Are carbs really that bad?

I spent some time looking at my diary today, and I eat a "lot" of carbs almost every day. I tend to eat either whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, or the "garden variety" pasta at dinner each night. My protein bars have a lot of carbs, as do my Herbalife shakes. I've still lost weight doing this, and aside from feeling maybe a little bloated (depending on how much sodium is in my "carb-y" items) I've been fine during my weight loss journey.

Does anyone else eat relatively carb-heavy with no significant issues? I guess I just don't understand all the carb-shaming that happens. I recognize that some people have to eat low carb due to medical issues, but if those issues aren't present, what's the big deal? Just curious about everyone's opinion on this. :smile:


  • In the diet world there always seems to be the need to find the "enemy". A lot of people try to demonize fat, carbs, protein, etc. Lately it seems that a lot of people are making a big fuss about sugar. yada yada. IMO carbs are good and yummy lol. I can't do low carb because I have hypoglycemia and I need carbs to raise my blood sugar into the normal range. I tend to eat about 100-200g of carbs a day. I usually go by how I feel and can definitely tell when I need carbs. If you are losing then you are doing something right :) What I focus on is eating at a deficit and this includes a balanced diet consisting of everything in moderation. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • britelite3169
    britelite3169 Posts: 18 Member
    Everything has its place. Just moderate..My friend will not eat carbs at all and swears by it. I just think its unhealthy but it works for him so who am I to say??
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Carbs are definitely NOT bad. You seem to have a handle on it and are staying away from the refined stuff with little to offer.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Carbs aren't the devil...they're just a macro-nutrient. That said, most people who have more of a "standard American diet" could stand to cut those carbs back some as the SAD tends to be generally high in refined/highly processed carbs and added sugars.

    Another issue is that overweight individuals can be insulin sensitive, even if they're not full blown resistant...this makes losing weight more challenging. Also, rather sedentary individuals can substantially benefit from a lower carb diet as they simply don't move enough to burn through those individuals don't really need to worry about it so much. Also, increasing activity can help in RE to insulin sensitivity, etc.

    My advice is to generally eat a well balanced diet...make sure you're getting your requisite protein and healthy fats as well as you vitamins and minerals through food. If your carb intake is interfering with any of that then it's probably too many carbs and you need to balance things out.
  • I'm so naive. Thought on Atkins dieters were carb haters.
  • MarioLozano16
    MarioLozano16 Posts: 319 Member
    Carbs are the bodies main energy source
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Short answer? No.
    Long answer? noooooooope.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I'm on 70+% carbs every day. No they are not bad. :-)
  • Do what works for you. I do a low carb because once I start, I can't stop! But I do eat fruit - not all carbs are "bad" Just the processed crap!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Carbs aren't the devil...they're just a macro-nutrient. That said, most people who have more of a "standard American diet" could stand to cut those carbs back some as the SAD tends to be generally high in refined/highly processed carbs and added sugars.

    Another issue is that overweight individuals can be insulin sensitive, even if they're not full blown resistant...this makes losing weight more challenging. Also, rather sedentary individuals can substantially benefit from a lower carb diet as they simply don't move enough to burn through those individuals don't really need to worry about it so much. Also, increasing activity can help in RE to insulin sensitivity, etc.

    My advice is to generally eat a well balanced diet...make sure you're getting your requisite protein and healthy fats as well as you vitamins and minerals through food. If your carb intake is interfering with any of that then it's probably too many carbs and you need to balance things out.

  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Carbs are only bad in excess. I don't like it when people try to totally cut something out of their meal plans. To be honest, it is just setting them up for failure in the end. If you are losing weight, continue with what has worked best for you. Good luck on your journey and you are looking great!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    yes they are!!

    don't eat them!! LOL

    totally kidding by the way =)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Carbs are awesome.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I spent some time looking at my diary today, and I eat a "lot" of carbs almost every day. I tend to eat either whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, or the "garden variety" pasta at dinner each night. My protein bars have a lot of carbs, as do my Herbalife shakes. I've still lost weight doing this, and aside from feeling maybe a little bloated (depending on how much sodium is in my "carb-y" items) I've been fine during my weight loss journey.

    Does anyone else eat relatively carb-heavy with no significant issues? I guess I just don't understand all the carb-shaming that happens. I recognize that some people have to eat low carb due to medical issues, but if those issues aren't present, what's the big deal? Just curious about everyone's opinion on this. :smile:

    I try not to eat a load of sugar, but I think there are tremendously good vitamins and fiber in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, so I don't sweat it. I lost 90 pounds several years ago doing a low carb diet, but I had a definite "Diet" mindset due to the restrictive nature of it and I kept none off. I've lost 131 this time and I don't really have a diet mindset. This is just how I eat now.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    Looked into it today, and I'm not vouching for it's accuracy but I read that as long as you eat 100-150 grams of carbs a day, you are actually eating a "Low Carb Diet." I glanced at your diary and your goal is 177.. it's not that big of a stretch from 150 to 177, I would say you're actually moderately low on your carb consumption and wouldn't worry about it.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I can't handle carbs :blushing: , neither can 3 out of the 4 people in my immediate family. However, the 4th of us, thrives on them. We're all a little different and genetics plays a big part.

    I say, if it works for you, keep at it...if not, work on it :drinker:

    Speaking for myself, I'm definitely bitter about following a healthy diet that included 'healthy whole grains' (thank you USDA) for so long, only to find out that I'm one of the people who doesn't do well on them to the tune of IR and finally T2D.

    Once upon a time we both (DH & I) having heard all the hype about Atkins and carb restriction & thought it was a load of BS...everything in moderation etc. :blushing: Come to find out that Diabetes isn't brought on by a poor diet & sedentary lifestyle (neither of which applied to me) as I always heard, but genetics plays the main role in whether or not you will develop it.

    The shame of becoming diabetic (because people thought, and still think that it's brought on by sloth) kept all the people in my family from telling each other and so I had NO IDEA my risk was so high that it was only a matter of time. :frown:

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I wish I hadn't dismissed the idea of carb restriction in the first place and questioned more, rather than listening to sound bites.:ohwell:
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    IMO - carbs are not bad...finding the balance is the key.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I don't even track carbs. My diary displays fat, protein, fiber, and sodium.

    I set my fat and protein goals at the low end of the recommended ranges (0.3g/lb of body weight for fat and 0.8g/lb of lean body mass for protein), which then gives me a bare minimum of what what I want to achieve and allows some wiggle room when/if I earn exercise calories that increase those macros. I consider fat and calories to be goals to hit, protein and fiber to be goals to exceed (though I rarely do on protein...le sigh, working on it), and sodium to be a max.

    I rely on my food choices to do the rest. I try to stick to complex carbs/fruit when I eat them, and try to stick to poly- or mono-unsaturated fats. It's not all or nothing, by any means, just a general mentality focused on making smarter choices - ones that will provide more micronutrients, more health benefits, and keep me fuller and more satisfied. But you bet your bippy I have a bagel or a bowl of ice cream sometimes, lol.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Carbs are delicious. You just got to make the distinction between 'good' and 'bad' carbs (whole grains vs white processed stuff, refined sugars vs fruit sugar etc).

    The main thing really is that MFP's default setting for carbs is too high. It's better to eat more protein and less carbs.