Gearing up for the holidays

One of my weaknesses is that I love to bake, especially this time of year with fall coming and the holidays right around the corner.

This year I'd like to bake more than ever, with less calories/fat/sodium than ever.

Does anyone have any substitutions ideas for the standard baking ingredients? Ie Flour, sugar, etc... There has to be a healthier alternative.

I'm trying to get a plan in motion and start stocking up on the dry ingredients, but I'd like to make better choices.

Thanks in advance!


    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    try to google gluten-free recipes. alot of them will have alternatives. :smile:
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Use avocado instead of butter (or do half avo, half butter). You can't taste the difference at all.

    This one isn't for everyone but I use half sugar, half splenda.

    Alternatives to traditional flour:
    Almond flour (must be refrigerated or frozen).
    Quinoa flour can replace half white flour to up protien (you can make your own by baking quinoa on a baking sheet at 215 for 10 minutes then grind)
    Soy flour (swap up to 1/3 of flour for soy)
    Whole grain barley flour
    Spelt flour (you can straight up swap out white flour for spelt)
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    The Gracious Pantry is a great blog for clean eating and she loves to bake.

    Here are some good desserts and also a substitution list.
  • kjf1982
    kjf1982 Posts: 102 Member
    I will check that out, thanks for the suggestions!