This is my last resort



  • Hey, I'm in much the same boat as you and desperate to do something about it too. I've had an account on here for a couple of years, but only started talking to people and using it properly two weeks ago. The great news is I've already dropped half a stone, and I was on holiday for 10 days of that 2 weeks. MFP us great, it makes you accountable to the system and to your friends on here, and so far everyone I've got to know has been amazing!

    I'm wildly jealous of your work gym, if only lol, but I've bought myself a Fitbit to keep me honest about what I do and when so hopefully it'll all pan out :) Love the idea about stashing cash for every pound you lose. Totally going to do that :)
  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    Here is my plan:

    -Water! - The water fountain is far closer to my desk than the vending machine. Fill a bottle every time I'm empty, hopefully will deter bordom hunger.
    -Snacks!- I currently snack...a, I will drive for 30 minutes if it means getting the best milk shake in town with chocolate sprinkles, flake and all the trimmings. If I bag up fruit and healthy snacks, it will save me calories and petrol? ;)
    -Exercise!- One of the perks of my job is we have an on sight gym, Free to use to all members of staff....which is one privilege I have never taken advantage of, until now! Im thinking Tuesday and Thursdays?! :)

    Time to create a new habit I think :) Thanks xxx

    Great starting plan. I suggest you add tracking to it. For some people it helps even more if they record what they eat before they put it in their mouth.
    Try things like licorice tea. Licorice is natural sweeter than sugar. Don't try to cut out all the things you like, deprivation usually doesn't work long term. Fruit is great for someone with a sweet tooth. Consider making your own shakes... if you're going to take up cooking, go for the good stuff -- lots of yummy recipes here and other places on the Web... and you can find ones that are healthy and taste good. Awhile ago I put together some blog entries -- one about cravings and one with over 100 snacks that are less than 100 calories (some are healthier or more filling than others, so use with care.) :smile:

    I remember a few months back I tried mint tea, which i really enjoyed, so I bought a box and never opened it. I might have to crack it open again.

    The problem with not cutting all the things out I like is all the things I like and currently eat are calorific, will that not just set me back too much? 2 steps forward, 3 steps back and all that?
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Make small changes at a time. Sometimes people get overwhelmed if they jump in feet first and change everything in a single day. I had a struggle with diet soda. I used to drink 8-10 per day. One of my dear mfp friends told me that I really should change over to water. He explained the many reasons why, but I couldn't stop cold turkey. I started by drinking soda/water/soda/water. Then I would make myself drink 2 waters to every 1 soda and then 3 waters to every soda. You get the picture. Finally it was all water and now I drink 3-4 liters of water per day.

    You CAN do this but only if you want to do it for you. I'll be 59 this month and started my lifestyle changes on October 20, 2011 at 290 pounds. Last week I reached my goal and cut my weight in half. Don't wait as long as I did. It will make it harder, but never impossible for anyone. I've had double knee replacements and bulging back discs. It made exercise harder for me but I found my way with lots of swimming and water aerobics until I could get my weight down enough to do other things.

    Take it one day at a time and sometimes you just have to look at one meal at a time.
  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    Hey, I'm in much the same boat as you and desperate to do something about it too. I've had an account on here for a couple of years, but only started talking to people and using it properly two weeks ago. The great news is I've already dropped half a stone, and I was on holiday for 10 days of that 2 weeks. MFP us great, it makes you accountable to the system and to your friends on here, and so far everyone I've got to know has been amazing!

    I'm wildly jealous of your work gym, if only lol, but I've bought myself a Fitbit to keep me honest about what I do and when so hopefully it'll all pan out :) Love the idea about stashing cash for every pound you lose. Totally going to do that :)
    Half a stone in 2 weeks is AMAZING!! I can't believe that. Well done!

    I'm hoping to meet some supportive people to help me a long the way. Part of my problem is I cant do anything alone, regardless as to whether it will only benefit me or not...

