Plateau Busting in October: Challenge


So I've hit it: the DREADED plateau! I'm so close to goal I can almost taste it (no pun intended LOL). Therefore, it's time to do something about it instead of getting upset and moping.

A friend of mine decided to stop going out to eat for a month so that she and her family could break this bad habit and save some cash. This seems like one way to move forward to me! In order to bust this plateau (and wallet fatten!), I am going to challenge myself not to eat out for the month of October. By not eat out I mean restaurants and fast food (going to eat at a friend's place or at a family/church gathering does not count).

Is there anyone out there who would like to join me in this challenge? If so, friend me or follow this thread throughout the month so that we can encourage each other. Or, just encourage me from the sidelines if you like!

Has anyone attempted something similar? What were your results? Any hints/tips?


  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I've hit a plateau too so I'm totally with you. Unfortunatley I don't have any tips but I've got some new DVDs that I'm going to throw into my workout. Sorta try to change things up a bit. I'm totally down with not eating out for October, save for one day. My sisters b'day is already planned. But I'll be good. I promise :)
  • darknight150
    I have also hit the dreaded plateau and will take you up on this challenge. Great suggestion!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    There are exceptions to every rule! Hope you enjoy your sister's party. Look forward to meeting this challenge with you!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    May we all beat this plateau season and move forward with our goals!!! Happy meal planning and home cooked meals everyone!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    here's to us! :drinker: (that's water btw lol)
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    So it was really starting to bug me that I can't bludge the scale, so I recaluated my BMR and it said 1290.. well my target calories are 1200.. could this be why I'm not going anywhere?
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    It's quite possible! Though I wouldn't remove calories (there are good reasons that this is the minimum the site allows), you could add more exercise and eat less of those calories back to create a larger deficit. Just be sure that the food you do consume is nutritious and filling. (ie, extra protein for those workouts and extra fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer). Also, try tracking your sodium for a week or so to see if you may be retaining fluids (I've been tracking mine lately and I often go over, so I know I need to work in this area. Avoiding processed foods and staying away from restaurants for a while should help me to achieve this too.)

    One last word on it: I see you have calculated you BMR, have you also checked your BMI? Could you be at a healthy weight already? If you are, maybe you could move into some fitness goals to tone up the areas that are still a concern to you. Whatever the case, I hope we can breakthrough together and I encourage you to continue in your lifestyle change!

    Many blessings,
  • starheart24
    I would like to join this group and challenge so I don't plateau and I can encourage everyone in it. :)
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I've been tracking my sodium since I started here and I rarely go over. My father had a heart attack back in January so now he has to watch his salt, so I started doing it too and I'm no where near a healthy weight. I'm just barely under the obese mark at 29.1 It's kinda frustrating, but I'm determined and stubborn :laugh: Not to mention I have tons of great friends :drinker: I'm sure we've got this!
  • Autumn256
    Hello All!
    I would love to join this challenge! My plateau is d/t my own inconsistency. Getting ready to bust through October with you all.........:smile:
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    OMG! maybe it was my b!itching but the scale moved a bit this morning! Down by 0.8lbs. It's something but it's not enough.. :ohwell:
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    WAY TO GO SugarDiva!!! Mine moved too this week!

    Okay everyone, tommorrow is day one! Looking forward to meeting this challenge with all of you. On Saturday I am doing a "big cook" with a friend in order to have some quick and easy meals for the month so that I am less tempted to go out on days when I feel lazy and just want to pick up something quick. What kinds of strategies will you be using to stay out of the restaurants and eat at home this month?
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Nice! so maybe yelling at the scales does scare it into moving haha. I'm really looking forward to doing this. For almost a week I'll be away at work anyway. (still home cooked, cuz I'm the cook haha) And while I'm home it won't be an issue, my boyfriend loves my cooking so I've been trying new recipes out on him, and a lot of them are vegetarian dishes. It's awesome that he likes them, because I'm veggie, he's not. So most times I have to alter some stuff around to let him have his meat. LOL Really I guess I don't have a plan, save for it gives me a good excuse to try all these new books. :) Good Luck everyone!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    A new cookbook might be a great incentive for me if I am able to meet this challenge. I have been having an incredibly rough week, so I am so tempted by dairy queen or mcdonald's, so I'm glad to have this accountability and challenge to meet. I'm competitive by nature and I want to see it through. My dad wants to take me out to dinner for my birthday that just past, but since we are without a vehicle, I have invited him to come over here and bring dessert. Hopefully that works, otherwise I may need to allow one night off to allow him to bless me.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Well it's one dinner. You're allowing me my sisters dinner, I'll allow you your dad's. :laugh: I'm a cookbook-aholic haha Cooking for a living did that to me. Also didn't help me in losing weight either, but that was also me being careless. I totally suggest it. Go get yourself a new one full of healthy recipes and choose a couple to base your shopping list off of. That's what I did. I got a great vegetarian one for 5 bucks (yeah that's right 5 bucks lol) so me and my bf have tried something out of it every night this week. It's great.. I wish I had done that sooner.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Okay, so I hit a little blip in the road. I babysat for my neighbour and she brought back ice capps for our efforts and I drank it and said thanks. I know, they are horrible for me!! I know this is not technically going out, but since this is about accountability, I'll be honest: I let my manners rule on this situation. My dad is going to take me out for dinner on the 17th of October and since I only see him about 3 or 4 times a year, I am going to let this one slide too.

    However, I am still finding this challenge helpful for several reasons:
    -I don't ask my hubby to pick stuff up late at night
    -I've made a glut of healthy meals in preparation
    -I'm saving soooo much money already...excited to see the effect on my pocketbook :)
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    It's so funny that you said Iced cap.. I had one Sunday. I almost refused it, but it was given to me like yours was and it was pretty warm. But.. I did some digging a few years ago.. if you get them made with white milk, a medium is 220 cals. That's really not THAT bad. I've been drinking them like that for a long time. I always found the cream left that awful film on roof of my mouth.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    My wallet is thanking me...hoping my waistline will too today at weigh-in. Whatever the result, I intend to stay the course and see this one through!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I lost weight again this week!! Down 1.2 pounds, with only 1.6 left to goal. WOOOOHOOOO! This challenge is at least partly responsible for sure :)
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    7 days/one week down:

    How is everyone doing?

    I'm finding it a good lesson in discipline to stay out of restaurants, but tough when I am out and about running errands.

    Anybody find any new recipes, healthy tips for eating at home?