Paleo Eating/Clean eating



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Breastmilk is paleo.

    It's the only milk that is.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    I know a lot of people who follow the Paleo diet and they recommend reading 'It Starts With Food' and then starting with the Whole 30... so you can see the way foods affect your body. Good luck!
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I don't specifically eat Paleo but it ends up pretty darn close. No grains or starches, no caloric drinks, no processed food. My wife and I are a bit over 2 months in and we're both very happy with it. My wife has lost 20 lbs and after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting and 'points' she feels like this is something she can happily maintain for life. In addition she's feeling much, much healthier.

    I allow myself some limited exceptions immediately after/during a workout or practice (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) in that I will have allow something like a Gatorade in the middle of a 2 hour practice, and have a milk & whey protein as well as a slice of toast after. If I am on the run and can't immediately refuel I use a Clif or Quest bar. The body just can't replace that much energy that fast without some help from fast sugars to maintain muscle and blood sugar balance.

    Yes, it does end up being very healthy, but even if you don't buy into the whole 'Paleo' idea, you are cutting most if not all of the foods that are very fast-digesting and high calorie in one fell swoop. It's a simple to use method that allows you to eat a lot of delicious food while constraining your caloric intake. It takes some adjustment, but I really don't have a craving for bread or potato or beer now. It's still yummy in small doses on the occasional (monthly) minor cheat day, but after you've broken the habit you don't really miss it. When we have really broken from it (on a cruise, all-day meeting with pizza lunch served, etc.) that food beats me up so bad on the inside that I just can't wait to eat goods meats and veggies again.

    As bonus I had a big egg, egg white, onion, pepper, chicken sausage, cheddar cheese Frittata with a side of bacon yesterday... and I was obeying my diet to a T.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    BTW, just wanted to add, in these 17 days since we've been doing this, i have NOT COUNTED CALORIES ONE SINGLE DAY. i have managed to lse 8 lbs. in this timeframe. never logged one single meal or even my exercise into MFP. i can't believe i can lose without managing and obsessing over my food. i eat when i'm hungry (my appetite has decreased drastically) and stop when i'm full. it's SUPER EASY.

    I have no idea what this form of eating is, but I've been reading comments in the forums for years (this is a new account for me). What you said above is very interesting.

    my husband and i started a few weeks ago by wanting to try the JJ Virgin diet, then as we got into it, i started doing more research and came across paleo. we modified a few things (such as we are not eating eggs right now) but the part about not counting calories come from the JJ Virgin diet. you eliminate:
    1. soy
    2. peanuts
    3. gluten
    4. dairy
    5. sugar
    6. eggs
    7. corn
    for 3 weeks, then introduce one of the above each week to see how your body reacts. once we found paleo, we kind of kept some of each of the ideas. JJ virgin's advice is to not count calories. she said just eliminate these foods and watch your body work. (exercise is important to me, i am an avid gym-aholic. LOL) anyway, we are not to the point of re-introducing foods yet, and not sure we really will on a full-time basis. its MUCh easier than i anticipated, and we feel great and my husband has lost 17 lbs. (he has alot more to lose than i do, which i think is why he has dropped so much)

    *edited to add a bit

    You're losing weight because you're eating less due to the amount of protein you consume, which is known to keep you full. It's basically atkins rehashed with a new name, low carb, high protein.
  • GustavJL
    Today I want to give you some basic concepts to keep in mind in thinking about how and what you eat. They are discussing meat, fruit and vegetables fresh produce, seasonal foods, compost, packaging and engineered foods........ Read some more interesting articles here:
  • shannashannabobana
    You're losing weight because you're eating less due to the amount of protein you consume, which is known to keep you full. It's basically atkins rehashed with a new name, low carb, high protein.
    It's not as restrictive as Atkins as far as carbs are concerned, at least primal. Whole30 is very restrictive but it's meant to be short lived, paleo in general is just eating whole foods - mostly meats fruits veggies with some natural fats.
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    BTW, just wanted to add, in these 17 days since we've been doing this, i have NOT COUNTED CALORIES ONE SINGLE DAY. i have managed to lse 8 lbs. in this timeframe. never logged one single meal or even my exercise into MFP. i can't believe i can lose without managing and obsessing over my food. i eat when i'm hungry (my appetite has decreased drastically) and stop when i'm full. it's SUPER EASY.