    The work gym is excellent, I will definitely be using it, I have a colleague or 2 that might jump on it too so at least I wont be alone in that.
    I also have a cross trainer at home which is gathering dust and currently sporting some fashionable cushion covers to dry, perhaps I should dust it off a pull it out....?hmmm
  • It's clear you have the motivation there :) add me and I can hopefully help support you.

  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    Make small changes at a time. Sometimes people get overwhelmed if they jump in feet first and change everything in a single day. I had a struggle with diet soda. I used to drink 8-10 per day. One of my dear mfp friends told me that I really should change over to water. He explained the many reasons why, but I couldn't stop cold turkey. I started by drinking soda/water/soda/water. Then I would make myself drink 2 waters to every 1 soda and then 3 waters to every soda. You get the picture. Finally it was all water and now I drink 3-4 liters of water per day.

    You CAN do this but only if you want to do it for you. I'll be 59 this month and started my lifestyle changes on October 20, 2011 at 290 pounds. Last week I reached my goal and cut my weight in half. Don't wait as long as I did. It will make it harder, but never impossible for anyone. I've had double knee replacements and bulging back discs. It made exercise harder for me but I found my way with lots of swimming and water aerobics until I could get my weight down enough to do other things.

    Take it one day at a time and sometimes you just have to look at one meal at a time.

    I absolutely love swimming. I used the excuse of living too far from one to go, but I recently passed my driving test and have no excuse now, because when I'm driving 30 minutes up the dual carriageway to get a milkshake, I in fact drive straight past the swimming and leisure centre.
    In my head, I am not the size the mirror shows me, so I need to prove to myself that the weight is temporary, and I can get it off, I put it on, so I can take it off.

    You're right, I can do it, and you'll see, I will :D
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I remember a few months back I tried mint tea, which i really enjoyed, so I bought a box and never opened it. I might have to crack it open again.

    The problem with not cutting all the things out I like is all the things I like and currently eat are calorific, will that not just set me back too much? 2 steps forward, 3 steps back and all that?
    Tea can be a great way to drink something lo-cal, sweet and filling. Doesn't work for everyone, but given the length of some of the threads on the message boards about tea, it seems to help many of us.

    Some people are "all or nothing" with their eating. But for most people it does not work well for the long run. Three steps forward and one back is still 2 steps of progress. While, yes, your 2 steps forward and 3 back is not... but that tends to happen when people deprive themselves. The people who totally cut out the things they like generally cannot sustain it. Over time and experimentation, you may find some new, healthier things that you like even more than what you used to like, but going "cold turkey" often results in binge eating or feeling like a failure when you have even a small amount of the "forbidden foods" and that can cause even bigger problems in the long run. Most people don't find it sustainable without a way to eat at least some of their favorites and the ability to eat at parties or family events.

    If you want your weight loss to last a few months and then to end up weighing more than you do now... deprivation followed by binge eating or not having learned how to maintain is fine. Yes, eating some calorie-dense foods you like will "slow down your progress", but if you don't want to start (or continue) a cycle of yo-yo dieting, you need to find a way to live that you can maintain for the rest of your life. So are you ready to give up XYZ (whatever it is for you) for the rest of your life?

    Or... will you consider other options? Can you buy and eat XYZ in small quantities? Since buying small quantities is not always possible (or way more expensive), can you freeze or store most of the XYZ someplace where you won't be tempted to eat it all at once? For instance, I'm not willing to give up chocolate for the rest of my life, but I can buy truffles and limit myself to one at the end of the day when I've left enough calories (also motivational for leaving enough calories). Can you make it in a healthier way? Certain dishes (pasta alfredo comes to mind) are more than double the calories in a restaurant than some recipes... and the recipes even taste better! In addition, the restaurants (in the U.S. where I am) have huge portions -- sometimes 2-3 meals worth. So, if I make it at home, it tastes better and I eat about 1/5 the calories worth! (The downside for pasta alfredo is that I don't find it worth the trouble to make in small quantities.)

