Being sick and blood pressure.

I was in the ER two nights over the weekend with extreme stomach pains. After many tests it was determined I am having a bad acid reflux issue and the ER doc wants me to see a Gastro doc this week and have a barium xray to determine if I have an ulcer. My concern is that three times that they took my blood pressure it was in the 139/78 range. The ER doc said it can fluctuate when you are in pain and stressed. I am hoping it is because of the pain I was in, I have never had a high blood pressure reading before. I have lost 21 lbs since June 29th, exercising regularly and watching my salt intake (2000mg per day) along with my other macros on the MFP site. I would be confused and upset to have high blood pressure after I have made such strides to improve my health, along with kicking cigarettes. Any input on how BP is effected by pain or personal experiences bringing your BP down when it is elevated? Also, how long would you wait to check it again to see if it is a true reading or was just from being sick? I was thinking I would give it a week to recheck. Thanks in advance and sorry for the novel :)


  • depjo01
    When you have pain it will definitely will raise your blood pressure. One you are feeling better, retake your BP, It will come back down after your body calms from the stress. Good luck on the follow-up and hope all goes well.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    139/78 isn't high at all.

    Being in the hospital and being sick can make it go up. If they really thought you had high blood pressure they would have made you follow up with your doctor about it later.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    139/78 isn't high at all.

    Being in the hospital and being sick can make it go up. If they really thought you had high blood pressure they would have made you follow up with your doctor about it later.

    They said it was high, and to check myself at CVS/Walgreens pharmacy's self BP machine in a few days and if it is the same, call my doc. I am going to give it a solid week though. Now that I am getting better I will be eating again etc. Thanks for the help both of you.
  • bleep
    bleep Posts: 68 Member
    It's really not that high considering the situation you're in. A blood pressure of 140/90 is acceptable by the Department of Transportation for drivers like FedEx/UPS etc. Ideally would like it to be lower obviously though.
  • r_balogh
    r_balogh Posts: 42 Member
    Your top number is high however I'm sure it's due to the stresses of being sick. Pain increases blood pressure. Also with the loss of 21 pounds you would typically have a decrease in blood pressure. I'm sure its high due to your pain but I would get it checked to be sure
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I would say it was probably due to the pain. When someone is in pain, their heart rate goes up and therefore blood pressure. Hope you get your tummy issues squared away- get well soon!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    In the end, sodium does not cause high blood pressure. But I know what will take BP off the charts, the prescription meds & OTC meds for High BP or acid reflux. When ever the Body reacts (such as acid reflux) it is actually saying that you are NOT producing enough acid to digest (break-down) your food and thus it is coming back up. This is usually because of poor food combining; I suggest Googling Food Combining Charts and see what you are doing (eating) wrong. The worse things you can do is (1) Eat Fruit with ANYTHING (Fruit should always be eaten alone on an Empty stomach); (2) Eat Starch and Proteins Together. When you learn what digestive enzymes and acids are used to digest certain foods, and that they work against each other, then food combining will become your "Friend" in many ways. So if I were you I would look into THIS before allowing MDs and Ex-rays to get into you. Remember those medications simply give you temporary relief (surpress natural acids) while your problem keep on getting worse.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I'm not a fan of drugs to reduce acid reflux, but don't believe everything you read on MFP - If it was truly bad to eat fruits with anything else, nobody could eat pizza or spaghetti with red sauce, as tomatoes are a fruit. Also the concept of mixing starches with proteins being bad makes no sense, as most starchy foods also contain some protein. There may be some specific foods that set your reflux off that you may wish to avoid, but the best way to figure that out is to keep a written log of what you eat with notes regarding how the food affects your "belly".
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    Pain and illness ALWAYS raises BP. But, your BP was NOT high. They seem to have way lowered the bar on acceptable BP levels over the recent years. It's my belief it has been done to increase the patient use of statins to line the pockets and fatten the bank accounts of the pharmaceutical companies.

  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Pain and illness ALWAYS raises BP. But, your BP was NOT high. They seem to have way lowered the bar on acceptable BP levels over the recent years. It's my belief it has been done to increase the patient use of statins to line the pockets and fatten the bank accounts of the pharmaceutical companies.


    I agree with you 100% I would never run to the doc for medicine without a valiant effort to lower is myself. I feel like I am taking the right steps as it is right now. And I have never thought about "food combining" but it sounds like I am guilty of both of those. You guys are right that I do need to figure out what is causing it versus treating it all the time, this is just the first time I have ever had this problem and especially to this extreme! So I will figure it out. Thanks you guys.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    I would say it was probably due to the pain. When someone is in pain, their heart rate goes up and therefore blood pressure. Hope you get your tummy issues squared away- get well soon!