    I have no idea what this form of eating is, but I've been reading comments in the forums for years (this is a new account for me). What you said above is very interesting.

    my husband and i started a few weeks ago by wanting to try the JJ Virgin diet, then as we got into it, i started doing more research and came across paleo. we modified a few things (such as we are not eating eggs right now) but the part about not counting calories come from the JJ Virgin diet. you eliminate:
    1. soy
    2. peanuts
    3. gluten
    4. dairy
    5. sugar
    6. eggs
    7. corn
    for 3 weeks, then introduce one of the above each week to see how your body reacts. once we found paleo, we kind of kept some of each of the ideas. JJ virgin's advice is to not count calories. she said just eliminate these foods and watch your body work. (exercise is important to me, i am an avid gym-aholic. LOL) anyway, we are not to the point of re-introducing foods yet, and not sure we really will on a full-time basis. its MUCh easier than i anticipated, and we feel great and my husband has lost 17 lbs. (he has alot more to lose than i do, which i think is why he has dropped so much)

    *edited to add a bit

    You're losing weight because you're eating less due to the amount of protein you consume, which is known to keep you full. It's basically atkins rehashed with a new name, low carb, high protein.

    that's not true at all. i am eating far more since we started. my appetite has decreased, but overall, the AMOUNT of foods i am eating has drastically increased as compared to when i was calorie counting and just eating Lean Cuisine and other ways of cutting caloires.
  • swim_bike_run
    I did paleo for the first half of this year after a cancer scare and severe anemia. I didn't lose any weight on it (for those looking to lose weight), but it sure did reshape the way I eat. I used to cook very little. I rarely eat out now and cook at home most of the time. And the food is good - my family is constantly amazed at the healthy concoctions I come up with and it's truly thanks to being on that "plan" for 6 months and having to learn how to cook real WHOLE food. It also taught me a lot of creative and healthier substitutions in cooking I never would have known about.

    I ended up going off paleo after having my BF tested. I'm an endurance athlete (Ironman triathlete and marathoner) and although I look very slim, my body fat was higher than I thought it would be. In an effort to lean out, my nutritionist cut out a lot of the paleo friendly options I ate every day (most nuts are a no no for me right now and a lot of the meat i was eating wasn't lean enough). It didn't make me fat - don't get me wrong - but it didn't help my body composition either. And the bottom line is, for me, i need more carbs in my diet to do the type of training i do for the distances I compete at. I know there's successful paleo marathoners and Ironmen out there - it just didn't work for me when training picked up. I was hungry all the time and bonked a lot on long bikes. But it did spark a huge lifestyle change for me in the kitchen and for that i am grateful:)
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    BTW, just wanted to add, in these 17 days since we've been doing this, i have NOT COUNTED CALORIES ONE SINGLE DAY. i have managed to lse 8 lbs. in this timeframe. never logged one single meal or even my exercise into MFP. i can't believe i can lose without managing and obsessing over my food. i eat when i'm hungry (my appetite has decreased drastically) and stop when i'm full. it's SUPER EASY.

    I have no idea what this form of eating is, but I've been reading comments in the forums for years (this is a new account for me). What you said above is very interesting.

    my husband and i started a few weeks ago by wanting to try the JJ Virgin diet, then as we got into it, i started doing more research and came across paleo. we modified a few things (such as we are not eating eggs right now) but the part about not counting calories come from the JJ Virgin diet. you eliminate:
    1. soy
    2. peanuts
    3. gluten
    4. dairy
    5. sugar
    6. eggs
    7. corn
    for 3 weeks, then introduce one of the above each week to see how your body reacts. once we found paleo, we kind of kept some of each of the ideas. JJ virgin's advice is to not count calories. she said just eliminate these foods and watch your body work. (exercise is important to me, i am an avid gym-aholic. LOL) anyway, we are not to the point of re-introducing foods yet, and not sure we really will on a full-time basis. its MUCh easier than i anticipated, and we feel great and my husband has lost 17 lbs. (he has alot more to lose than i do, which i think is why he has dropped so much)

    *edited to add a bit

    You're losing weight because you're eating less due to the amount of protein you consume, which is known to keep you full. It's basically atkins rehashed with a new name, low carb, high protein.

    that's not true at all. i am eating far more since we started. my appetite has decreased, but overall, the AMOUNT of foods i am eating has drastically increased as compared to when i was calorie counting and just eating Lean Cuisine and other ways of cutting caloires.


    I eat significantly more now compared to what I consumed before changing; it's just food that's better for me. When I was looking to lose weight (now looking to gain with being pregnant again), I lost over 40 pounds and was able to maintain my goal weight easily.

    OP, I personally did cold turkey when I did the change. I did the Whole30 to see whether it was something I wanted to continue and after the first week, I noticed significant improvements and I knew I would continue. I tried the "going slow" thing and it was disasterous. I either had to commit to it completely...or not at all.
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member

    OP, I personally did cold turkey when I did the change. I did the Whole30 to see whether it was something I wanted to continue and after the first week, I noticed significant improvements and I knew I would continue. I tried the "going slow" thing and it was disasterous. I either had to commit to it completely...or not at all.

    i quit cold/turkey, too. much easier for me, and i could see results vs. just taking it slowly and not being sure what was making me feel better :smile:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    My paleo experience:

    Did it for about 18 months. There was, as with pretty much any diet, that immediate two week weight loss. That was great, but I very quickly plateaued. Turns out I love paleo food too much, and was, plainly and simply, eating too much "clean" food. I put in strict caloric restrictions and voila, weight started coming off again.

