I intend to do this routine until it gets cold, by December we should have a treadmill so we can keep a routine going in the winter.
  • Laroux63
    Laroux63 Posts: 6 Member
    Nice to meet you...Sounds like you are on the right track, I commend you for being an example to your 10 yr old. Keep up the good work :)