My tips for staying motivated...

I'm not on the boards much but I stopped in today and was reading some of the posts and what I saw a lot of was people having their motivation fade in and out. That is so common and sometimes it can be hard to bounce back.

I find it's much easier to stay motivated when I give myself mini goals. I'm not talking "I'm gonna lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks" kinda crap but real honest to goodness do-able mini goals.

I started my new lifestyle on January 1, 2013 in a size 18-20 and/or 2X top. My first mini-goal was to be able to walk one mile within one month. DONE! My next mini goal was to be able to walk on the treadmill at a pretty good clip for 30 minutes without stopping. DONE! From January to April, I had the flu twice and two different versions of stomach viruses and a cold. It was so hard that I would cry myself to sleep at night out of pure frustration. But still I pushed through...

My next one was to be in a size 14 by the end of the school year in June. DONE! I'm a school bus driver and have the summer off although I did work another part time driving job for a couple months that really screwed up my eating times but I fought through it and met my next mini goal of being in a size 12 by our driver meeting in mid august. I also had another mini goal to be able to run a 5K (3.106 miles) by the end of the summer which I met last Thursday and was so happy that I actually cried on the treadmill when I hit 3 miles... and I ran the whole thing.

With each mini goal successfully met, I gained more confidence in myself. I didn't put huge expectations on myself. I love to eat so I do but I make healthier decisions and I work out 5 times a week.

I'm at 30 pounds lost, fit in a 12 and see no stopping anytime soon. The mini-goal I'm working on now is to be a size 10 by January 1, 2014. I have no question in my mind that I will make it. It will just take time.

When I initially started out this journey, my weight was 234. My goal weight was 160. I'm 5' 9". I've never been below a size 10 at my absolute skinniest weighing 147. I still haven't broken 200 (currently 204) and I'm in a 12... soooooo I can only assume that the workouts are tightening me up to where when I hit 160, I could be a size 8? 6? Who knows?

I may not have to go as low as 160 to hit my goal. I might look fantastic at 170... LOL (Rolling eyes)

But the most important thing I can honestly say about this journey is this... last year when I went to my work physical in August my blood pressure was 145 over 101

When I went two weeks ago for my physical, it was 108 over 70. That means that my inside is healthier, my heart is not experiencing strain when I exercise and I am doing something right!! LOL

Find what motivates you. Make mini goals that are doable and do something every day to work towards that goal. It makes it fun, challenging and rewarding. Also don't rely on the scale to be your only means of measuring success. I always go by how my clothes feel more than anything. Like I said, I've lost 30 so far. I have never felt deprived or sad or like I was missing out on anything. I log all of my food even when I go over calories, I keep myself accountable and I am honest with myself. (Plus there's nothing like jumping on that scale first thing in the morning and when it doesn't say what you want takes all of your self-confidence away... what a way to start the morning on a negative note!!)

Hugs to you and the best of luck always!!!!!

We can do it! :)

Do something today that your future self will thank you for!


  • ikrissyt
    ikrissyt Posts: 28 Member
    Congrats on all of your accomplished goals!
    This is really great adivce. I feel like people set too big of goals and get disappointed in the end. Creating little goals helps keep me motivated for sure!
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you... it hasn't been easy. I just hate to see others struggle. I'm not perfect but these are some of the things I've done to keep me going. :)
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Bump :-)
  • abtsdiet
    abtsdiet Posts: 39 Member
    Wow! Way to go. I don't know you...but I'm proud of you!

    I still need to drop 15 pounds and I'm a little down on myself. I like your mini-goal idea.
    I'm going to give that a try.
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    Good luck to you! :-)