    Eventually I plateaued again. But this time at an intake level that just couldn't be reduced anymore. The only alternative was to increase daily caloric expenditure (ie add lots of exercise), but that was proving extremely difficult while fuelling on low carb paleo.

    So I hit the reset button. Dumped paleo, added back carbs in place of fat, upped daily intake by about 30%, and added lots of exercise (weights and cardio). Took about 4 weeks for my body to adjust, but it did adjust. Now I'm fitter than ever and the weight is falling off again.

    Bottom line: there is nothing "wrong" with paleo, but it sure isn't a magic bullet. If you eat at caloric excess, you will gain weight, and it is quite easy to eat to excess on a diet (yes, it *is* a diet) that worships at the altar of Bacon.
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    My paleo experience:

    Did it for about 18 months. There was, as with pretty much any diet, that immediate two week weight loss. That was great, but I very quickly plateaued. Turns out I love paleo food too much, and was, plainly and simply, eating too much "clean" food. I put in strict caloric restrictions and voila, weight started coming off again.

    Eventually I plateaued again. But this time at an intake level that just couldn't be reduced anymore. The only alternative was to increase daily caloric expenditure (ie add lots of exercise), but that was proving extremely difficult while fuelling on low carb paleo.

    So I hit the reset button. Dumped paleo, added back carbs in place of fat, upped daily intake by about 30%, and added lots of exercise (weights and cardio). Took about 4 weeks for my body to adjust, but it did adjust. Now I'm fitter than ever and the weight is falling off again.

    Bottom line: there is nothing "wrong" with paleo, but it sure isn't a magic bullet. If you eat at caloric excess, you will gain weight, and it is quite easy to eat to excess on a diet (yes, it *is* a diet) that worships at the altar of Bacon.

    i haven't eaten bacon once on this "diet"
    bacon has sugar in it, and i don't eat sugar (when added, of course i eat naturally occurring sugars)
    i don't think it is the end-all and be-all to everything. but i was an insomniac, now i sleep through the night. i have several mental health issues, which are clearing up - i know i won't ever be "cured" but overall, i can already see positive changes in just these few weeks. i honestly do not consider it a diet. it's a lifestyle. i have friends who live by weight watchers, and they have been doing it for about 10 years. they maintain their weight and NEVER stop using the WW lifestyle. for many, WW might be a diet, but for those i know who do it, it is a lifestyle. i think anything can be thrown into the fad category. it's all in the individuals perspective.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    i think anything can be thrown into the fad category. it's all in the individuals perspective.

    Yep. Completely agree with that.
  • db1178

    Here is all you need to know about Paleo. Do it and start appreciating your food. It may sound corny, but start becoming one with nature.
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    Due to 10000 years of intensive farming and selective crop breeding, step one is get a time machine.
    You'll then have to decide which part of the planet you would like to live with it's very restricted sources to provide you with your diet.

    I'm all for eating more fresh, less processed 'whole' foods. Especially more vegetables. Just don't call it paleo. It makes it look like you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

    THIS. A million times, THIS
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    The paleo diet is just a fad - but it is more than that. You lose weight by making yourself ill. Meat has hormones added, antibiotics and cholesterol. Paleolithic man did not survive on a diet of fatty meats and eggs - he ate whatever he could get and this included lots of roots, berries and fruits. He spent most of his time running away from meat. You have to subsist on starches. The Asians do not get fat eating rice and the Columbians do not get fat on potatoes. The elephant grows quite nicely on thorns and trees and never goes into a supermarket - and does not get fat

    Do not go on a selective diet which removes your diversity of choice. The best way to go is avoiding processed foods and chemical sweeteners, restricting fats and oils, reducing dairy to the minimum and eating starches, fruits and vegetables. This way the body gets healed whilst you lose weight. Don't take my word for it - Look up J McDougall MD and start to read the truth. It is free. Don't get suckered into the paleo myth
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    check out for some super serious paleo-inspired eats. That site has some really incredible recipes on there, even if you aren't necessarily buying into the whole Paleo way of life. Mmmm
  • db1178
    The paleo diet is just a fad - but it is more than that. You lose weight by making yourself ill. Meat has hormones added, antibiotics and cholesterol.

  • kzjohns
    kzjohns Posts: 2 Member
    Turning Paleo has been the best thing I have ever done. I've managed to drop over 16 kgs easily with more falling off each week.. I have more energy than ever before.. I don't get crazy sugar highs and crashes every day.. I am full.. sleep well and happy.. Fad - no fad.. its worked for me for the past 8 months and I'll never look back :)
  • db1178
    Turning Paleo has been the best thing I have ever done. I've managed to drop over 16 kgs easily with more falling off each week.. I have more energy than ever before.. I don't get crazy sugar highs and crashes every day.. I am full.. sleep well and happy.. Fad - no fad.. its worked for me for the past 8 months and I'll never look back :)

    Must be all that meat making you ill......:huh: