Needing a little help!

Can anyone give me a word for word week diet to lose weight.. But eating the right amount of calories and everything my body needs not to go into starvation mode.

Thank you to anyone who replies!
Would really love the any help. :)


  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    So, this is rather difficult, since tastes vary from person to person and everyone has a different caloric amount to hit. Also, the amount of time you have to prepare meals affects if greatly.

    Basically, I would look up the nutrition guidelines for your age (or talk to your doc) to make sure you are getting as many servings of fruits, veggies, fats, grains, etc. you need in one day. That should give you a good start. You could check out the myplate website ( to get you started. This replaced the food pyramid a few years ago.

    Sorry, there isn't a 'one size fits all' approach to healthy eating. Best of luck!
  • mpawlicki
    mpawlicki Posts: 20 Member
    I have something you may like. It's a collection of healthy recipes, each one is around 300 calories. They are different for each meal type, so you can choose something different each day. And if you follow the directions closely, you'll end up with 300 calories in each meal, which is nice.
    I don't know how to get it to you though, I don't think there is a file upload feature here, is there?
  • fiofi
    @Mpawlicki I'd like a copy of this!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I think the OP wants a simple meal-by-meal plan that she can follow and lose weight.

    Breakfast: 6 oz fat free Greek yogurt, small banana, 1 slice dry whole grain toast
    Lunch: 4 oz boiled skinless chicken breast, 4 baby carrots, 1/2 apple

    etc etc etc

    And she will drop the lbs and never look back.

    Problem is, OP, it's not that simple! Can you eat that way for the rest of your life? No. If you follow a pre-fab list of dull foods day after day, you'll inevitably fall off the wagon and start stuffing your face with pizza and ice cream (or whatever).

    You have to:
    1. figure out why you gained weight in the first place (stress? boredom? don't know what a proper portion size is? drink too many sodas and lattes?)
    2, address those reasons
    3. learn about nutrition, calories, macros, and proper portion sizes (maybe see a nutritionist?)
    4. figure out your BMR, TDEE, and eat between those numbers without starving yourself and eating foods you like to eat
    5. figure out an exercise routine that you enjoy and you can stick with over time

    Believe me, I've been gaining and losing and gaining and losing weight for 30 years. I think I may finally have it figured out. I hope.

  • magentamorbid
    magentamorbid Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a similar weight and height and have a target between 1200-1500 cals. I try not to eat back all of my exercise cals either.
    I think my diary is open for you to view, not that it's all that good, I've only just started posting in it again.
    I try to have a power shake every morning, peanut butter (organic), banana and chocolate meal replacement powder (or protein powder). Instead of milk I use ice and water, tastes like ice cream lol. I also do fruit shakes but I've been craving peanut butter instead lately.
    For lunch, if I have anything, usually a sandwich or a shake when I get home from gym.
    Dinner I have a salad, so lettuce, cucumber and boiled egg. For protein I'll add either a tin of tuna or chicken breast (poached, which isn't for everyone) or seafood sticks/prawns.
    In between I'm trying to up my water intake. The easiest way for me is to have water bottles and fill them up, adding pink grapefruit Robinsons squash. Gives it flavor so it's more appealing to me.
    My dad's a personal trainer in the US so he's taught me how to be smart when I'm shopping and that there's always a healthier option to what you eat. I'm trying to cut out cow dairy products and have switched to almond milk, which I only use in my coffee. Sometimes I'll switch to fish instead of chicken, but that depends on the prices that week.
    Hope I helped, it's a lot to read sorry but I find reading bullet point diet plans are boring and don't give you room for change or explain anything.