    Thanks!!! :)
  • kellywitcher13
    I would just like to agree that 138/78 is actually pretty healthy. Normal is 120-140/60-90. Plus if you are in pain that is considered high for you so your normal bp will be lower and thats pretty ****ing good. Trust me I know because I bp yesterday was 200/120. I was very lightheaded. Ps I am a CNA.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I'm not a fan of drugs to reduce acid reflux, but don't believe everything you read on MFP - If it was truly bad to eat fruits with anything else, nobody could eat pizza or spaghetti with red sauce, as tomatoes are a fruit. Also the concept of mixing starches with proteins being bad makes no sense, as most starchy foods also contain some protein. There may be some specific foods that set your reflux off that you may wish to avoid, but the best way to figure that out is to keep a written log of what you eat with notes regarding how the food affects your "belly".

    That IS the POINT: People combine everything and THEN cry sick or acid reflux. Do you know the biggest selling OTC Drugs, Laxatives and Heartburn meds...why? Combining the wrong foods and eating everything. Your argument is the BEST to SUPPORT what I said earlier. Pizza, sandwiches with "meats", meat and potatoes...THIS is why people are so SICK and suffering from Constipation, OBESITY, Acid Reflux...

    Also, you do NOT read for comprehension: I NEVER said "Proteins" are BAD (I actually do NOT believe in that concept - Protein), what I said is that Proteins and Starches should NEVER be EATEN TOGETHER! You need to learn how the Body works! Until people give up OLD BAD Concepts of eating they will continue to be sick, have surgery to correct Simple Problems (like acid reflux, which surgery re-routes your intestines and stomach...the Wt. loss Surgery that is NOW in vogue is a result of Acid Reflux Surgery. It was originally done to stop Gerd/to save the esophagus, and they discovered that people also lost weight). Keep doing what You are doing and You will keep getting the same results!

    Many foods are Predominantly one macro-nutrient...such as beans, meats, green leaf veggies, fruit, refined foods; that predominant macro nutrient will determine its classification, that is sooo simple. Example: Why do you think people have so much trouble digesting Beans and Rice, because they should NOT be eaten together. Beans is a starch and protein (but mainly protein strong) and should be eaten with a green leaf veggie. But people have fallen in "love" with this combination so they will continue to "suffer" when eaten. What people LIKE and also Cultural habits determine what people eat, it DOES NOT mean it is good for their HEALTH! Ideally beans should NOT be eaten at all. Learn more before you contradict knowledge!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hello, irony ...
    Also, you do NOT read for comprehension: I NEVER said "Proteins" are BAD (I actually do NOT believe in that concept - Protein), what I said is that Proteins and Starches should NEVER be EATEN TOGETHER!

    The other poster didn't say that you said proteins were bad, either. Please read again. This time with comprehension! :bigsmile:
    ... Also the concept of mixing starches with proteins being bad makes no sense ...
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    Definitely your blood pressure should be down if you are feeling better.

    I have been dealing with acid reflux since I was about 10. While I wouldn't say to rush to medicine, it can help. For me, no matter what I do, every 6-12 months, my acid reflux starts acting up again. I take a 2 week course of Prilosec OTC (or whatever generic I can find) and it helps me. I still have to avoid things like orange juice, really acidic foods/juices, and rich food for the most part. Even then, I still have issues.

    For you, you'll have to find your solution. Next time it comes around, it won't be so terrifying, since you know what is going on. Take it one step at a time.

    And I don't think that combining foods (incorrectly or correctly) has anything to do with it.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hello, irony ...
    Also, you do NOT read for comprehension: I NEVER said "Proteins" are BAD (I actually do NOT believe in that concept - Protein), what I said is that Proteins and Starches should NEVER be EATEN TOGETHER!

    The other poster didn't say that you said proteins were bad, either. Please read again. This time with comprehension! :bigsmile:
    ... Also the concept of mixing starches with proteins being bad makes no sense ...

    All I can say is BAD Writing, and even LESS knowledge.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    While it's not scary high, it's borderline high - 120/80 is ideal. Definitely check it regularly as recommended so that you have some history to report when you go back. And let them know about your losing weight, healthier diet and quitting smoking. Don't let them put you on meds unless your BP is regularly high and even then, ask if you can try to clean up your diet a bit more to see if it helps. Do you exercise too? Regular activity can help lower BP as well.

    As far as experience goes, I've got a good one for you. About 7 years ago, I was out shoveling and slipped on some hidden ice. I broke my tibia and severely sprained the tendon on the back of that leg as well. I was all by myself and hauled my big butt inside and eventually decided I better call 911 to get help because the pain was getting worse as the shock wore off. When the EMTs came to get me, they checked my BP and I can't remember exactly what he said but it was something crazy like 190/110 and the guy told me if I didn't calm down, there was a good chance I'd stroke out. Thankfully I was able to calm down a little but my BP stayed borderline high until Hubby showed up.

    P.S. AND when I was heavier, I had a little something they call "white coat" syndrome. If I was seeing a doctor I knew and trusted, I was fine but when I went in to see one of the doctors I didn't like (nagging about weight loss, etc) it would spike a bit. They even tested it out by having me checked by the attendent I didn't know and then having my regular doctor check it and it was lower when my doc did it. Oh and that same evil nagging doc claimed there's no such thing as white coat syndrome... Yeah, she's a beyotch