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Is BodyPump class enough to maintain muscle?

If I'm only trying to lose weight and maintain muscle mass will body pump classes be enough to maintain the muscle?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Go ahead, Knock yourself out
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've been doing Les Mills Pump at home, and not only have I maintained the muscle I built, I also built a little more! I'm 11 weeks in right now...
  • Ajvaugh2
    Ajvaugh2 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing Body Pump regularly for a couple of months and I have maintained my muscle mass, burned fat, and seen more definition. Lifting low weights and high reps isn't going to make you bigger, but I definitely think its good for keeping you steady and getting a good workout in. :smile:
  • KathieSwenson
    low weight with high reps is a good way to maintain and tone those muscles. I'm not sure where they get that you will loose muscle mass by lifting lower weights Unless you are a Body builder and required HUGH muscles. otherwise it will tone and help strengthen and maintain. IN fact if you do anything like Julian Michaels 30 day shred. she talks about always using weights and working the small muscles with the big muscles so that you burn more calories. HMMM maybe I should go to body pump. I'm rather scared of it though! LOL
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    I've been doing a "PowerPump" class for 2 years now. If it feels too light, add more weight. If you feel they are going too fast, slow down. As my instructor says, it's my workout. I can do what I want. :-). I have loved the guidance that I get in the class and I've tripled the amount of weight I can lift. I have developed good muscle tone all over, and have great biceps. So, yes, it's enough to maintain muscle. Just use heavy enough weights and work hard. Good Luck!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    It's certainly a lot better than doing no weight lifting. As long as you are making progression you'll probably be fine, honestly.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    You definitely need weights in addition to the cardio. Body Pump is a great mixture of the two. I love that class! It's a great place to start. I still do it but have also gone to the weight machines and my BP instructor friend is going to train me how to use free weights soon (I hope!). And before you ask... NO I am NOT trying to become bulky! Just trying to continue to lose weight (body fat %) and define my muscles a tad.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Awesome. Tell us how it goes
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    I did Body Pump 3-4x wk for 1 1/2 years. It depends on what weight your using. If you are using the lowest weight and had been doing heavy weights, you will probably atrophy.

    I have not seen many of the BP regulars "change" in the 1 1/2 years.
  • acookie08
    acookie08 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there! A little off topic...but how are you guys logging Bodypump class? I can find it in the database when I search calories, but can't seem to find it as a choice under Cardio or Strength. Thanks so much
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    You definitely need weights in addition to the cardio. Body Pump is a great mixture of the two. I love that class! It's a great place to start. I still do it but have also gone to the weight machines and my BP instructor friend is going to train me how to use free weights soon (I hope!). And before you ask... NO I am NOT trying to become bulky! Just trying to continue to lose weight (body fat %) and define my muscles a tad.

    As a woman you will NEVER be "bulky". WOMEN.... Stop thinking this!!!!

    If you want to lose BF% faster and get more defined muscles: Eat Clean + Lift heavy.

    I have did body pump for 1 1/2 years 3-4x wk (using really heavy weights i.e 70lbs for squats, 40lbs. biceps). I'm only 5 feet tall and female.

    My muscles only developed after I stopped BP and started lifting heavier.

    Look at any fitness model/ crossfitters, their routines don't include Body pump.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Hey there! A little off topic...but how are you guys logging Bodypump class? I can find it in the database when I search calories, but can't seem to find it as a choice under Cardio or Strength. Thanks so much

    Log it as circuit training maybe?
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    Hey there! A little off topic...but how are you guys logging Bodypump class? I can find it in the database when I search calories, but can't seem to find it as a choice under Cardio or Strength. Thanks so much

    It is under Les Mills BODYPUMP. One of my favorite classes! :)
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Hey there! A little off topic...but how are you guys logging Bodypump class? I can find it in the database when I search calories, but can't seem to find it as a choice under Cardio or Strength. Thanks so much

    I log a 60 min class as 30 min circuit training, 30 min strength training. My instructor tends to do at least one exercise in each set to get our heart rate up, then 2-3 different strength exercises. We do anywhere from 3-5 rounds of each set, depending on how heavy we are lifting. Seems to be as accurate of a calorie count as I can find. (I really need to get a heart rate monitor. One day I will find out how many calories I really burn in these classes. I really feel like MFP over-estimates my calories anyway... but that's a whole other topic...)
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    With a challenging weight on the bar you should be good to go on maintaining what you already have.
    I've been doing so for 6 months as I drop weight, seems to be working great!

    *make sure you get proper protein everyday to help with maintaining also.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    With a challenging weight on the bar you should be good to go on maintaining what you already have.
    I've been doing so for 6 months as I drop weight, seems to be working great!

    *make sure you get proper protein everyday to help with maintaining also.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    The most those bars hold is like 50-60 pounds. And they do squats and hip thrusts. Challenging weight is more than that, I'm afraid