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started yesterday. want to see results SOON. any ideas?



  • valleymum
    valleymum Posts: 33 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, u will see drastic results in the first week
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    well...I also just started exactly a week ago from today and I've lost 6lbs already :) ... Granted, it's not a big loss but it's keeping me motivated :) hope this helps :)

    Reality check, aside from first-week water weight loss... 6 pounds in a week will be the exception, not the norm. Unless you are extremely overweight (250+) most people are most likely going to see 1-2 pounds a week MAX. Some weeks nothing.
  • wenron
    wenron Posts: 12 Member
    what is that on your tongue LOL
  • wenron
    wenron Posts: 12 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, u will see drastic results in the first week
    I bought her dvd's and agree they are awesome! Super hard but I do what I can and just move in place when I can't keep up.
  • hey all. i just started this diet plan yesterday (it was a great day, btw).
    and i know this is going to be a long journey. i live a sedentary lifestyle, i'm a heavy drinker, etc. i know i'm going to have to deeply change my lifestyle to see real results, and to maintain them.
    buttttt i'm also 22 years old and i'm pretty impulsive and i KNOW if i don't see some kind of quick result, i'm that much more likely to just give up.
    so, anybody have any tips that will help me see a real difference (and thus motivate me to try harder) when i get on the scale at the end of this week & the next week??

    thanks guys :)

    So you lead a sedentary lifestyle, are a heavy drinker, impulsive, been on a 'diet plan' one day but KNOW you will give up if you don't get quick results.
    And you want tips to motivate you to try harder?
    If you are serious, rather than just wanting sympathy for it all being too hard, you know you need to get off the couch, cut down on the drinking and grow up.
    And by KNOWING you will give up if you don't attain immediate results, you are just validating your desire to give up the moment it gets too hard.
    Good health and weight loss do not come to those who are lazy, and I'm sorry, but you make yourself sound lazy.

    I don't want to shoot you down in flames or sound unkind, but you need a major psychological shift rather than any diet plan.
    Start thinking more about health, rather than obsessing about weight, and eventually you will see longer lasting results.

    Make small changes to your lifestyle over a long period of time and consider any weight loss a major win, and any weight gain as motivation to try harder.

    Quick results lead a congratulatory night on the booze leads to weight gain leads to despondency leads to the merry go round you are most likely on at the moment

    I really do wish you luck because it is easier said (or typed) than done.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member

    Love this - totally stealing it!
  • spammarino
    spammarino Posts: 34 Member
    Patience is the key. The first week or so, the weight may seem to come off fairly quickly, but that is just your body losing the 'water weight' in your glycogen stores. The real test will be after that when you train your body to burn fat as its fuel. 1-2 lbs/week would be a good starting point to maintain lean muscle mass while losing fat.

    I know quite a few people who lose that 5+ lbs of water weight in the first week, then get discouraged and quit when the weight doesn't come off as fast. Stick with it and use these forums for some motivation!

    I'd also say to stay away from the scale and not do daily weigh ins as your body fluctuates all the time and seeing what you don't want to see on the scale can be a discouragement. I weigh in once a week....same time of day (morning) each time.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Why don't you try 100 pushups or 200 squats. You'll see progress daily because you'll keep upping the number you do.
  • Lala041185
    Lala041185 Posts: 42 Member
    Well, to your credit, you're honest and upfront.

    BUT I think the biggest favor you can do yourself is to change your expectations. It did not take you 24 hours or 1 week to get the way you are and it will NOT be erased or undone in 24-48 hours or a week or a month or possibly several months.

    I don't think you're ready. (Unfortunately, I too am honest.)

    Good luck.

    I second this.... Not that you can't do it but it has to be a complete mental change and it takes time and is not a quick fix
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    hey all. i just started this diet plan yesterday (it was a great day, btw).
    and i know this is going to be a long journey. i live a sedentary lifestyle, i'm a heavy drinker, etc. i know i'm going to have to deeply change my lifestyle to see real results, and to maintain them.
    buttttt i'm also 22 years old and i'm pretty impulsive and i KNOW if i don't see some kind of quick result, i'm that much more likely to just give up.
    so, anybody have any tips that will help me see a real difference (and thus motivate me to try harder) when i get on the scale at the end of this week & the next week??

    thanks guys :)


    From the tone of your posting, I don't think you are serious about getting healthy. It sounds like you want instant results without doing the work it takes to make a lifestyle change.

