New here! Name's Darrel.

Hey everyone,

Just joined a few moments ago. I find this website to be quite interesting, as well as helpful!

I've been overweight since I was about eight or nine years old. At first it wasn't that much, just a bit of a pudge tummy. But as I continued to age, my weight continued to become a problem. It wasn't that I ate for comfort or out of boredom. Rather, due to some medical reasons, I just struggle to shed the weight. It can be maddening sometimes!

A couple of years ago college was difficult for me. Classes were across campus and I couldn't walk from one location to the other without my ankles catching on fire. They would be so sore, I would often need to rub them during class and bite back the tears. I would limp across campus. It was embarrassing to straggle behind all my friends, a little out of breath, and so sore all over. I didn't think the weight had changed that for me at all; I had had the pain before when I was 60 pounds lighter. I figured, it had to just be bad ankles. And I did nothing.

Last year I decided I was going to let myself finally have a surgery I need, but I knew that being overweight would cause complications. Determined to become a better weight for my surgery I started working out. Intensely. I reduced my calories to a fair amount and did The Biggest Loser Boot Camp every day (as well as walking 3 to 4 miles on the treadmill). The first month I lost 20 pounds, and I was pretty impressed with myself. But the following two months I did not shed a single pound. Exhausted from working out every day and having no results for it, I gave up as soon as college started up again, and quickly regained 10 of the pounds.

I was afraid of regaining all 20 pounds. I tried, occasionally, to get back into the swing of working out and eating right, but soda was so delicious, and the computer was so shiny. Not to mention I was so drained from school work and emotional issues that I let myself eat what I wanted, when I wanted to. Thankfully I managed to keep the gain under control.

Since I finalized my surgery for this month (September 26th!) I started controlling my food again at the beginning of August. I have been incredibly strict on my food reign, and have to say I'm somewhat impressed with myself! I've lost another 20 pounds (30 from last year) in a month, and I feel like I have the energy and tools to keep going until I reach my goal. I have a short term goal of losing 15 pounds (then I'll be an even 200) before September 26th. Whether or not I actually make that goal, only time will tell. But I have the energy and drive to see it through!

And now I can walk six miles without even noticing it! :) My ankles no longer complain.

I know that some people say that fast weight loss is a bad thing. But I disagree. It is the best way for me to actually lose weight and stay motivated to keep going. And it seems to be the only way for me to lose weight -- if I eat 90% healthy, and 10% pleasure (like most people on diets), I don't lose anything! Even if I work out! I have to be extreme to get any kind of result. But that's okay; I enjoy the intensity to get to where I'm going. And I'm doing it through healthy food choices and behavioral changes.


  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    Congratulations on your awesome work so far! You're doing a great job, keep it up! And you look great too! ;)
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    Aw, thanks Loasaur!

    I should include before pictures.

    Edit: So I wanted to update my ticker to show how much I have lost thus far, but it won't let me change the starting weight. Any idea how to fix this? :( Is it because I joined up with the website as "214.7" instead of the initial weight?
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    It would be inspiring to see how far you've actually come. I gained a lot of weight at the beginning of college. It's been hard trying to get back. I've lost roughly 11 pounds and I've got about 25 more pounds to go. Posts like these keep me focused! :)
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    I will fool around and see if I can change it. I did the same :P
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    it is hard to lose that weight that college packs on us, especially since college campus food is so... bad! it's fattening, it's full of sodium, and the worst parts are that it doesn't really taste that good, and it's expensive. But it's quick. And when a college student is tired from classes all day, they really don't want to go home and fix food. Or if they get hungry between classes but are too far away from campus to go home and make their own meal, well, campus food is the quickest option. It's unfortunate.

    I wish you luck though! You can do it! I'm impressed that you're already down 11 pounds again. ^^ Way to go!

    (Also, I ninja edited my previous post with a question. orz
    Edit: looks like you already noticed and beat me to it! LOL!)
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    I cannot figure out for the life of me how to change it! Sorry! :(
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    It's okay. Thank you for trying. ^^
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    Back to entertaining myself with games while normal people are sleeping. You are very right, the computer is so shiny.

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Up the top click on Apps/weight loss tickers/update weight data
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    I did that several times, and it refuses to actually save it as updated. :(
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    Thank you, Moc! It worked for me! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!~ Keep trying Darrel, you may have to try and save it a couple times before it works (I've had to do that a few times when I was doing a weigh-in).
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I did that several times, and it refuses to actually save it as updated. :(

    This site does play up sometimes so try again.

    I have to agree with the shiny computer thing. I should get rid of mine lol.
  • Mouseanonymous802
    My home , check in, edit previous entries and remove the original starting weight and put in a new weight for that date :)
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks Mouse. I think I have to wait until tomorrow to put in my weight -- I guess this website assumes the day you sign up is day one in your progress (which isn't the case for me).
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    hey man
    good luck on your weight loss goals. you can do it!
    i'm kind of in the same boat, about fast results...
    the problem is i'm super impatient and impulsive. and i KNOW if i don't see serious results in a couple weeks, i'll just give up and make a pizza :/
    my ankles are **** too. i smashed one of them when i was like 13 skateboarding, and i continue to sprain or twist one of them about once every year or two. that mixed with the fact i smoke and drink too much (and the fact i can't get motivated to jog alone) means jogging just doesn't work for me.
    i just joined this site yesterday. but for the past week or so i've been doing strength training exercises mixed with some hardcore cardio (not jogging). they actually are keeping my interest and getting me sweaty/panting without leaving my body feeling like a total trainwreck.
    something to think about.
    anyway we're all in this together. log in every day. record all your food and drink intake. as far as soda goes, it's an addiction, and if you want to cut an addiction, seriously, just don't buy it. i cut a soda addiction many years ago simply by not buying it. if it's not laying around, you won't be tempted. and the addiction goes away in less than a month (at least it did for me). and if you must drink it i recommend maybe trying to only drink a half glass at a time, so you feel like you're having more. using a smaller glass also works. that's what i'm trying to do with my wine :/ haha
    anyway you got this man!
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Ray, thanks. Yeah, I agree. I don't buy soda at all. As it stands I only drink water, have limited carbs, and only simple sugars from fruits.
  • Saoirse90
    Good luck for your goal! Aiming to lose weight for surgery must be quite stressful due to your time constraints, but I'm sure you can do it- you seem very determined. And congrats on already losing so much- I hope I can have half of your will power. I wish some of the patients I see could read your post and see that losing weight really can open doors in terms of treatments.
    As for fast weight loss being bad- I think that if you're doing in as healthy was as possible, and looking at your attitudes/feelings towards food then you're doing the best you can.
  • domcarrigan
    domcarrigan Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome mate, sounds like you're doing well so far. Good luck!