    Anyway, you probably get the idea. The key is to find a way to enjoy your life in a new, healthy way... it may not include all of your old foods or habits, but it should still be enjoyable and sustainable.

    Best wishes!
  • What happened between 15 and 25?
    How did you lose your self esteem?

    Moving on to the solution - expect variable bits of advice from different people, but it's all a trial and error game which you will be doing for the rest of your life (YES, there is no 'quick fix' diet; so choose realistic sustainable changes that you can make gradually).

    If I were to do the whole weight loss thing again, instead of setting some arbitrary calorie goal and ruthlessly cutting down to a low amount, I'd log a normal week of food and exercise (measure portions and log everything, even water and diet drinks).

    Then deduct a certain amount of calories (many people go for 500) - see what can go - maybe the extra chocolate bar in the afternoon could become an apple the mid-morning sugary latte can be swapped for a coffee with semi-skimmed milk (much cheaper).

    If you really like pizza you can make your own - bound to be healthier, tastier and lower in calories. Or find a substitute: this will take some trial and error.

    The 'I like calorific snacks' is not a viable excuse - we all do! You have some options.
    1. find alternatives.
    2. each small amounts of your favourite snacks frequently, or eat them much less frequently.
    3. workout more to burn more calories so you can have them.
    Most people find a mixture of options one and two more realistic.

    Then consider extra exercise - you could start simple: an extra 30min walk 3 times a week - then more. Or if you belong to a gym, a beginner's fitness class might be a welcoming and more motivating environment.

    The first week or so will be tough but within a month you should be in the swing of things. I'd also recommend not weighing yourself daily, and in fact it might be best if you can not to weigh yourself for a month and you'll be in for a pleasant surprise :)
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    You're right, I can do it, and you'll see, I will :D

    Attitude is critical. And you're right! You can do it. I look forward to seeing your post the Success Stories board eventually.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    The first thing you should do is fix your internal dialogue so that you're not directing blasts of hatred at yourself. I mean, last resort? Pure pain when smiling? Hate for daylight? That's a lot of drama, especially from someone who's only looking to lose 50-or-so lbs. It's not going to go well if you can't forgive yourself your imperfections and look ahead with a positive attitude. All the self-hatred and histrionics gets you is stress binges and giving up because you went over calories one day. Try to relax a little and give yourself a pep talk instead of a beatdown.
  • kwelinb
    kwelinb Posts: 3 Member
    I am SO with you hunni...we w
    WILL do this!!!
  • I know you will do this feel free to add me :)

    im not good a t doing these things my self give up cos
  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    The first thing you should do is fix your internal dialogue so that you're not directing blasts of hatred at yourself. I mean, last resort? Pure pain when smiling? Hate for daylight? That's a lot of drama, especially from someone who's only looking to lose 50-or-so lbs. It's not going to go well if you can't forgive yourself your imperfections and look ahead with a positive attitude. All the self-hatred and histrionics gets you is stress binges and giving up because you went over calories one day. Try to relax a little and give yourself a pep talk instead of a beatdown.
    You're right. My negativity is annoying as I am usually such a positive person. I may only have 50 or so pounds to lose, but for someone who is 5ft thats a lot lol
  • (((((HUGGGGGS))))) YOU can DO this! Finding new things I love has helped me a lot--cooking healthy food, walking (?!), exercising (sort of, still working on it). Finding friends to support and join has helped too. Just remember you're not behind, just jump in NOW. You don't need to catch up or punish yourself. Just go in a good direction and keep going even if you have setbacks. You want to feel good and love yourself. Be nice to yourself, not with food but with love. YOU can DO it!!!
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    You are young, the beauty is you can change ALL of this. Spend the mopney you used to, on pre cut fruit if you hate preparing it. Buy the highest quality fruit you can find. Take healthy snacks to work, do some activity evryday, not just at the gym. Keep doing it= success, a pretty slender 25 yr old with everything ahead of her. get going!!!:bigsmile:
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    Cook! It's cheaper, healthier, tastier, and is a creative outlet that can help reduce stress. Start here if you don't know how, may of her recipes are already included in the mfp database:

    Good luck!
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    hello fellow midlander :smile:

    i have been in denial about how tight my clothes had been getting - 90% of them no longer fit me properly and i was so fed up. still am but i'm doing something about the excess weight now. its a very slow process for me as age and health are not on my side but i refuse to buy even bigger clothes and continue feeling so rotten about myself when there's only one person that can do anything about it.

    i log my calories daily and still have pizza and stuff, just not as often and not as much. today i ate 2 gooey cookies and i've had a rotten headache ever since so i'm hoping this has helped put me back on the right track for weight loss.

    add me if you like and good luck on your journey :smile:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Everybody needs to hit a turning point -- something that makes them decide it's time to make a change when everything else hasn't. It sounds like you've hit yours :smile: And you've come to the right place to do it.

    I haven't read everything, so forgive me if I repeat others' advice…

    Use the systems in place here to help you. Counting calories is the best way. You can either use MFP exactly as it's intended (set to lose 1 pound per week, log all your food and exercise and eat back exercise calories) or you can look into the In place of a Road Map group and follow their plan (use the search function for In Place of a Road Map)

    Don't expect the changes to come fast. At one pound a week, you can expect to lose about 50 pounds in a year (I don't know how much you have to lose, I'm just trying to put it in perspective). There will be weeks when you don't lose anything. Don't give up. There will be weeks when you lose 2-3 pounds. Just stick with your plan. Weight loss isn't linear. Don't deprive yourself of anything you love (unless you are allergic/intolerant of it), but practice portion control with everything. Take out is okay once in a while, as long as you don't eat the entire pizza yourself (or spread it over several days :wink:)

    Work on your opinions of yourself. If you don't love yourself as you are, no amount of skinny will fix that. That doesn't mean you have to think that you are just fine as you are, but it means that you stop all the negative self talk. Think about all your good points, everything that you enjoy and are good at. Look at your physical attributes too - there are many good things. Don't define yourself by your weight. You are more than a number! And, IMO, loving yourself makes the process so much easier!!

    Good luck! You have made the right start!!
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Starrjo!

    I hear your pain. It is uncomfortable to look in the mirror and see someone you deem unattractive looking back at you. It's uncomfortable to have other people in your life mock your weight, as if you weren't fully aware of it. It's frustrating to know that you have to radically change your life to get back to the way things were.

    There is one simple thing you need to do that will alter your life forever. Even if you don't lose weight or even if you gain weight, this will help guide you through it. It's easier said than done, but once you do it, -nothing- can bring you down.

    This simple thing is loving yourself. You need to accept, embrace, and cherish everything there is about you. You need to be okay with where you're at to finally move away from where you're at. Only when you realize you're -worth- the effort and -worth- looking attractive to yourself can you find the energy to change your lifestyle and see through it.

    You seem like a wonderful person to me! And I wish you the best in this adventure. ^^ You're not a bad person because of your weight, and I'm sorry it seems like you have to be ashamed or have to hide yourself away from the public view. People's bad judgements of your weight are -their- problem, not yours. And I'm sorry they let their vitriolic thoughts poison your self image.

  • One that isnt so much weight related but more positivity related...

    Get some post it notes neon pink ones are best ;)

    On each one write a positive something "I am loved" "I will lose weight" "I am beautiful" "I can and WILL do this"

    And also some positive quotes.. find them on the internet.. ones that really inspire you

    "Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things. You cannot have the success without the failures. "

    "Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right."

    And stick them every bloody where around the house so no matter what you are doing where you are you will see one and make sure you read it..

    Also.. on bits of paper write negative things that you think or thought about yourself... "i am fat" "i failed last time" etc build a fire.. doesnt have to be a big one and ceremoniously burn all the negative comments

    Tis very therapeutic

    Good luck! xx!