    Are you really serious about making a lifestyle change? If so, read through all the threads here at the MFP community. There are some amazing people here.

    I'm not trying to be mean, but why would you post a photo of you with a bug on your stuck out tongue? I mean, it's kind of icky looking.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Be patient, it takes time.

    It would be great to lose a ton of weight quickly, but it takes time. Time is a good thing, it helps you change your thinking.

    I believe that in order to lose weight and keep it off we have to change what we put in our mouth, how we look and feel about food, and how we view ourselves.

    Good luck, sometimes the best things in life are the hardest!
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    If there was a 'quick' fix that worked and kept us all on track to try harder later... We'd all be fit and healthy.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    Unfortunately, everyone here is right.

    It can be a struggle mentally and physically with everything in this life style change. Your brain telling you that you can't do it and same with your body. The satisfaction though is once you finally do something that you set your mind to go do. Believe in yourself and push through it. You will have an overwhelming feeling of happiness and accomplishment when you finish something you used to tell yourself you couldn't do.

    It can be a mind game sometimes.

    I tried this _ give yourself little goals....fitness goals. i promise you - if you focus on fitness goals (example : walk X about of minutes or distance or even jog, or lifting weights) then the scale and inches will follow suit. and sometimes the scale lies, she can be mean sometimes, but you're stronger than that scale. the scale will catch up!!

    Dont expect overnight results unless that's how long you want it to last. the quicker you lose the weight, usually the quicker you gain it back

    Wishing you strength on your journey, not diet plan ;)
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    Hey its good that you're honest, but saying you'll give up if you don't see results is going to be met with short shrift on here. There are a lot of people who work hard and sacrifice to become healthier, fitter and to look and feel good about themselves. I guess it depends on how much you want it. You can get yourself educated on the forums and online. You're young so its natural that you want to drink and socialise a lot. But you'll have to cut down on the alcohol to get any results. unfortunately there are no shortcuts, we're not on here to diet, were here to learn and practise a healthy 'lifestyle'. good luck
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    The hardest part of this whole process is patience. Your ticker says you only have 20 lbs to lose. You're not going to lose weight as fast as someone who starts out with 100+ to lose. Cut out the drinking (or at least cut it down to a bare minimum) and get off the couch and move.
  • nicnack31
    nicnack31 Posts: 93 Member
    Me too and i have a lot to loose .... Again !!!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    if drinking is such a big part of your life then you need to change what is causing you to drink before you decide you want to lose weight
  • VictoriaVamp
    VictoriaVamp Posts: 23 Member
    hey all. i just started this diet plan yesterday (it was a great day, btw).
    and i know this is going to be a long journey. i live a sedentary lifestyle, i'm a heavy drinker, etc. i know i'm going to have to deeply change my lifestyle to see real results, and to maintain them.
    buttttt i'm also 22 years old and i'm pretty impulsive and i KNOW if i don't see some kind of quick result, i'm that much more likely to just give up.
    so, anybody have any tips that will help me see a real difference (and thus motivate me to try harder) when i get on the scale at the end of this week & the next week??

    thanks guys :)

    It's all about persistence!!! I used to think like that but it doesn't work!!! EG - I'd start off, lose some good weight at first because my body was in shock then it would slow down and I'd think what is the point???? Then return back to eating rubbish, therefore putting the weight I'd lost or even more back on!!!! YOU CAN EITHER SPEND THE TIME AND EFFORT DOING IT THE RIGHT WAY OR YOU'LL WASTE TIME LOSING IT AND PUTTING IT BACK ON!!! wouldn't you rather lose 2 stone in a year then lose 2 stone and put 3 back on??????
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    If you want to see results I would do the following:

    1. Set your profile for you to lose one pound per week.
    2. Slow down on the drinking or at least reconsider what you drink if you can find lower calorie options.
    3. Exercise, including strength training.

    You will see results.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    Is that a bug on your tongue?

    If you ate it, you do have to write that down too :huh: :laugh:

    Seriously, change is usually slow and painful - don't expect this to be "AS SEEN ON TV - Eat all you want, lose weight in your sleep!"

    Believe me, if that worked everyone would do it ONCE and there would be no need for a site like this. The process takes slow and steady commitment, even when you don't see results.

    Good luck!