Significantly cut out fast food

So I would sometimes eat fast food every day for lunch. Embarrassing but true. Since sticking with MFP I eat much more food at home and feel better about myself for doing that. Can't wait to lose some weight! Just a little food related NSV.


  • jeanetterouw
    jeanetterouw Posts: 10 Member
    Its going to be very hard for me because i work in a restaurant and its so easy to get food there lol. But i am cutting fast food and soda pop completely out. If i last at a month on not drinking soda or eating fast food i think the "urge" to want it will get easier every month or im hoping! lol(:
  • jeanetterouw
    jeanetterouw Posts: 10 Member
    if i last at least a month* sorry typo
  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    Its going to be very hard for me because i work in a restaurant and its so easy to get food there lol. But i am cutting fast food and soda pop completely out. If i last at a month on not drinking soda or eating fast food i think the "urge" to want it will get easier every month or im hoping! lol(:

    I drink diet soda still. I know I should cut it out its just hard!!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    There is no reason to cut out items that you enjoy, unless you have a medical condition. However, if reducing the amount of times you eat fast food is going to help you learn healthier habits towards food, go for it. I prefer not to label things as "good" or "bad" and enjoy a wide array of items.
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    i used to do the same thing. i would drive-thru and eat something from fast-food and then throw out the receipt and bags before i got home. i feel so much better now that i've stopped, both physically and mentally :smile:
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    There is no reason to cut out items that you enjoy, unless you have a medical condition. However, if reducing the amount of times you eat fast food is going to help you learn healthier habits towards food, go for it. I prefer not to label things as "good" or "bad" and enjoy a wide array of items.

    i used to not label foods either, until i stopped eating certain things. now i definitely have a list of bad foods.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    There is no reason to cut out items that you enjoy, unless you have a medical condition. However, if reducing the amount of times you eat fast food is going to help you learn healthier habits towards food, go for it. I prefer not to label things as "good" or "bad" and enjoy a wide array of items.

    The whole reason why most people cut out items they enjoy or label certain foods as "good" or "bad" is to learn healthier habits towards food.
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    I cut out soda sweet tea and sweets ( now I do have something sweet about once a week if I want it) almost 4 weeks ago. Didn't think I could but I did it. My body ached so bad the first week but now I feel great and don't crave them much at all.
  • jeanetterouw
    jeanetterouw Posts: 10 Member
    I understand not wanting to cut out fast food, but my bad habits are fast food and dr pepper... theres no stopping me once i start drinking/eating this stuff. So id rather cut it out all together or at least only eat out once every two months or so that way i wont want it every two weeks or more. My habits are just as bad as anyone else, but i am my own person though, everyone is different and can limit them selves when it comes to soda or fast food but i cant or more less right now i cant. Maybe later on when i can honestly say im good at the calories i know i can eat then ill try it but right now im just scared that if i get back on dr pepper and fast food that my whole diet will go back out the window and im really trying now so i dont want that to happen.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Way to go! Long term success is definitely based on small habit changes.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Its going to be very hard for me because i work in a restaurant and its so easy to get food there lol. But i am cutting fast food and soda pop completely out. If i last at a month on not drinking soda or eating fast food i think the "urge" to want it will get easier every month or im hoping! lol(:

    I drink diet soda still. I know I should cut it out its just hard!!

    It is hard, but take a look at the nutrition label. Can you even recognize anything? Also, on a personal note, I got kidney stones from drinking too much aspartame... so be careful. See if you can replace it with a flavored herbal tea (Tazo has some great ones!) and sweeten with stevia if necessary. Blueberry tea and stevia tastes just like blueberry pie, and I just got an apple cinnamon one that is delicious too :)
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    So I would sometimes eat fast food every day for lunch. Embarrassing but true. Since sticking with MFP I eat much more food at home and feel better about myself for doing that. Can't wait to lose some weight! Just a little food related NSV.
    Even though we know you can still eat fast food, processed food and all that while losing weight. My wife and i stopped eating out, (couldn't afford it anyways) cut out processed foods and we both have no depression what so ever. Doing a bit more research about the way your mind works and food. Some of the ingredients in food actually affects how we think. Almost like a drug or poison. Personally i am glad we can't afford to eat out. I miss the food, but do not miss the feels linked with eating it.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    One of my worst "enemies" is a vanilla or caramel shake from McDonald's or Arby's. It's an enemy because of the number of calories in a single cup, but ALSO because I'm lactose intolerant. So I eat those calories and it takes three days to actually get through my body. But it is soooo goooooodddd!!!! I try to indulge less than once a month....I've been known to go a full 6 months before breaking down and getting one, but it takes three or four lactaid just to get me through the first day... LOL!
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    This may sound super silly, but I truly have an addiction to fast food. I have cravings for it where it literally takes over my mind and it is all I think about. I have managed to break it and I went a full month without it, and then limited my intake. Sadly, this summer led back to my bad habits and I am trying to break them again. I just moved so I am actually finding it easier to resist and I think that I will def start seeing some results. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who struggles!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I understand not wanting to cut out fast food, but my bad habits are fast food and dr pepper... theres no stopping me once i start drinking/eating this stuff. So id rather cut it out all together or at least only eat out once every two months or so that way i wont want it every two weeks or more. My habits are just as bad as anyone else, but i am my own person though, everyone is different and can limit them selves when it comes to soda or fast food but i cant or more less right now i cant. Maybe later on when i can honestly say im good at the calories i know i can eat then ill try it but right now im just scared that if i get back on dr pepper and fast food that my whole diet will go back out the window and im really trying now so i dont want that to happen.

    I understand completely. I am the same way.
  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    Its going to be very hard for me because i work in a restaurant and its so easy to get food there lol. But i am cutting fast food and soda pop completely out. If i last at a month on not drinking soda or eating fast food i think the "urge" to want it will get easier every month or im hoping! lol(:

    I drink diet soda still. I know I should cut it out its just hard!!

    It is hard, but take a look at the nutrition label. Can you even recognize anything? Also, on a personal note, I got kidney stones from drinking too much aspartame... so be careful. See if you can replace it with a flavored herbal tea (Tazo has some great ones!) and sweeten with stevia if necessary. Blueberry tea and stevia tastes just like blueberry pie, and I just got an apple cinnamon one that is delicious too :)

    Yikes is getting kidney stones from aspartame common? Never heard of that! Hope you're better now!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I pretty much stopped eating fast food when I started all of this Good Livin'...I went 9 months without eating at any fast food establishment...then had some Wendy's on a road trip a few weeks ago due to we just really wanted to get something quick off the interestate and keep moving...bad, bad, bad choice. My body did not respond kindly; I wasn't full on barfing, but my stomach was very unsettled for the next couple of days..
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    There is no reason to cut out items that you enjoy, unless you have a medical condition. However, if reducing the amount of times you eat fast food is going to help you learn healthier habits towards food, go for it. I prefer not to label things as "good" or "bad" and enjoy a wide array of items.
  • marko320
    marko320 Posts: 84 Member
    MFP makes you all too aware how many bad choices are readily available on every corner in America. I go to my app before visiting to try and make a healthy choice. The best option was not to go at all. All of the things I enjoyed were far too many calories, so I started brown bagging good leftovers, light soups, small portion TV dinners, canned fish, etc.

    This is a cool infographic I saw today about food education:

    Thanks for reading.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Its going to be very hard for me because i work in a restaurant and its so easy to get food there lol. But i am cutting fast food and soda pop completely out. If i last at a month on not drinking soda or eating fast food i think the "urge" to want it will get easier every month or im hoping! lol(:

    I drink diet soda still. I know I should cut it out its just hard!!

    It is hard, but take a look at the nutrition label. Can you even recognize anything? Also, on a personal note, I got kidney stones from drinking too much aspartame... so be careful. See if you can replace it with a flavored herbal tea (Tazo has some great ones!) and sweeten with stevia if necessary. Blueberry tea and stevia tastes just like blueberry pie, and I just got an apple cinnamon one that is delicious too :)

    Careful though--people on blood pressure meds should not consume Stevia!! (source: WebMD)